Showing posts with label countryside. Show all posts
Showing posts with label countryside. Show all posts

Sunday 10 June 2018

Catching up 1 ♥ A Walk along the Soar

Hello Lovelies,
gosh I've been away a little while haven't I. I don't really have a reason, but I'd like to catch up with my posts so here goes. These pictures are from mid May, when I did a solo walk starting at Hathern in Leicestershire. 

It began along shady lanes and the opened out onto fields with a view of the church spire at Normanton on Soar.

My first glimpse of the river.

It's not possible to reach the opposite bank and the village from here.

Except certain weekends when there is a Chain Ferry. Oh that sounds fun.

said chain :0)

I loved the views across the water, but wished that tree was a bit smaller.

There are lots of waterside homes, or holiday homes I presume.

They looked idyllic on such a nice day.

A passing craft.

Big skies

Nice homes.

and a pub.

Where you can launch your Kayak

Beautiful Wisteria.

and an impressive tree house.

Thirsty cattle.

With carves, looking at me, yikes.

Hellooooo, nice cows.

Excuse me but I need to go through the gate please.

Phew, they were calm but I was still glad to get out of that field.

This was my favourite riverside chalet.

This one was getting some TLC.

The next part of the walk was along a short stretch of canal.

then it was back to rejoin the riverbank, this time the the river was on my left...somehow? :0)

And here it was time to say goodbye to the water.

And head across fields to pretty Sutton Bonnington.

I love exploring quiet lanes.

spotting cute cottages.

And more lovely wisteria.

The post lady was making her deliveries.

and I was getting hungry as it was lunchtime. I walked up this lane.

and found a lovely, simple church.

It was hot by now and I was happy to sit in the shade of the church porch, my back against the cool stone.

After my simple snack ( hadn't really planned such a long walk , so I only had a cereal bar in my rucksack) I had a peek inside the church.

Then, before I left the village, I came across a corner shop and treated myself to a cornetto ice cream.

I just managed to capture it's beauty before my camera battery died :0)

There was still another couple of miles to walk, more fields, canal and river to take me back to Hathern.

It was a lovely 8 mile walk, on a perfect spring day. I'm glad I finally got around to sharing it here and recording it for myself.

Jacquie x

Sunday 6 May 2018

The May Landscape

Hello Again lovelies,
as always I have to say thank you for your lovely comments. I really do love to hear from you. Today I was at work and missed all the hot sunshine, but there were kind comments waiting for me when I got home, and I'm off tomorrow. Yay.

Here are a few pictures from my walk on Saturday morning. When the sky was cloudless and the paths were dry.

Eldest was walking with me. He's great company and a fast walking partner. We like to stride it out.

The willows by the stream are a gorgeous fresh green.

and the undergrowth is suddenly quiet tall.

Cow parsley and Hawthorn blossom,  May favourites.

I love all the different colours in the trees.

and I like to climb a stile.

Morning sheep.

The jumble of red roofs is so pretty here.

and the echoy dark of the tunnel frames the view perfectly.

Here it's the Wheat which is getting taller.

And here it was easy to spot the bird's nest.

At the top of the hill we stop to look back at the patchwork of yellow and green.

and back down on the village too.

It was nice to walk the shade sometimes, with just a little sunlight to illuminate the "pinkbells".

The final image from this walk were some Tulips we passed as we neared home. How lovely are these pastel pretties.

Jacquie x