Showing posts with label collage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label collage. Show all posts

Monday 2 April 2012

My Collage

Hello Lovelies,
This weekend I've been finishing my collage .Tidying away after it was all done  I loved these colourful scraps of card....the paper equivalent of yarn worms :0).....

If you didn't catch my previous post you are probably a tad confused right now........Collage ? ? If you read Lucy regularly you will probably have guessed why I've been inspired to try a different medium.

As you know I love to be creative with yarn but I'm not particularly artistic so I kept my design very simple....

I used supplies from the card making phase I was into a few years ago. That involved little more than punching out shapes and sticking on embellishments so this was similar but quite different.

Playing around trying out pretty details like patterned bunting........

Last week I had the brainwave to put our dining table in the conservatory for the summer. It's great to look at the garden whilst you eat and it also makes a lovely light work space.........

With a pretty jug of tulips on the table to inspire me .........

And a craft knife instead of a crochet hook . I had such fun planning, choosing,cutting  and sticking.

Soon bunting and tulips were attached .........

Here is my finished picture.......

ta - dah........

I can see it's not the most accomplished piece , but it makes me smile. I'm really pleased with the shape of the jug. It's totally the jug I hope to one day find on the bric a brac shelves in the charity shop. Timeless Blue and white stripes and a lovely rounded shape :0)

I wanted a gingham or polka dot paper for the tablecloth but was surprised not to be able to find any in several craft shops.

Overall it's turned out pretty well for a first attempt I think.I really enjoyed the process and  I've already started on my second collage :0)

I'll leave you with a couple of other things that made me smile this weekend . Our neighbors Magnolia tree..........

And spotting the first daisy in our lawn :0)........

Can you believe it's supposed to snow tomorrow !

Hope your week goes well, with a little creative time to relax you.
Jacquie x

Thursday 29 March 2012

Out and About

Hello Lovelies,
Everywhere I turn this week there is something floral and pretty asking to be photographed so I hope you don't mind another outdoors post :0)

Yesterday was really warm with not a cloud in the sky. The daffodils looked radiant in the sunshine....

Further along the street I'm loving the pink blossom paired with the bright red Telephone box ( and of course the wonderfully blue sky ).........

Purple aubrietia cascading down a wall........

In town I have to take a break from the shopping to visit the park, and I'm so happy to find wonderful primulas and more frothy blossom..........

In the countryside the tree buds are opening up at last.........

Isn't this an amazing zingy green.

Sorry but more Daffodils, such a happy flower, they always make me smile.........

Another favorite spring flower of mine, grape hyacinths are growing in the verge. They look wonderful in a natural setting .........

Back home I've been making spring flowers of my own :0)........

This is very much a work in progress, Inspired by Lucy's post . I know it will not compare to  Caroline's wonderful collages but I'm so enjoying the thinking and planning ,drawing and cutting. It feels fun to create with paper for a change :0)
The weekend is nearly here ...yay.
Jacquie x