Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts

Monday, July 14, 2014

Birthday Threads......the final installment

As I've mentioned before, I am participating in a birthday thread swap this year with nine other stitchers.  Today I received these from Bernadett who lives in Serbia.

I am working on quite a few Christmas ornaments so I know the green DMC will be put to use soon!  

Thanks Bernadette!  

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Birthday Threads (Part 2)

Last month I posted about a birthday thread exchange that I am participating in this year.  One of the participants, Lonneke, lives in the Netherlands.  Lonneke sent me a handmade birthday card and thread two months ago......but the package never arrived.   

Last week I received an envelope from the Netherlands.....Lonneke had mailed me a replacement handmade card and threads.  How sweet!  Take a look.....isn't that a cute card?  

The thread on the left is a DMC Pearlescent (Lilac), the middle thread is a DMC variegated thread  (Tropical Waters), and the remaining on right is a DMC satin thread (Aurora Blue).  I have never used Pearlescent or Satin DMC threads before so I am looking forward to trying them out on a future project.  

Thanks Lonneke!

Monday, June 23, 2014


My little friend, Olivia, just celebrated her 6th birthday.  Her Frozen-themed birthday party was last weekend but I missed it because I was out of town.  I hope she liked her card........

It was fun using snowman paper to make a JUNE birthday card.

Supplies used:
Cardstock - Bazzill Basics
Snowflake punch - Martha Stewart Crafts
Pearl and ribbon - stash
Snowman paper - DCWV

Happy Birthday Olivia!!!!!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Recent Projects

My cardmaking blog posts have been few and far between lately. Actually, all of my blog posts have been few and far between.  So to catch you up on what I've been are some of the cards I've made over the past two months.  

Stamps & designer paper - Stampin' Up

Can you tell I like this style of card?

All stamps - Stampin' Up

A birthday card made for a sweet girl turning 4 using Graphic 45 paper.

A birthday card for a train-loving 4 year old friend using Webster's Pages paper.

For a friend at church who graduated.

A vintage birthday card for a very dear friend.

I'll try to keep current on blogging, promises!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Birthday Threads!

Cath at The Stitchin' Chicken organized a 2014 birthday thread exchange that I am participating in.  What is a birthday thread exchange??  I send a card and three skeins of stitching thread to the other participants as their birthday approaches.  In exchange, I receive three skeins of stitching thread and a birthday card from each of them.  This exchange has been fun and I've enjoyed keeping up with these ladies through their blogs.

My fiftieth (50!) birthday was last month.  Let's take a look at the sweet cards and pretty threads that I received from the other thread exchange participants........

Mary Jane lives in Peoria.  Look at the stash I received from her.  Two skeins of variegated DMC and a skein of Weeks Dye Works hand dyed floss.  Can you see the name of the hand dyed floss......Peoria Purple.  How clever is that??  Weeks Dye Works needs to come up with a Lewisburg Lime (or something similar) so I can send clever gifts like Mary Jane!  Thanks Mary Jane!

Next up is my treat from Vicky (Waterbury, CT).  Can you EVEN take your eyes off of that birthday card? Ice cream is a favorite of mine, Vicky.  How did you know?  Look at the pretty DMC that Vicky enclosed.  One of my all time fave DMC colors is 931 (that is the blue at bottom right for all my non-stitching friends).  I find myself using 931 a lot!!  Thanks Vicky.

Valerie from California also sent three gorgeous DMC colors.  Don't these colors just SCREAM summertime?  I need to look through my stash of patterns for a little summer sampler which will be just perfect for these threads.

And if Valerie's threads scream summertime, then these DMC threads from Nicole absolutely SCREAM springtime!  What pretty pastels!!  Thank you Nicole.  Oh, you will notice from the photo that Nicole is from Canada.  Don't you love how the threads match the colors of the birthday card?

Gaynor lives in County Roscommon, Republic of Ireland!  The coordinating DMC colors that she sent is so pretty.  Thank you Gaynor!!

Sharon from Manchester (United Kingdom) sent a skein of blue cotton thread which was made in Denmark.  I think I would like to use this particular thread to stitch a small one-color sampler.  The other two skeins that I received from Sharon are hand-dyed floss.  I love stitching with hand-dyed floss.  The color variations add a unique look to stitched pieces.  Thanks Sharon!

And last....but certainly not least......Another summery color selection was sent to me by Cath who lives in England.  I immediately think of watermelon when I see this color combination.  Thanks Cath......not only for the sweet card and pretty threads but also for organizing this exchange!

Does anyone else see the common color scheme of purples, blues, and bluish purples that many of these ladies sent?  I think it is quite incredible seeing how the only suggestion that we make to one another is the TYPE of thread (DMC, overdyed, metallic, etc) we prefer, not the color.  The thread colors sent to each recipient are strictly chosen by each sender.  

Thanks again, ladies, for your birthday sentiments and the pretty threads!  Looks like it's time for me to stop blogging and start stitching!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Elliot turns 1 today!!!

My great-nephew, Elliot, turned one today.  I got to spend a few days with Eliot and 9 other great nieces and nephews last month.....that was fun.  Here is a picture of Elliot.  Isn't he adorable?

I made Eliot this card for his birthday.

I think he likes the card better than the book I sent him.  

Happy Birthday, Elliot!!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

How About One More Birthday Card

The fine folks at Fresh Squeezed Stamps are celebrating their 1st birthday this week.  They have a birthday card challenge going on.  I submitted a card for the challenge earlier this week.  Since they are allowing two cards to be submitted by each person, I have come up with another card for the challenge.

I love the way this one turned out.

Supplies used:
Hexagon "balloon" stamps - Fresh Squeezed Stamps Happy Hexagons
Yellow and teal cardstock - Bazzill Basics Paper
Printed paper - My Minds Eye, Hip Hooray (Boy) Collection
Twine - my stash