Showing posts with label circle blanket. Show all posts
Showing posts with label circle blanket. Show all posts

Sunday 18 May 2014

This Weeks Happies

Hello Lovelies,
this week the weather has been wonderfully kind....a good reason to be happy.

 Yesterday was perfect to wear my new DRESS ....Thank you so much for all your kind comments on my latest sewing project.

Here are my Happy things from the past seven days.

1.Starting a new crochet project.
 I've finally decided what type of blanket I'm going to make next.........It's going to be my second Circle Blanket ( my first is HERE )......yes, I'm so happy now I've decided .....It's all your fault Jo :0)

These little motifs are so quick and easy to make. I was very tempted to start a ripple blanket as I've still only made baby blankets in that soothing pattern, but circles are so portable and cool to make during hot weather. I think they make a perfect summer crochet project.

Yesterday evening I made the first few while sitting on the grass, watching the boys and their cousins playing football at the park...................

they look like mini Mandalas.

2. A Beautiful View
On Wednesday Mum and I went back to Melton Mowbray ( to exchange some clothes she bought ).
In the past I have noticed this lovely, far reaching view but was not able to stop and take a proper look. This time we managed to find a spot to stop the car and take in this gorgeous, far reaching view............

I love the rolling hills.............

and the beautiful fresh green that surrounds us right now. The cloud shadows played across the landscape............

The hedgerows are looking very pretty and a little red brick building added a flash of contrast.........

It so reminded me of this wonderful painting by David Hockney..........


This landscape is of the Wolds in East Yorkshire , but these Midlands wolds are a similar landscape. I love David Hockney's work and I'm hoping to visit The gallery at Salts Mill this year....... planning to spend YARNDALE weekend in Yorkshire.....excited :0)

3. Another Wander around Melton

The sun was shining and the period buildings looked particularly lovely. This jolly toy shop has retained the beautiful sign-age from a previous occupier........

and the Art Deco cinema looked wonderful...........

you can read it's story HERE 

I also loved the smaller features like this beautiful mosaic tile entrance to another shop...........

Ooooh , that blue

4. Shopping
these days a small treat is enough to make make me smile.
I love these Sarah Smith dishcloths that Lucy shared in her blog many years ago now.

I've been washing up with hearts and flowers for a few weeks and it always makes me smile......

They come from Sainsburys and last AGES....I put mine through  the wash when they get grubby and they come out as good as new.

In Melton I also bought a new handbag......My thrifted one, which has seen many incarnations since it's first makeover HERE, has finally worn out. 
I looked and looked in the charity shops without any joy.
I bought this one from a Market stall so at least it's purchase supported a local independent trader.........

5. Poppies in my front garden
Their return each year always makes me happy............

I hope you are enjoying the sunshine if you are in the U.K. 
Wishing you a happy week where ever you lovelies are on this wonderful planet.
Jacquie x

Monday 14 February 2011

Give a Granny a Whirl

Hello lovelies,
I think this post is going to be quite long , so bear with me :0)
Firstly lets talk about granny squares. You see them every where but they are timeless, gorgeous , and most of all ,so easy.......

I remember learning to crochet as a youngster , probably about 12 years old. The first thing I made that I was really proud of was a granny square bag . It was two big  granny squares sewn together on three sides with a drawstring at the open edge.

I frequently get comments from lovely ,clever, crafty types saying they wish they could get the hang of crochet . I  think the basics may feel awkward and tricky to start with but, really , don't give up .

Today I took loads of pictures to do a granny square tutorial  as they are a great way to start Crochet, but it's amazing how many images you need when you want to include the very basics.A photo tutorial would go on forever.

So on to plan B , I decided to find a good video to recommend to you lovelies.

 After watching several I think the clearest one I found was this HOW TO CROCHET A GRANNY SQUARE
It is aimed at total beginners so I think it's perfect for novice crocheters .The link is to part 1 .Then follow the link on the video to part 2.
I would recommend getting a 4.0 mm hook ......

And some yummy coloured  inexpensive yarn , if you are in the U.K. Wilkos has a decent range( £1.27 a 100g ball) .....

Or try your local yarn shop , the Range or Hobby Craft ( rather over priced in my opinion ) Stylecraft special  ,Bonus and Cygnet are the nicest of the budget brands.Patons FAB is quite nice too.

Then sit down with the video and give a granny a whirl , once you master it you will be hooked ( ha ha )

Next I have some pictures taken on Saturday ..... A lovely sunny day that showed up all the dust and dirty finger prints ! I spent most of the morning cleaning and tidying my bedroom. My circle blanket had it's first wash and I hung it on the line to dry.........

Ahhhhhhhh , still love this blanket .........

I'm rather depressed to say some of my circles are coming a bit loose and I think some repair work will soon be needed. I'm never just crocheting over the ends on a big project EVER again.You live and learn.

Never mind,  what do you think girls , pretty hey??????.........

O.K. not much feedback from the bunnies but they were certainly enjoying sunbathing in the garden at last.

Lastly  ( are you still with me ?) I've taken some pics of my latest quick make ..........

Some rather less colourful little crochet squares !?!    the idea is to sew them onto this knitted dress.......

More of how that goes next time . Hope you've had a good St. Valentines day .
Jacquie x

Monday 22 November 2010

Double V Edging

Hello lovelies , well it's not quite the ta dah post , but bear with me , I'm sooo nearly there ...hip, hip, Hurray :0)

I've been working on the edging this weekend . After trying a couple of patterns I didn't like , I've pulled it all out and gone back to the same edging I used on my square throw...

I made this up for that project , though no doubt it's not original .It's so simple but effective , just the right amount of prettiness without being too fussy my opinion :0).....

Here's a quick "how to " for those of you who are interested ...

Working in the spaces between the clusters of the previous round , make 2 U.S. double ( U.K. treble ) crochet ...

Chain 2....

Then make 2 more double/trebles in the same space.Then repeat in the next space ....

On the corners I simply added an extra chain 2 and 2 dc....

And that's it . Told you it was simple . I'm calling this "Double V Edging" as I've had a look around on t'internet and I can't actually find another example .I'll add a link in my side bar , with my other tutorials , in case you want to find it in the future.

Back Soon with the finished project .. can't wait to show you ,and I think it's going to be just in time , with freezing weather and snow forecast for later this week .

Jacquie x

Friday 12 November 2010

Happiness is ........

......Reading all your lovely comments about my wreath. So glad you like it :0)

......Having a day out with my Mum on Wednesday ( and getting the best weather of a pretty dreadful week)
It was very cold but the sun shone,after 2 days of solid rain, so we decided to go somewhere pretty.

Staunton Harold has a lovely craft centre and tea rooms set in an old stable yarn ...

Looks warm but you will notice no one is sat on those metal chairs, Brrrrrrrrrr !!

The Autumn light was fantastic........

....Going to bed early yesterday to watch telly and sew in the last ends on my blanket, such bliss after a hectic day at work ......

.......Waking up to no work today and making a start on my border Yay, yay ,yay.......

.....Going shopping and picking up a half price tin of chocs for Christmas, and remembering what inspired the colours in my round cushion :0)

Thank you for so much the kind comments about this cushion on my "splash of colour" post.I made this pre blog and didn't write a pattern , but there is a lovely, similar, pattern here .

What's bringing you happiness today ?

Jacquie x

P.s. Don't forget to leave a comment on the previous post for a chance to win my giveaway :0)

Saturday 30 October 2010

Parcels , Pumpkins and Progress

Hello Lovelies, pull up a chair and share a glimpse of our weekend so far :0)

Yesterday, the postman delivered my second lovely parcel this week, I know how great is that.
The Amazing Fostermummy has sent me some of her beautiful handmade soap, so generous and thoughtful.

I love the pretty packaging and you will have to take my word for it , that it smells divine..............

Thank you so much Fostermummy !

This morning saw Mr BM roped in on the pumpkin carving , yay, I'm not keen on the smell of these things...........

Have you noticed the use of power tools , the boys thought this was soooo cool !
I have managed with a spoon and a sharp knife for years :0)

Must admit,though, the finished result looked pretty good, as it watched my eat my lunch.........

We copied this idea from some found on google was a great way to use a small pumpkin the boys grew at school gardening club. Don't you think ?

And now to the progress part. My blanket is up to 144 squares, that's 12 rows by 12 rows. I've sewn all the white ends in too........

I love, love ,love it !!!!!! It's so happy and colouful, I think all the circles are different, which pleases me alot. I study them and choose a favourite , then find one I like even more !.....

I was thinking this would be big enough , with a wide border , but looking at it laid out I think it needs at least 2 more rows on the length. ........

So I'm making 24 more circles, centres first, production line fashion. And drinking plenty of tea in my new mug !!Love it ,thanks Emma :0)

Have a great Halloween, whatever you're up to .
Jacquie x

Monday 11 October 2010

Monday Smiles

Hello, hope your week has started well.

Thank you so much for all the lovely comments on my last post.
Well the weekend flew by , like they do .
Today it was back to work and school, alarm ringing in my ears at 6.30 am

Never mind , I had to smile when I finished work and was greeted by warm sunshine.
Stopping off for food essentials on the way home I picked up these cheerful flowers , reduced to half price.........

Checking my watch I reconed there was just enough time to pop in the charity shop , and not be late for the school run. I'm so glad I did, because I picked up a ball of yarn, and this beauty.........

Yes, I'd found three things , for less than five pounds in total, that made me happy. All in the space of ten minutes. Don't you just love it when that happens :0)

Have a great week .
Jacquie x

Oh , nearly forgot , I added some more circles to my blanket at the weekend,I'm up to 66 so far..........

Friday 8 October 2010

Joining the Circles

Hello , hope your Friday wasn't too hectic.

My day was bliss. No clock watching except for the school runs.

No trailing round the supermarket. Just a friendly Sainsbury's man dropping my shopping off .

I even found motivation to go for a run, then it was crochet ,crochet ,crochet for the rest of the day. I don't know about you but I like my own company some days . After being sociable all week at work I was so ready for some peace and solitude.

Reading back yesterdays post I had to smile about my Housework comment. Anyone who visits our home knows it is far from a show home. Do you want to see.....

Every thing in here is pretty old. I can't lie , I would love to replace all this , but for now it's livable and I'm not too stressed when something else gets spilt . As I type 4 boys (my 3 plus a friend) are playing a pretty rough game in here, nothing nasty ,just you know, how boys play .
I guess there will be time, to have a neater, newly furnished home in the future :0)

Any way back to something prettier.Did you spot my crochet on the rug?.....

Twenty squares were finished by lunchtime, Here is my creative space, and where I blog. It's in the dining part of our lounge diner and I like that it's not tucked away, but easy to supervise boys games!...........

In the afternoon I finished my first ball of white, you were right Victoria , it does use more than you think. I'm also thinking I'll need more circles too.
I got the dull weather I had wished for , which made it hard to take decent photos !
Here's my afternoon snack, A cup of tea and a toasted teacake, yummy .....

And here is where I'm up to right now.........

40 squares, I think it's looking pretty good so far.Hopefully I'll manage to add a few more over the weekend.
Have a good one.
Jacquie x