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Sunday, February 21, 2010


I made a YUMMY lasagna for dinner tonight. We had a bunch of friends over, Mike, Mckay and his girlfriend Alli, Maddie, Danny and his fiance Kate. We don't get to hang out with them very often so we decided it was finally time! I made lasagna and they brought salad and garlic bread. And boy oh boy was it YUMMY!!! I made a huge pan of it, plus some. I thought I would have way too much so I took the smaller pan over to the family Juston home teaches. Well, we ate almost ALL of it. I was surprised.

It was a mixture of cottage cheese, ricotta cheese, mozzarella, spinnach, italian seasonings, and a little parmesan (we put our leftover ravioli filling into it). Plus I added some chopped zucchini with browned onion and italian sausage. MMMM MMM tasty. I have decided I need to make that more often, just in smaller quantities so we don't have to have 8 people over to finish it off.

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