Showing posts with label Overwhelmed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Overwhelmed. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Day 2 of Dr. Seuss

Sooooooo many of you may be wondering WHY my kids are dressed up for "Dr. Seuss Day" AGAIN!?!? Well, I'm glad you asked! I will tell you! I was MOTHER-OF-THE-YEAR, yesterday, for an #epicfail.  I sent my twinsies to school, ONE DAY EARLY, dressed up for Dr. Seuss Day.  This was yesterday! Yes, they looked ADORABLE, but they had to suffer through an entire day of school dressed wacky! Their peers were very gracious to them though.  Shew!
 So, we are trying it again TODAY!
My dear friend Amber Shelor asked, "How did you pull that off so fast?"  Well, back in 2013, the twins had a Cat In The Hat Party and these adorable outfits were purchased, for them, to wear to their party! Surprisingly, my children have NOT grown much (2 years later).  I am so glad they fit.  Where did they come from?  ETSY!!!
 As a joke, I made up this Dr. Seuss sounding quote, roasting myself: "Moms make mistakes! They do, they do! Especially moms of twins for Thing 1 and Thing 2."
Another EPIC fail, apparently it didn't HAVE to be Dr. Seuss characters.  It could be ANY of your favorite story book characters.  #mybrainistotallyoverloaded and #constantly
 Better early than late, right? Well, today, we are RIGHT ON TIME.
I don't know if you can tell, but their hair was painted blue too!!!!! I LOVE their willingness to be FUN!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Christmas in May?!?!?!?!

My mom has always told me that my "love language" is gift giving.  I have truly been this way  as far back as I can remember.  I think it started with those elementary school Christmas "shops".  I always had a LIST of people to spend my allowance on.
Check out my buffet table.  AND this photo does NOT include all the gifts.
If you believe you MAY BE a recipient, DO NOT LOOK too closely, JODY.
This week I have a TON of people to shower with gifts.

May 7th -   Presley's Birthday
May 9th -   Jody's (BFF) Birthday
May 10th - Teacher Appreciation
May 11th - Tyson's Birthday
May 11th - Sister's Graduation! 
May 12th - Mothers Day! 
May 12th - Lisa's (BFF) Birthday

I have NOT read up on "love languages" at all.  If you click on the link above you can read up on the description of the 5 love languages below.  I think you can also take a test to find out what your "love language" is.  I hope this isn't synonymous to let's say a horoscope because I do NOT believe in that, nor am I a superstitious person.  If anything, it's just FUN to see where you fit in to these categories.

1.  Words of Affirmation
2.  Quality Time

3.  Gifts: (description below)
Don’t mistake this love language for materialism; the receiver of gifts thrives on the love, thoughtfulness, and effort behind the gift. If you speak this language, the perfect gift or gesture shows that you are known, you are cared for, and you are prized above whatever was sacrificed to bring the gift to you. A missed birthday, anniversary, or a hasty, thoughtless gift would be disastrous—so would the absence of everyday gestures.*

Almost everything ever written on the subject of love indicates that at the heart of love is the spirit of giving. All five love languages challenge us to give to our spouse, but for some, receiving gifts, visible symbols of love, speaks the loudest. A gift is something you can hold in your hand and say, “Look, he was thinking of me,” or, “She remembered me.” A gift is a symbol of that thought. Gifts come in all sizes, colours and shapes. Some are expensive and others are free. To the individual whose primary love language is receiving gifts, the cost will matter little. 

There is also an intangible gift that can speak more loudly than something that can be held in one’s hand. Physical presence in the time of crisis is the most powerful gift you can give. Your body becomes the symbol of your love.
If this is your partner’s love language: Keep a “gift idea” notebook. Every time you hear your spouse say, “I really like that,” write it down. Select gifts you feel comfortable purchasing, making or finding, and don’t wait for a special occasion. Becoming a proficient gift giver is an easy language to learn.

4.  Acts of Service
5.  Physical Touch

As my momma always said, "It's better to give, than to receive."  I think so too!

Feels like Christmas in May!!! And my check book certainly feels that way too :)

Friday, February 8, 2013


A random, yet beautiful surprise,
For a week filled with tears.

"Friends are like flowers, they brighten your day!" 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

He's Teaching Me...

This week has definitely been a difficult week.  I'm a little glad to see it's almost over.  Surprisingly, it wasn't my kids.  Rarely, is it ever my husband (so blessed to have him).  I'm trusting that the Lord is refining me and I choose today to give him THANKS and PRAISE for these difficult moments.  

I want to worship Him the way He deserves to be worshiped. Having trouble worshiping? You're not alone.  Sometimes self-pity or anger or doubt cause me to not worship either, but then, my great God disciplines me and shows me that worshiping Him brings me away from all of those emotions.  

Here are 20 good reasons to worship Him...

1.   He forgives my iniquities.
2.   He heals all of my diseases.
3.   He redeems my life from destruction.
4.   He crowns me with lovingkindness.
5.   He satisfies my mouth with good things.
6.   He executes righteousness and justice for the oppressed.
7.   He makes His ways known.
8.   He is merciful.
9.   He is gracious.
10. He is slow to anger.
11. He will not strive with us.
12. He will not keep His anger forever.
13. He does not punish us according to our iniquities.
14. He removes our transgressions from us.
15. He shows great mercy to those who fear Him.
16. He has pity on us.
17. He remembers we are dust.  
18. His mercy is everlasting.
19. He blesses our children and our grandchildren who obey Him.
20. He rules over all and His throne is established.

Psalm 103.

It's in my flesh to be angry, hurt, and disappointed when I am having a tough week.  It's for the LOVE of my God that I turn that into WORSHIP, THANKFULNESS, and GRATITUDE and I can trust He is doing this for my good.

I covet your prayers for my silent prayer requests this week.  

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


So around 4:00 pm yesterday, I had the following:

*Dinner in the over (mmmm homemade buffalo chicken potato skins)
*A showered body, but an unpainted face aka make-up
*(3) Children in the bath
*A football banquet to prepare for

Everything was running so smoothly.  Dinner was cooking.  I bribed the three kids to get in the bath with popsicles.  The cupcakes were purchased.  And I was just about to sit down to paint my face, when all of the sudden, I hear...

"Lilah, don't put that in your mouth.  That was in Jax's butt."  (Tyson)

HUH?!?!?!?!?!?!?!  I rushed in to the bathroom to find Lilah puking her guts out.  Over and over and over again.  I guess the mere thought of something FIRST near Jax's butt (in or on is still yet to be determined) AND THEN in her mouth caused her to mentally AND physically get ill.  The vomit was out of control.  She must have thrown up about 10 times... NO LIE.  I left her in there to throw up while I threatened Tyson as he began gagging.  LOL!  He kept gagging and all of the sudden he also threw up EVERYWHERE.  Fortunately, it was on tile, but STILLLLLL!  It was so disgusting.  Darren and I were cleaning up and unclogging a bathtub filled with whole grapes from the morning's breakfast.  

There is NEVER a dull moment with kids :)

We made it to the banquet on time (first one's to arrive actually... is that a surprise?!?!)

This is what was found AFTER the tub FINALLY drained.
What an utter mess!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Deva Curl Experience Of A Lifetime.

A few months back, I had one of those amazing moments of just "being in the right place at the right time". I believe it was back in April. I was at my whits end with my hair. I recall leaving the Fresh Market and walking into Les Cheveux Hair Salon. It always looks like a busy, hip hoppin place. So I made an appointment to get my hair cut. I thought I would do something drastic... haha, yeah right. Who am I kidding? I vividly remember Darren saying, the morning of my haircut, "You better come home looking different!" I don't think he really meant that in a way that revealed dissatisfaction in the appearance of my hair, but rather, he knew how much I was dissatisfied and he wanted me to be happy.

My hair BEFORE Deva Curl Cut & Style.
I dropped the twins off at school and arrived to my appointment 15 minutes early. I was so anxious. My hair dresser was "running late" because she was in a "Deva Curl" training session. I had no idea what that was or what it meant, but after finding out that it was every bit of what I needed AND learning that the instructor was flown in from LA to teach Les Cheveux's hair dressers how to perform the cut and the style.... I HAD TO SPEAK UP!
I basically asked the owner if they could use me as a hair model to teach his staff. He politely obliged and sent me down to their training room. The Deva Curl rep from LA spent 5 hours on my hair, which included the cut, "wash", and style. His average hair cut runs anywhere from $150 - $250, just for a hair cut. Oh by the way, I was there so long, Darren had to go pick the twins up from preschool for me. YIKES!

(You can't see it in this picture, but I had over 25 hair dressers witnessing the two hair dressers working on me. It was intense, exciting, and a little embarrassing.)
This was a VERY BIG privilege to have such experienced hands working on ME AND my haircut only cost $35 too!

My hair AFTER the Deva Curl Cut & Style.

(When I pulled in the driveway, Darren ran out with much anticipation. His first words to me were, "Wow! You look beautiful!")

I was in LOVE with the outcome of my 5 hour extravaganza. My curls looked shiny and flawless. Unfortunately, while I loved the cut, I was unable to produce the same outcome with the Deva Curl products, so I returned all $225 worth of product. Needless to say, anything can look this good after spending 5 hours on it. I, obviously, am lucky to be able to spend 30 minutes on my hair per day, if that.

Since this experience, Deva Curl has really become popular amongst those I attend church with. It's funny, once someone does something, everyone then gives it a whirl. This might have just simply been a coincidence. I'm certainly no trend setter.

So... why have I waited this long to post this? WELL.... mostly because I do not normally make posts on my blog about ME personally. It just feels weird talking about ME! I don't mind sharing things about my kids, my friends, my family, or my husband, but not me. BUT... I am once again DISSATISFIED with my hair and I have begun doing MOUNDS of research on techniques, products, water temperature, etc. and I will be doing a 6 week before and after experiment on my hair. Most people could care less about this, but I am hoping to help others who have the same curly mess as me!!!!!

Please feel free to leave your comments, suggestions, thoughts, opinions and more importantly encouraging words. Don't be offended if I ignore them. LOL! The truth is, unless you are walking in my shoes, you simply have no idea how "involved" my hair really is. God has definitely blessed me with a full head of hair and I am thankful, but I am still learning how to handle it... 35 years later.

Be on the look out for documentation of WEEK 1, probably tomorrow.

Saturday, July 14, 2012


This is what happens when an unexpected storm shuts your power out for 5 days. It leaves you EMPTY!!!!!!! We threw out several hundred dollars worth of food and condiments. We are hoping our home owner's insurance covers the loss. We are still trying to replenish our food weeks later. It seems like it will take forever, but we are just happy to have our electricity back.

These pictures bring me back to the day our refrigerator/freezer was delivered to us from LOWES... EMPTY!!! :(

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Fun/Funny for just a few hours!

Since Friday night our home has been without power. When the 10 minute storm hit, Jax, my sister, and I were in Kroger. All of the lights went out. It was creepy and exciting, all at the same time, to experience something like that. Upon arriving home, we entered a dark house, lite up with candles.

For a while, it was fun/funny. We knew the lights were out, yet we would still try to use the electricity. For instance, my mother-in-law called and we informed her that we had no electricity. We were telling her about how hot it was and she said, "Well if you all are hot, why don't you just plug in some fans." We all laughed, including her.

In addition, my sister, after 15 hours of being without electricity, asked, "Do you have a blow dryer?" Haha. Um, not one that doesn't require electrcity. Maybe that is something I ought to invent. A battery operated blow dryer.

STILL without power, and possibly no end in sight until Saturday, we are realizing how spoiled and how dependent we really are on electricity. It cools our food, our bodies, it opens our garage doors, it charges our cell phones, and for some, it runs water. Regretfully, we had to throw out almost EVERY SINGLE thing in our freezer/refrigerator. A close friend of ours allowed us to use a section of her freezer and fridge, but most of my food was unsalvageable before we thought to make use of a friend's electricity.

We really lucked out compared to some of our close friends... we have full use of my in-laws home because they are in Myrtle Beach right now. Although we are very thankful to be cool and to have use of their beautiful home, we are really home sick :(

Hanging out in the dark.

We were at Kroger getting the family a late night dessert. I bought 10 mini ice creams for $10.00. Being we had NO IDEA how long our power would be out, the ice cream had to be eaten. I told the kids, "It's your lucky day. You can have TWO ice creams tonight."

Darren still had battery life on his cell phone, so he went inside to text around, seeing who else didn't have power.

We went outside, to enjoy the fresh, cool air. It was so interesting to witness dry lightening. Although powerful, we were amazed and in awe of it. Whitney and the kids made some funny faces to help pass the time/make light of this situation.
Lilah's "silly" face.
Jax's "funny face".
Tyson's "goofy" face.

This storm is a REMINDER of the powerful God we serve. We are weak and HE is strong. He has sent that reminder to us. Our level of patience, self-control, and gratitude has only been able to be maintained through prayer and dependence on him during this time especially.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Where have I been?

AHHHHHH!!!!! Do you miss me? Or my posts? IF not, don't say so. LOL! Well, I have missed you and BLOGGING, but sometimes, some thing has gotta give and unfortunately, this week it's been blogging. Where have I been? I'll tell ya...

Camera class, birthday parties, dinner parties, selling bows, listing items on craig's list, redesigning 3 children's bedrooms, returns (legal ones :), small group, MY BIRTHDAY, Church, parent teacher conferences, planning my twins 3rd birthday party, bible study, school carnival, exercising, studying, helping a friend organize her home, and the most time consuming of them all, VALENTINE'S DAY... it has consumed me. I committed to tooooo many detailed projects that are all ready to be delivered TOMORROW at school and Wednesday at church. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Valentine's Day, but NEVER AGAIN will I be this detailed. Oh wait, did I mention I have 3 kids, a hubby and a 4,000 square foot home to take care of TOO! Why I am not 90 pounds is beyond me?!?!?! BUT I AM NOT COMPLAINING!!!!! I AM just stating the fact that I am CONSTANTLY ON THE GO! Thank God for caffeine and energy.

Here's a few photos of the camera class. Be on the look out for TON'S OF posts in the next few days!
Look how professional my love, Ashely, looks!
Saying "cheese" for the camera as I tried out a new setting! She was my "subject".
IF you see Ashely, then you always see a diet coke. AND if you see Kristin and Ashely, then you always see 2 diet cokes. She's such a friend to always grab one for me. Ashely... muah!
These girls aren't playin around! They got busy practicing!
The camera class was held at my neighbor's home (Lisa Dolloph). She hired a professional photographer to come and teach us all about our fancy cameras. I was joined by my friends Ashely and Annamarie. The cost was $35 per person. We learned about ISO, aperture, and F-stop as well as what all of our settings mean and how they operate. If anyone is interested, contact me. I will give you the information so you can hold a class of your own. Lisa, thank you so much for inviting me and my girlfriends. They really felt like this class was a huge help. Is anyone off of "auto" yet? LOL!

IF anyone sees me outside taking pictures of a stuffed animal, please don't have me committed Well, NOT YET at least. The teacher told us to practice using our "new" settings outside with our subject being a stuffed animal because it doesn't move.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Who's that Girl?

Sunday mornings are so hectic in our home. Our church body laughs and jokes about the "holy pavement." You know... you rush around all morning, frustrated, and then as soon as those feet hit the Church pavement everyone puts on a happy smile. LOL!!

Two Sundays ago.... Jax found my make-up bag. OF ALLLLLL mornings!!! He did a pretty good job though, if I must say...... Cute little girl boy!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Update on Tyson's 3 Front Teeth Procedure.

So many of you have been kind enough to check in, on Tyson, to see what the status is since his appointment with the orthopedic surgeon. We feel so blessed to have friends who expressed an interest/concern. Here is goes...

After a L-O-N-G, 2-hour, unsuccessful, and frustrating visit to the orthopedic surgeon, we left without even seeing the surgeon. LONG story (won't bore you with it). Anyway, the surgeon called me and we were able to discuss/consult Tyson's situation in length. Due to the nature of the situation, Tyson also has to see a orthodontist. His appointment is on November 2nd.

The oral surgeon said, "It's possible we will end up having to remove more than 2 teeth. The x-rays show a ton of crowding." Looks like we have a long road ahead of us in the dental world, but we are so thankful that our health insurance appears to cover this procedure. We do NOT have dental insurance but "impacted teeth" are considered a health condition and NOT a dental condition.

Tyson is now aware that he has to have surgery, so don't feel as if you cannot ask us about it in "front" of him (no pun intended)!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

"All I want for Christmas is my 3 Front Teeth"

A few months back, Tyson went to the dentist for routine visit. An x-ray showed that he had an extra tooth up top. Weird, 10 teeth on the bottom, 11 on the top. Dr. Ward said, "We will just keep an eye on it and check him at his next visit." Six months later, we were scheduled for an additional routine cleaning. I almost cancelled the appointment out of laziness. It's never a simple task taking three kids to a dentist office. Something inside me said, "Go!" So I did. Dr. Ward offered to do a free dental x-ray to check up on Tyson's situation. Originally, Dr. Ward told me that Tyson had an extra tooth, but the new X-ray revealed that his extra tooth was actually considered a 3rd front tooth. 3 baby front teeth? WOAH!!!!! After our dentist spoke with an orthopedic surgeon, we were informed that Tyson not only has 3 baby front teeth, but 3 adult front teeth too. We were told that surgery, for Tyson, is not just suggested, but urgent due to the crowding that is taking place. Dr. Ward explained all of the reasons behind why this surgery is necessary and urgent. He followed it up with a lovely, "This isn't just simply getting a tooth pulled. This is a big deal." Tyson will have to get his baby tooth pulled, then they will have to cut his mouth to remove the FIRST grown up tooth, and HOPEFULLY the second grown-up tooth will come out on it's own. If not, an additional surgery will be required for the second grown-up tooth to be pulled to it's necessary position.

We meet with the Dr. Meador (orthopedic surgeon) on Monday, October 10th @ 3:00pm to find out all of the details. Darren is really upset about this. Of course, I am too, but I am in denial about it. We are concerned about him "going under" both the "knife" and receiving anesthesia, missing school, pain as well as pain management, Tyson's general fears and cost being we DO NOT have dental insurance. We would love prayer for all of the above!

If you see Tyson, PLEASE DO NOT MENTION THIS SURGERY to him! We have yet to tell him about the actual confirmation that surgery is required.

Apparently, my father has had 3 entire sets of teeth, so we now know which side of the family this 3rd tooth came from. :(

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Whatever COULD go wrong, DID go wrong!!!!

Last night, While Darren was at the Tech/Clemson game with friends, I took the kids to their favorite store to "shop" and eat... Sam's Club. Upon entering the store, the sales clerk asked to see my club card. I desperately searched for my wallet and quickly realized *I left my wallet* at home. SERIOUSLY!?!?!?!?!?! I drove almost 16 minutes from home and forgot the means by which I could pay for my purchases???? THIS IS NOT HAPPENING! Bound and determined to not have to go home, I asked the sales clerk what my options were.

The sales clerk instructed me to go to customer service so I could get a temporary card. "Shew!" I thought! The solution to my problem. Or so I thought... The line was OUT THE DOOR. Was I missing something? Did Christmas come and go and it just so happened to be the day after Christmas? You know, where everyone rushes to the store to return their unwanted gifts. It certainly seemed that way. I *stood in line for 20 minutes* waiting "patiently" with three kids. While waiting in line, a Sam's Club associate decided to pass out free drinks to test taste. These drinks were NOT provided to us in mouth wash sample cups. *He gave each of my children a 16 ounce FUZE drink.* I tried desperately to convince Lilah to let me help her drink it, but to no end she would repeatedly say, "No! I do it!" It wasn't even 2 minutes and 2 sips in that she failed to sip the drink properly. *The drink poured out all over her.* She's been sick, so every little thing has been setting her off. This set her off AND me. I recall saying aloud, "Serves you right! I told you I would help you but no......" I wasn't hateful, just matter of fact with her. Her little cheeks were filled out, like a hamster preparing for hibernation, with this FUZE drink. It was too much to swallow so...... what can't go down, must come OUT! *And out it came. She was coughing and spitting the remaining BIG GULP all over herself.* The line behind me thought she was puking.

I get my temporary card and head over to the food stand. The kids agreed they wanted pizza. Oh how I should receive the "mother of the year award" for this dinner menu. I stand in that line for 5 minutes or more. I finally get to the register and begin placing my order. As I slowly start to say, "I'll take 2 slices of cheese pizza", the lady says, *"We don't have any cheese pizza left.* It will take 8 minutes at least." What's 8 minutes when I've already been in this store for 45 minutes without accomplishing a thing yet?, I recall thinking. So I said, "That's fine!" I ordered two hot dogs in the mean time and got the crew situated. As Jax prepared to take his first bite, he *fell backwards and busted his head on the table's bench behind him*. He received a golf ball size knot on his head, in the same place he fell playing in the rain a few weeks back. Geez, will that wound ever heal? I finally calm him down, we eat, and we prepare to shop. PS. I forgot my wallet at home, so HOW did I pay for our FOOD? I had my check book. Praise God they take checks. I didn't realize a store even accepts them anymore.

Lilah, "*I have to pee." Mom, "Of course you do!" Jax, "I have to pee too.*" I leave my 6 year old to watch the shopping cart filled with my purse, our coats, our left over food, Lilah's baby etc.... and I bring the twins into the bathroom. Lilah is sitting on the toilet and *smells poop (someone else's poop).* She thinks it's coming from her stall and her toilet bowl, so *she refuses to use the bathroom*. Jax then decided he doesn't need to go, BUT, both kids have now touched everything in the public restroom, so we have to still wash 2 sets of hands. AHHHHH! SERIOUSLY!!!!!! I just want to get food for my house and go HOME.

While shopping, *Jax gets his hands stuck in the shopping cart.* MINOR bump in the road compared to the knot on his head.

We complete our shopping experience. While standing in line to pay, the Bolling kids decide to play "ring around the rosie." And of course what goes along with that song....."WE ALL FALL DOWN". Yup, onto Sam's nasty/dirty floor. Oh well. Bath time is approaching rapidly.

We load our food/toiletries onto the conveyer belt and the cashier says, "You're total is $182.51." I replied, "Great, no problem. I do have to write you a check though okay? I left my entire wallet at home." The cashier was fine with that. I pull out the check book that I used to pay for our $8.00 dinner and was mortified to witness *THERE WERE NO CHECKS LEFT.* Are you FLIPPIN kidding me? Okay, no worries. I have 3 checking accounts. I pull out my next check book and to my TOTAL shock, *that check book had no checks left either.* I forgot I had given my last check to my cleaning lady on Thursday. Okay, praise God for three checking accounts. I pull out my FINAL check book to find that that check book only had 1 check left *BUT IT WAS A STARTER CHECK.* The cashier took it, but then said, "I'll have to see your i.d." HELLLLLLOOOOOOO! I left my wallet at home remember? After holding up the line and explaining all of my drama to the manager, in hopes she'd have compassion on me, she finally let me use the starter check.

We pay. We head towards the doors that lead us outside and guess what happens NEXT? YES, something ELSE actually WENT WRONG. *It started to DOWN POUR rain.* And not in 90 degree weather either. In 45 degree weather. So here I am pushing a heavy cart full of food, with one sick child soaking wet, with one child who has a golf ball knot on his head and bruised fingers, and with one energetic 6 year old (who thinks this cold rain is "awesome"), heading towards my vehicle. The wind was blowing like crazy, Jax was screaming crying because it was so cold, and I was ready to throw my hands up. We find the car and *I cannot find my keys.* It was dark out and my purse wasn't organized like normal. I finally found them though. I put the kids in the car and I open my trunk to put my stuff away and *I find 3 LARGE rubbermaid containers in the back of my van* that I meant to bring to Once Upon A Child. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Where do I put the food???? I had to utilize my entire vehicle to store the food (front, back, sides, and waaaay back!).

I headed to Once Upon A Child around the corner and dropped off the tubs. It was at that moment that *Jax decide he needed to poop.* I left Tyson and Lilah in the car and ran him inside Once Upon A Child to use the bathroom. Once I got back with Jax, guess what happened next? YUP, you got it, *LILAH had to pee.* With twins, things NEVER happen ONCE. They always happen in 2's.


Needless to say, it's moments like these that I swear to never shop with my children again. :)

Monday, August 29, 2011

"Rise and Shine and Give GOD Your Glory, Glory!"

Tyson has inherited his daddy's ipod touch. During the summer he used it to play games, but now, he's got a greater need for it. It's become his rooster alarm clock in the morning. I picked up an ipod alarm clock at Bed, Bath, and Beyond for him and his ipod sits right into it. When the alarm goes off, instead of the annoying alarm sound ringing in his ear, he gets to wake up to our favorite Christian tunes. Last year, I was his alarm clock, but now that he's in first grade, I felt it was a good idea to start making it his responsibility to get himself up. So far, he hasn't slept through ONE alarm.

Tyson has a FULL agenda Monday through Thursday. For a 6 year old, he truly does have a tad more responsibility and pressure than I personally was anticipating. Check it out...

Monday - Thursday
5:50 am: Alarm goes off
7:14 am: Bus arrives
7:50 am: School starts
2:20 pm: School ends
2:45 pm: Bus arrives home
5:30 pm: Leave for Football (Church on Wednesday)
8:15 pm: Ty arrives home from football or church
8:20pm: Ty eats dinner
8:45pm: Ty showers
9:00pm: LIGHTS OUT!

I am doing the best I can to fill his belly with well balanced meals and I am trying to encourage him that rest in not only necessary but enjoyable. Please keep him in your prayers. For anyone who has younger children that are not yet in school, cherish these times with them because once they are in school, the dynamics of your children's lives really change.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Ask your daughter to throw away an old tube of mascara because 10 minutes later, when the house is as quiet as a mouse, you will find this.  No this is NOT chocolate, but black mascara, applied 3 minutes prior to the time we were scheduled to depart for Tyson's first football practice.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Will I ever feel worthy?

Lately, I feel so disconnected. It's amazing how blessed I am, in MORE WAYS THAN 4, and yet I look right passed it. Small trials lately have added up and it's tearing me down little by little. I find myself thinking about how unworthy I am to call myself a Christian. I recognize that no good deed will allow me to gain merit in the Kingdom of Heaven, but it's hard to let that stick. I believe it, but it goes against ALL the ways this world fights for freedom, success, and peace. Our God is so holy, so honorable, so loving, and so worthy of glory that it just feels right to "work your way to Heaven." When I sin or when I fail DAILY, I just feel like throwing in the towel. I'm tired of disappointing my Father. I'm tired of being a witness to others sin as well as my own. I hate it. Different things have transpired this week and I have found myself in a pinch of self-pity. I looked to my family in Christ and they have given me such a great amount of encouragement and not encouragement that comes from their own wisdom, but from the Lord. As I sit here eating lunch alone, I decided to grab the bible and daily devotional book by Max Lucado. The devotional book doesn't have any DATES, so I just scrolled through the pages until I felt lead to STOP and read one. I'm sure ALL OF THE DEVOTIONALS would have really hit home and been so powerful, but I am so grateful for this one...

Let's Talk to Jesus

What do you do when you run out of gas? You don't exhaust your petroleum perhaps, but all of us run out of something. You need kindness, but the gauge is on empty. You need hope, but the needle is in the red. You want five gallons of solutions but can only muster a few drops. When you run out of steam before you run out of day, what do you do? Stare at the gauge? Blame your upbringing? Deny the problem?

NO. Pity won't start the car. Complaints don't fuel an engine. Denial doesn't bump the needle. In the case of an empty tank, we've learned: get the car to a gas pump ASAP.

My first thought when I run out of fuel is, How can I get this car to a gas pump? Your first thought when you have a problem should be, How can I get this problem to Jesus?

Let's get practical. You and your spouse are about to battle it out again. The thunderstorm looms on the horizon. The temperature is dropping, and lightning bolts are flashing. Both of you need patience, but both tanks are empty. What if one of you calls, "Time Out"? What if one of you says, "Let's talk to Jesus before we talk to each other. In fact, let's talk to Jesus until we can talk to each other'?

I just thought this was such an appropriate devotional for me today! I am so thankful that no matter what my deeds are, good or bad, the Lord is not dependent on them. The good deeds are only done in obedience and to glorify His name, and the bad deeds are forgiven, if true, Godly repentance takes place and belief in Jesus Christ has been professed. What a grace it is to know that I'm not technically worthy, none of us are, but through his work on the cross and my acknowledgement of him and repentance, I am HIS and will meet him one day in Heaven.

Today a VERY DEAR FRIEND shared this quote with me, "Don't tell God how big your storm is, but tell your storm how big your God is!" AH, I love that quote. I really do.

Lord, you are the answer to our questions and the solution to our problems. We don't have the wisdom to work through the storms of life, but you do. In your presence we find help and hope and healing, amen.

"They cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and He saved them out of their distresses." Psalm 107:19

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tested & Trialsome Tuesday!

As if 2 funerals (Darren's Uncle Thursday and Grandmother Sunday), a wedding, a passport rejection (will we be able to still go on our 10 year wedding Anniversary trip to the Bahamas?) and one other trial being left unspoken of is NOT enough....

This morning at 4:30 am, Darren heard some pretty intense noises. He had no clue where it was coming from. His thoughts, "No one in the house is up? What the heck is that? What is Kristin doing upstairs? How can a female possibly make that MUCH NOISE?" He heard it for well over 30 minutes, but just couldn't put his finger on it nor did he think to look outside.

After his shower, he walked to Tyson's room, remember Tyson doesn't sleep in his room, looked out his bedroom window and found the culprit of the noise.... A BEAR.
Last night, Darren was proactive in putting the trash out the night before trash pick up. Well, the bears benefited. This is an aerial view of the disaster, taken from Tyson bedroom window.
It honestly looked like a tornado swept through our neighborhood, but ONLY hit our home.
Darren had to clean this ALLLLLL up while I prepared for Tyson's day at school
This picture shows you the distance that the bears drug the trash. Approximately 25 feet. Darren said one of them put his 'fangs' through a bottle of Clorox and threw up next to it. Serves him right.
I guess the bear did NOT like this toy otherwise I guess he would have taken it back to his cubs.
This picture was taken with my LONG distance lens. It was a close up taken from Ty's window. The photos HONESTLY do this chaos NO justice.

After leaving the mess behind, the bears head back to their home across the street from our house. Lesson learned: DO NOT put your trash out the night before.

I can tell that God is testing our household. It will ONLY be by God's Grace that I survive this already LONG week and it's only TUESDAY!

My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” ~2 Corinthians 12:9.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

NO ONE Really Looks As Good As Matthew Mcconaughey, Not Even Matthew Mcconaughey HIMSELF!

As our family prepares to participate in the much anticipated wedding of the year, Kaitlyn & Shawn's, we are experiencing some angst. What will we wear to the rehearsal? Who will watch the kids during the rehearsal dinner? Will Lilah's flower girl shoes arrive in the mail on time? Will my bridesmaids dress fit? Who's wedding attire needs ironing? What time are our hair appointments? Will Lilah sit still and allow the hair dresser to do an updo on her? Will the twins get to nap before the wedding? Will Tyson, Lilah, and Jax actually perform and fulfill their tasks as ring bearers and flower girl? Will my husband remember all of his dance moves during the groomsmen's dance to "Dirty Pop"? All of these things are miniscule compared to the bride and groom's stresses, I am sure, but still, all is relative to each individuals circumstances, right?

Well... HERE IS MY BIGGEST STRESS for this WEDDING, as superficial as it may seem...
How can something so cute be so ugly sometimes?

WILL MY SON'S RUG BURN DISAPPEAR BEFORE HE WALKS DOWN THE AISLE? WILL MAKE-UP COVER IT, IF NOT! Rug burn???? YOU ASK??? Yes. Rug burn ON HIS FACE. On Monday, Tyson asked if he could have some fruit loops. I said "no". Unbeknownst to me, he rubbed his forehead all the way down the hallway because he didn't like the answer that I gave him. Hours later, his forehead had two harsh abrasions. We spoke to him about how it happened and he told us. But we failed to realize, until a day later, that he is due to be in a wedding and we would like him to be FREE of blemishes on the only part of his entire body that will show flesh. AAAAAHHHHH! NOW WHAT? We are treating it with neosporin, but I doubt it's going to heal before the wedding. Praise God for good photo editing programs. Our family will certainly need some touch ups, but everyone does. "No one really looks as good as Matthew Mcconaughey, not even Matthew Mcconaughey himself." ~ Nick Shaffer.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Why I haven't been able to blog lately!!!

Life has been insanely hectic, travel, Mother's Day, Tyson's Birthday, Jody's Birthday, Lisa's Birthday and POOP are just a few things keeping us busy. So busy, I haven't blogged in at least 2 weeks. :( Hopefully after FRIDAY, I will be able to play catch up.
Things are piling up around here. LIKE dishes. This is unheard of in our home, but not this week. I am besides myself. Thanks to my hubby the dishes are getting done. He's the best at this task.
What's that spotted in the dishwasher? Are those dinosaurs?
Yes. Dinosaurs. Preparing for Tyson's 6th birthday party. The theme... DINOSAURS.
I put Jax in his crib without a diaper. I said, "I'll be right back!" I ran downstairs to get a diaper and look what I returned to.
Motherhood is a dirty job!