Showing posts with label Bill's bday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bill's bday. Show all posts

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Card camp

I made this at a card camp last month. I wanted this stamp set, my sister was going to get it for me for Christmas, but she forgot!! OR--maybe she didn't and said she did!!! Today everything is from SU.

The DSP is Holiday Lounge and the name of the ss is on the tip of my tongue, it's in the mini catalog, 'Wandering Words". the other papers are gray and Taken with Teal, and white. oh, and the snowflakes are from a hostess set called Christmas Punch. The inside is just white sponged with the Teal.
It's later than I normally post, but I was busy shopping for and making dinner and prepping for the wee little birthday party here tonight
My oldest brother Bill is coming for dinner. I am making him all of his favorites-- meatloaf, garlic mashed potatoes, brussel sprouts, broccoli, sweet corn, crescent rolls and he was going to get a diabetic dessert...but he said he was saving up and had no suger for the last four days and was definitely expecting a chocolate treat. So I made a cola cake. the recipe is a little different than what  I usually do. When the batter is all mixed you fold in 1 1/2 cups of mini marshmallows and then bake, leaving sweet little pockets when it bakes. How does that sound? Oh, the frosting, I changed that up a little by adding toasted pecans and toasted coconut before I poured it on the 'hot, richly smell of cocoa and butter and sugar' cake.
do you think my brother thinks I am trying to kill him?
At least he's getting his daily intake of fiber in the veggies!!!

PS.  DH just got a call and he has to go to work! He put the meatloaf in the oven before he left and I said, "What about the appetizer?" He said, "What about it?" I said, "Don't you want me to save you some?"  "OH, yea, sure I'll definitely want some of that when I get home," he said!!
I made his absolutely newest, bestest app--Spinach and artichoke dip. It is so easy to throw together and I needed to make something that he really likes, too!! Don't want to make him jealous...LOL!!
Thanks for coming by!

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