
Showing posts with label Sparkle n Sprinkle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sparkle n Sprinkle. Show all posts

Thursday 31 January 2019

January 2019 Challenge 59 Winners

Each month one winner will be picked using a random number generator and a sponsored prize will be won.

In addition winners will be chosen on merit (DT Favourites) and all equally placed. Each winner will have been chosen by a DT member.

January 2019 Winner 

Random Winner of $15 store credit Sparkle N Sprinkle

#114 - Bonnie Garby

Please Take Your Badge from the Side Bar or the tab above and we would love it if you could link back to our blog when you display it. 
  • Contact Carole at to claim your prize. 
  • Please claim your prize within 10 days. 
Design Team Favourites for January

Claudia Martins #11 - Plony - too delicate and too sweet.

Monika Kobus #40 Lovely Linda  - Beautiful colouring and unusual card shape- simply love it!

Jackie Trinder #65 Karthikha- This is a stunning tower box card. I love the design. The outside is gorgeous but when the card it opened the inside just takes your breath away. 

Carole Jones #136 - Patty Sue - Sue. A gorgeous image with fabulous colouring make this a stunning card. The pearls on the girl’s headdress are beautiful, as are the tiny hearts. Also the inside of the card is so pretty.

Dawn Morris #193 - Claire I love the monotone of this card. 

The new challenge starts tomorrow. We hope to see you all there.

Tuesday 1 January 2019

January Anything Goes Challenge #59

Happy New Year!

 Welcome to our first challenge of 2019. 
We have a host of generous sponsors lined up for you this year and we hope you'll be able to join in with our challenges. 

The theme at Crafts Galore Encore is always 
Anything Goes.

Thank you for all your fabulous entries last month! The DT struggled to select one favourite each!
Are you a December winner?
Check here and, if you are a winner and/or a DT Favourite, please collect a badge from the side bar to proudly display on your blog. 

This month we are sponsored by the wonderful 
Sparkle N Sprinkle who offer so much more that just digital stamps. Hop on over to the store to see the wonderful crafty products they stock.

Thanks to Sparkle N Sprinkle for providing images for the DT and for offering a generous prize of a $15 store voucher to our challenge winner.

We hope you can find some crafty time to enter our challenge this month. We're look forward to seeing your anything goes projects! 
Enjoy the following inspiration from the DT.
You can visit their blogs by clicking on their images in the side bar.
Happy creating!

Carole, Jackie and the CGE DT

using Cupcake
Thank you, once again, to Sparkle N Sprinkle for supplying these delightful images to the Design Team and for supporting our challenge blog! 

Now it's over to you...

Challenge #59 sponsored by Sparkle N Sprinkle
Winner (chosen by gets a $15 store voucher.
Also DT Favourites are chosen on merit each month.

****** Challenge closes at 12:00 GMT on 30th January ******

Friday 1 June 2018

It's June, so time to Sparkle n Sprinkle

Challenge #52

Hello, and welcome to our June Anything Goes Challenge!

This month we are sponsored by Sparkle N Sprinkle who are offering a generous $15 store voucher to our lucky winner.

Thank you so much for your wonderful entries last month.  
Jackie will be posting the winners post and DT Favourites on the winners page (click on the tab above). If you are a winner, please collect a badge to proudly display on your blog. 

We hope you can find some crafty time this month and look forward to seeing all your entries! 
We hope that you enjoy this inspiration from the DT.

Happy creating!

Denyse, Carole, Jackie and the CGE DT

using Dress Up
using Honey Bees
using Puppy Girl
using Poppies
Kerri Ann
using Puppy Girl
using Honey Bees
using Puppy Girl

Monday 1 January 2018

Happy New Year!

As a New Year starts, we would like to wish you all the very best for 2018! We all hope that 2018 is a healthy, happy crafty year for you and that you continue to share your wonderful creations with us!
This month we are sponsored by  Sparkle N' Sprinkle who are offering a prize of digis to the lucky winner. 
I would also like to say a big THANK YOU to Carole Jones who has very kindly stepped in, to take over Isobel's role in the admin team. Isobel isn't leaving the DT but stepping down from a more active role. Thank you for all your hard worksecuring sponsor'sisobel.

We are really looking forward to seeing your first creations of 2018, as always the theme is Anything Goes and any media is acceptable.
Happy Crafting,
Denyse , Carole and the CGDT

Lynda using Leo

Thursday 1 June 2017

June is full of Sparkle and Sprinkle

Good morning and welcome to our new June Challenge here at Crafts Galore Encore! This month we are offering you  $15 prize which you can spend in the Sparkle n Sprinkleonline store.

If you haven't already visited the Sparkle and Sprinkle shop please click on the image above to go there :) 
Some of our Dt were lucky enough to be given an image to work with from sprinkle and Sparkle and those who weren't have chosen images from their stashes!
Please remember you don't have to enter a card, we welcome mixed media projects, upcycling, knitting any arts or crafts at all.
As always the winner will be chosen at random and the DT will choose the top 5 on merit.

We are sorry to say that we are losing two members of our team this month, Sue and Nana Connie. Thank you both for your hard work and lovely inspiration and wishing you both lots of happiness for the future.
We will probably hold a DT Call in September, after the summer holidays have finished :)
Happy Crafting,
Denyse, Isobel and the CGDT

Sunday 1 January 2017

Happy New Year 2017!

Here at CG DT we would like to wish you all a very Happy New Year and hope you are looking forward to spending another crafty year with us!
Our sponsor for this month's challenge is Sparkle and Sprinkle, the theme is "Anything Goes" and the prize is 3 digis of the winner's choice from Sparkle and Sprinkle.

We look forward to seeing your wonderful entries at the start of what we hope will be another creative year of crafting for us all! As always winners will be announced on the winners page for the start of the next challenge on the 1st of each month.
Happy Crafting 2017!
Denyse, Isobel and the CGDT