Showing posts with label CNA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CNA. Show all posts

Chuck Norris Approved: Truck Driver Thrown Out of Cabin During Crash Lands on his Feet!

You have to see this accident to believe it. In the video footage that follows, we see the driver of a long lorry suddenly turning left into the other lane to avoid a crash with another truck that had stopped in the middle of the road – who knows why.

A third truck coming from the other direction has no choice than to make a small maneuver and smash into the lorry's metal container.

What follows next, will leave you speechless as the second truck's driver, who was obviously not wearing a seat belt, is thrown out of his vehicle's window but he manages to land on his feet without suffering any injuries!

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Chinese Woman on a Scooter Makes a Jackie Chan Approved Save

Usually, we categorize any far-fetched saves under our "Chuck Norris Approved" label, but this time, we are going to make an exception and use the "Jackie Chan" tag.

And before you hit the comments section for a brawl, learn that we did this not because of the protagonist's ethnicity but due to her acrobatic moves that reminded us of the famous Hollywood actor.

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