Showing posts with label carnival of the cats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label carnival of the cats. Show all posts

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Weekend Cat Blogging with Sasha

So Sasha absolutely loathes the camera. She only has to see it and she's off in a hurry to...I don't know where. She does not want to be anywhere in the vicinity of the camera. She's not afraid of it, she just doesn't like her picture taken and will do anything to avoid me getting a proper shot. She'll come and rub herself against my leg so that all I can get is a back shot, or she'll turn her head right or roll over just as I press the button. :-/
So you can imagine my surprise when I took out the camera and she jumped up beside me and sat while I snapped several photos of her. She just sat there giving me a look that said, "Make sure you take enough pictures to last you a lifetime Miss, cause you ain't getting any more of me after this once in a lifetime opportunity!"

And then, once she had enough of the flashy box, she did her get-up-and-walk-off thing.
I think, though, that she did have someplace to get to in a hurry. You see I know she didn't want to be late to board the Friday Ark over at the Modulator and I know she really had to go get all cleaned up for this Week's Weekend Cat Blogging over at "Sher's What Did you Eat?" and the Carnival of the Cats over at Mind of Mog. Ooo! What fun this weekend! :-D

Friday, August 17, 2007

It's Friday! It's the Weekend!

Yeah! It's the Weekend! And so it's time for another Weekend Cat Blogging, Carnival of the Cats and time to Board the Friday Ark No. 152 over at The Modulator! This Weekend Cat Blogging event is being hosted by Catsynth and Carnival of the Cats will be over at Stranger Ranger on Sunday.

Remember the Blue Bowl? That very bowl that Sebastian always loved to curl up in to sleep ?

Well, last weekend Sebastian broke the bowl. *sigh* He was in the bowl sleeping when something startled him. He jumped out of the bowl, pushing it off the table and it...broke. :-(

So now he just sleeps on the table with Max or sometimes he climbs on top of me and curls up in my lap. :-D
