Showing posts with label Ali Parnell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ali Parnell. Show all posts

Sunday, February 26, 2012

An exhibition of Feather Drawings at the Upfront Club, Maleny, Queensland, Australia

I warmly invite you to the opening of my solo show Messages. People who follow my blog may remember last year when I started drawing my feather collection for a week.You can see some of the drawings here: one  two  three four five six seven.

In total I have 22 framed pencil, ink and watercolour drawings on handmade linen paper from Creative Paper in Tasmania. I remember saying I wasn't going to do any more. Remind me never to say never :) I got into the swing of it late last year and just kept on drawing the feathers, playing around with line, shading, tone and water colour. Before I new it I had a small series of drawings. Then an opportunity arose for me to show them at my local Music and Arts Hub the Upfront Club. I had a meeting this morning to wrap up all the framing for these drawings. I am so pleased. The framing is going to be very contemporary, simple and beautiful. I have found the most lovely, professional and helpful framer up here on the range her name is Ali Parnell.  Ali lives on a farm and combines an art practice and framing with caring for horses.  Ali did a mock up of what the work will look like. As I am so visual, so this effort was so well recieved and helpful, and I got a real sense of how the show is going to look overall. Thanks Ali!

All I have to do now is send out some hard copy invitations to my local friends and then it's party time.