Showing posts with label Luba. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Luba. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hugh Tracey - Musical Instruments - 3 - Drums

Hugh Tracy - The Music of Africa Series
Musical Instruments - 3 - Drums
Kaleidophone - KMA 3 - P.1972

Side A

A01 Enkoito - Haya - 1'35
A02 Mambala - Luba - 2'07
A03 Fwanda-fwanda - Lala - 1'36
A04 Manyanga - Nyamwezi - 1'20
A05 Ngororombe - Sena-Tonga - 3'49
A06 Royal Drums of the Omwami of Rwanda
A07 Royal Drums of the Omwami of Rwanda - Tutsi - 4'33

Side B

B01 Drum message, calling people to come - Kanyoka - 1'07
B02 Three drum signals - Mangbele - 1'53
B03 Kwebemera Omukana (Drums for a royal occasion) - Nyoro - 1'12
B04 Mitamba yalagala kumchuzi - Zaramo - 0'40
B05 Kyuma - Ganda - 1'35
B06 Likhuba - Manganja - 1'10
B07 Congo Bereji - Yogo - 2'14
B08 Nadu - Medje - 2'00
B09 Yando - Buudu - 1'49
B10 Manyanga - Nyamwezi - 2'20

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Hugh Tracey - Musical Instruments - 2 - Reeds (Mbira)

Hugh Tracey - The Music of Africa Series
Musical Instruments - 2 - Reeds (Mbira)
Kaleidophone - KMA 2 - P.1972

Side A

Pentatonic Instruments

A01 Kyonda ali mugenyi (The careful father) Nyoro - 1'24
A02 Maganga kalila zanwelo (Manganga wishes you luck) Gogo - 1'04
A03 Dylowe dyambule kabanda (The ant carries a load) Luba - 1'24
A04 Ndiri - Alur - 1'26
A05 Kiriyo (A woman is wonderful) - Soga 2'07

Hexatonic Instruments

A06 Detyetye kusheka (To laugh) Ndau - 3'34
A07 Hondoro (Hondoro, soul) Ndau - 1'18
A08 Meki, ye Meki woye (Meki has lost something) Ndau - 2'44
A09 Mwadzi itira (He did it himself) Ndau - 1'33
A10 Kemai - Luba - 1'25

Side B

B01 Bata wasungu mulundu - Lala - 1'50
B02 Harusi (Wedding tune) Nyamwezi -1'21
B03 Bidera - Venda - 1'18
B04 Magonde (Song for the Chief) Njanja - 1'37
B05 Gororombe yawakuru (The Gororombe dance of the elders) Karanga - 1'29
B06 Sitima senda namoto (The train goes with fire) Mbunda - 2'24
B07 Tambuka nalikishi (The mask dance) Mbunda - 1'51
B08 Muzeze (Prisoner, dance the Muzeze) Binza - 1'56
B09 Nemangolia - Medje - 1'14
B10 Dzoli - Medje - 1'45

This LP has the same contents as the K7 recently posted by the good Stefan at the Worldservice blog here. I have not checked that carefully, like track times and such, but all the tracks seem to match and the order is the same so I assume they are identical edits as well. This particular series on Kaleidophone consisted of 10 LP's and I will post all of the others here and also some more individual volumes from earlier series on Decca and Gallotone but I only have random numbers from those catalogue.