Posts tonen met het label fair and square. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label fair and square. Alle posts tonen

maandag 21 juli 2008


Today Donna's blood suger was 8.4.
And yes thats very good, because she needed to get below 10.

If she's still below 10 next week, the next check up after that can be later than after a week, maybe even after 2 weeks. At the end, when she keeps on going like this, she only needs to get her blood checked every 2 months.
(and uhmm sorry for the crappy picture, she does not like it, having her picture taken, so she keeps on walking and not stand still. This is the best I could make, after taken at least 8 blurry pictures.)

More 8 today, Fair and Square #8. Thank you so much for the LHN squares Chantal! I love them.

vrijdag 4 juli 2008

Fair and square round #7

My first round from the Fair and Square swapping blog. My partner was Michele from the USA and she stitched me 2 beautiful squares:

And a close up:

Thank you very much Michele I realy like them!