Posts tonen met het label swapbot. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label swapbot. Alle posts tonen

vrijdag 4 juli 2008

Fair and square round #7

My first round from the Fair and Square swapping blog. My partner was Michele from the USA and she stitched me 2 beautiful squares:

And a close up:

Thank you very much Michele I realy like them!

zondag 9 september 2007

Sunday update

I got my first package from my Secret Pal 11:

Thank you pal! It is great!

Received my stitchmarkers from mySwapbot Partners

Thanks girls! I love them
And this morning I gave a guided tour at Artis. It was my first english guided tour and it went pretty wel. 4 people from India and I walked for 2 hours with them. It was a nice tour and they did enjoy themselves very much.

Now I will N-joy the rest of my Sunday with making stitchmarkes for yet another swap :D

zondag 26 augustus 2007

Sunny Sunday afternoon

Having fun in in my work room, making stitch markers for a swap.