
Showing posts with label stamping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stamping. Show all posts

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Use a stamp or digi ANYWHERE on your project for July! KENNY K FREEBIE ALERT TOO!!!!

Hello, I am just back from Sunny Spain and looking forward to your wonderful entries for this month's Challenge. Our theme is , "Use a stamp or Digi Anywhere on your Project", it doesn't have to be the main focus but it must be somewhere!
Luckily we have the fabulous Kenny K to sponsor us and there will be two prizes of two digis. One will be chosen at random and one on merit. Plus our DT B team will select a winner each from all of the entries (and you will get a Jazzy new badge which is in the design stage at the moment!)
We will also be offering a GUEST SPOT on our DT. If you would like to join us for a challenge please add GDT to your name by your entry.

Please check out our WINNERS PAGE on the tab above this post, for our June winners.

We are delighted to tell you that Ileana's image, "Unstoppable Mum", is the JULY FREEBIE, click HERE to get yours and take a look at all the fabulous digis on offer!

Happy Crafting!
Denyse, Isobel & CGDT

Ileana using "Unstoppable Mum"

Andree using "L'il Pirate"

Jo using "Tex"  (PHWOAR!)

Karola using, "Total Drama"

Jackie using "Fun Faerie"

Wendy using, "Total Drama"

Adele using "Fun Faerie"

Monday 1 June 2015

Anything Goes in June!

Half way through this year and time is fairly zipping along!
Our Challenge at Crafts Galore Encore, this month is, "Anything Goes" and our lovely sponsor is Beccy's Place, who are offering 3 digis or one Digi set to the randomly picked winner.
We will also choose 5 Badge winners, picked individually by Team A of the DT.

We are also delighted to announce that Jackie Trinder has very kindly agreed to join the DT you can visit her lovely blog HERE, welcome Jackie we are really pleased to have you on board.
Half of the design team have worked with images from Beccy's place and the other half have worked independently.
Either way the team have done a great job as usual!
Happy Crafting,
Denyse and Isobel and the CGDT

Andree using Old Pump

Karola using Blossom Sprig

Isobel using Gran's Summer Chair

Monika using Ellie and Tippy






Friday 1 May 2015

Anything Goes for May!

Spring has hopefully sprung and I *Hope* the sun is shining when you read this post!
This month our challenge is sponsored by Oak Pond Creations (if you haven't checked them out yet please do as their images are fab you can click on the image titles of the Dt's work to go to that digi!) and the theme is, "Anything Goes!"

The winner will be chosen at random and will receive three digis of their choice from the Oak Pond Etsy shop (Please click on image above or the name).
There will also be winners badges for our chosen winners. This month we are saying "Goodbye", and "thank you", to Beth and Gemma from our DT, we wish them well !
Happy Crafting,
Denyse, Isobel and the CGDT

Karola with Boris The Party Pig

Andree with Love Flamingos

Wendy with Lighthouse

Daria with Stargazer Lilies

Isobel with Lighthouse

Adele with King of Courage

Ileana with Love Flamingos

Denyse with Lighthouse

Lynda with Stargazer Lilies

Tamie with King of Courage

Monika with Boris The Party Pig

Sunday 1 June 2014

An invitation to drop in at Beccy's Place!

Hello! Another fantastic month of challenge entries, with over 300 entries! The winners have been listed on our winners page (please see separate page, tab at the top!) We are also contacting everybody who applied to be part of the DT and will announce our new members at the start of the July Challenge.
 This month we are sponsored by the fabulous

The prize is either a set of digi images to the winner or 3 individual digi images. We also have blog badges up for grabs.
The theme is USE A STAMP OR DIGI STAMP somewhere on your project.
Happy Crafting!
Denyse, Isobel and the CGE DT xxxx

DT Inspiration for you!




Erin using


Isobel using

 Jo using
Strawberry Circle

Kate using
Raspberry House


Tamie using

Denyse using 

Saturday 1 February 2014

Challenge #2 - Add a Gem, or glitter, or Candi or any bling you fancy!!!

Thank you all so much for your amazing entries for Challenge #1 the results have been added to our winners page (see tab above). Congratulations to everybody who entered as all the entries were FABULOUS!!!

So on to our second challenge, which is sponsored by the fabulous Janice at Scrapper's Delights. The prize is 3 Digi stamps of your own choice  from the Scrapper's Delights Store.

This month's theme is to add a bit of Bling... simply add  one of the following, a gem, or glitter, or Candi or any Bling you like. Of course you can add lots of bling, but that choice is yours, a single gem complies with the rules :)


Please check the rules in the side bar and remember only three entries and they must be linked to the challenge.

Once again the DT have produced fabulous work with the stunning digis that are available from Scrapper's Delights.

Happy Crafting,
Denyse, Isobel and the CGE Team xxx











