Rain.. Rain.. Go away!

Hello cold monsoon winds and rainy months.. We've come to the time of the year where in some countries see fall.. We see rain.. And lots of it!

Now.. Let's not get this wet downy weather cramp our style ... I thought for this post.. I shall let you girlies view what pretty cardis and jackets are seducing us online!

I love how these online shops also are so in tune with fashion, weather and also our needs!:)

Glamour.. Fashion and Style - White Soot

I has a confession... I've been quite extravagant in my recent overseas shopping affairs that I did a self imposed 6 month shopping fast.. I usually succeed pretty well abstaining from shopping.. (yes i hear *gasp all over), probably only breaking in to my necessities... However, this time shopping therapy beckon unto me...

The world of online seductions lured me into a popular blogshop called White Soot!

Dress up!

“Trends come and go, but the dress persists, secure in its status as a metaphor.” Irwin Shaw, the Girls in Their Summer Dresses.

What is in a dress? To me a dress can be best described as…

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