Showing posts with label WIP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WIP. Show all posts

Saturday, September 2, 2017

September FNwF

Time for September's virtual stitch 'n chat.....also known as Friday Night with Friends (FNwF).  The last FNwF that I "attended" was July.  I was working on a Plum Street Sampler piece then.  I have since finished it.  Let me show you a picture before I tell you what I am working on for September FNwF.

Plum Street Samplers 'Fraktur Friends'

I love the way it turned out.  Not sure if I am going to frame it.  I may finish it into a pin cushion.

Now, let me tell you a little about my current project.  I joined a Little House Needleworks/Country Cottage Needleworks Autumn-Themed SAL on Facebook.  Our start date for the SAL was September 1.  Here is the project that I've chosen for the SAL.

This has been in my stash for a number of years.  How convenient for the SAL to begin on the same day as September FNwF!  Here is my progress so far..........

Hopefully by the time October FNwF rolls around I will be able to show this as a "completed" project.  If I get this project stitch fairly quickly, I plan on doing a 2nd fall-themed project since the SAL will not end until November 1.

How about you? Got any fall-themed projects going on?

Saturday, June 3, 2017



On the first Friday night of each month, Cheryl over at Gone Stitching invites crafters of all kinds (cross stitch, quilting, needlepoint, etc) to a stitch 'n chat.  She calls it Friday Night with Friends.  Sounded like fun so I signed up.  Did I mention that Cheryl lives in Australia?  Did I mention that I did not have to make the 13-14 hour flight to Australia to attend this event?  You guessed it......a virtual gathering of crafters.  I actually had plans on Friday night so my stitching happened during the day.  Here are some photos of what I worked on......

This piece has been a WIP for at least a year.  I stitched the border and '1808' shortly after getting the pattern and then abandoned it.  I happened across it a few weeks ago and decided that I needed to move it to my "actively stitching" pile.  

Plum Street Samplers - 'Fraktur Friends'
(Exclusive design for Silver Needle's 2016 Circle of Friends)


And then.....drumroll, please......I have a finish to show you.  Heartstring Samplery's Stars & Stripes Forever Stocking Ornament #3.  Another exclusive design....this time for Dyeing to Stitch 2017 Ladies Prim Society.  It is stitched on 35 ct linen.  I stitched it using the called-for threads.....including silver and gold metallics.  I do not like stitching with metallics but I must say that it did make the fireworks "pop"!  

First is a photo of the stitched front and the cute cotton backing.


And then a photo of the assembled stocking.  

                     The stocking is approximately 6" long.

Thanks for stopping by.  If you want to join July's FNwF event, keep an eye out for Cheryl's sign up blog post near the end of June.  

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Has It Really Been A Year?

Yep!  Looks like my last post was 5/2/16!  Seems like posting photos of my stitching projects on Instagram (with a link to FB) is a whole lot quicker than typing blog posts.  But I thought I would do a quick post to show you a few things I'm working on.

First of all is a sampler by La-D-Da called Me & You.  I'm stitching it on 55 ct. Ivory Kingston linen.  With the high count linen, the stitching is slow.  Hopefully I won't go blind trying to focus on my stitches! 🙀 Here is a picture of my progress on this project.

The next project has been a WIP for over 10 years.  I bought the pattern at a stitch retreat in either 2002 or 2004 and immediately started stitching on it.....but not for long!  It has been sitting at the bottom on a project bag for at least 10 years.  A few weeks ago, I decided to pull it out and start stitching on it again.  I have been working on it frequently but, again, due to the small stitches (one-over-one stitching) it is slow going.  This is a pattern called Splendor IV - A Colonial Coverlet by The Heart's Content.  Take a look.....I almost have the outside border stitched.  You can see how small the piece will be (approx 14" x 2").

The entire piece will be stitched in DMC 815 with the exception of my initials which will be stitched in a slightly lighter or darker (haven't decided which) color.  Here is a better look at the color of the thread.

And finally.....another small that I'm working on.  Here is a photo of what I have done but I am not going to give any more information since this will be a gift and the recipient is on social media.  Once I get it finished and the gift has been given, then I'll post a photo of the completed project with project information.

I stitch like I read books......several at a time.  I am also currently working on a few more projects but will post photos of them later.

So, what are YOU working on?