Showing posts with label sasha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sasha. Show all posts

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Weekend Cat Blogging with Sasha

So Sasha absolutely loathes the camera. She only has to see it and she's off in a hurry to...I don't know where. She does not want to be anywhere in the vicinity of the camera. She's not afraid of it, she just doesn't like her picture taken and will do anything to avoid me getting a proper shot. She'll come and rub herself against my leg so that all I can get is a back shot, or she'll turn her head right or roll over just as I press the button. :-/
So you can imagine my surprise when I took out the camera and she jumped up beside me and sat while I snapped several photos of her. She just sat there giving me a look that said, "Make sure you take enough pictures to last you a lifetime Miss, cause you ain't getting any more of me after this once in a lifetime opportunity!"

And then, once she had enough of the flashy box, she did her get-up-and-walk-off thing.
I think, though, that she did have someplace to get to in a hurry. You see I know she didn't want to be late to board the Friday Ark over at the Modulator and I know she really had to go get all cleaned up for this Week's Weekend Cat Blogging over at "Sher's What Did you Eat?" and the Carnival of the Cats over at Mind of Mog. Ooo! What fun this weekend! :-D

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Weekend of Silence & Remembrance

So many of our friends in the cat blogosphere are going through a very hard time with illnesses, deaths and missing kitties. So Kashim & Othello (who are hosting Weekend Cat Blogging this time around) have decided to have a Weekend of Silence and Remembrance in honour of our beloved friends who are no longer with us.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Tuesday Thought : for Megan & Biscuit

Megan over at Bad Kitty Cats has been hurting this week.

Her precious, precious Biscuit Sinatra has been missing now for a week.

Megan has had a very rough year.

We just wanted to take Time Out this Tuesday and
offer her & her family our support & kind thoughts and wishes.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Tummy Tuesday Roll!

This week we have the lovely Sasha performing her perfect scoring acrobatic roll over for Tummy Tuesday!

She gets into position...

Tummy on full display, all four feet successfully in the air...and here comes the roll!

And she nails the landing! :-D

Now that you've seen my silly Sasha and her tummy antics, make sure to head on over to Lisaviolet's Diary this and every Tuesday for some more tummies in action! :)

Friday, July 6, 2007

Weekend Cat Blogging

What? It's the weekend? Already? How did it come back around so quickly?

Well, no time to waste! Let's go make sure we get a really good spot on the Friday Ark, you know... the spot right by the air conditioning vent. I'm sure that's where we'll find Upsie blogging this very hot July Weekend.

Friday, June 22, 2007

We're Blogging this Weekend from the Friday Ark!

It's the weekend! Which means it's Weekend Cat Blogging time! This weekend Scampy over at ScamperDude is hosting. And he's showing us the cutest members of the Cute Kitten Club this weekend. Check it out. They are absolutely adorable!

Don't forget to get on board the Friday Ark! There's loads of fun promised this weekend.

Monday, June 18, 2007

A contest and Man Cat Monday!

Ooooh Ooooh ! Have you heard ? Have you heard? Have you heard the exciting news?

Astrid, Kashim and Othello have their own website now! Isn't that cool? And what is even cooler is that they're hosting the bestest contest ever! The prize is totally top secret. In fact it's so top secret that I doubt even paulchen knows what it is! Ha!

The contest is a fundraising effort for Elijah’s Rescue and the last date of entry is June 20, 2007 so be sure to enter!

The pictures above from top to bottom :

Max : I had just got my new printer, had just taken it out of the box and was in the middle of setting it up. I saw a flash of black in the corner of my eye and heard some scuffling. When I glanced over, there was Max sitting proudly in his box looking up at me with that oh so surprised look! He does it every single time. :)

BJ : I think this is his cutest picture yet because it's the only one I have that shows up his blue eyes! :-) He was actually staring at a lizard that was perched right below me. I don't think he was pleased when I snapped this picture and scared the lizard away!

Sebastian: Ahh...there are so many pictures of Sebastian that are THE cutest! Ha! How do I choose just one?! I don't know why I chose this one...I just love how his paw is sticking out. ;-)

Sasha : I love this one because I think her colours are so pretty against the green lawn.

Stripe: I just adore this picture of Stripe. He was a kitten at the time and loved playing in this grass.

KC : Doesn't she just look like a perfect little lady? :)

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Weekend Cat Blogging with Sasha

This week has been a very hot, dry week, which, of course, is lovely as May was a very wet month. But boy it has been hot, and I do mean hot! So when it started raining yesterday, I was happy, because it has cooled down significantly.
All the other cats want to stay inside when it rains as they don't particularly like to get their paws wet. Sasha, though, doesn't care whether it's wet or dry. If it rains then you can find her under a car somewhere outside, or sheltering under a leaf...outside.
While Puddy over at it's a byootiful life is going into winter, we are feeling the heat of summer coming on. If it's this hot in June, I shudder to think of what it's gonna be like in August! Eeek!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

WCB #104 & Friday Ark Fun!

Sasha. Sasha. Sasha. This little girl is most definitely NOT an indoor cat. She comes inside to eat and that's as much house as she can stand.

She spends every other waking and sleeping hour outdoors. She drinks water only from every puddle, pool and every possible dirty watering hole that is outside. She apparently does not like the taste of fresh water in a clean bowl.

No matter how you brush her, wipe her face clean and otherwise try to groom her to make her look presentable, she just goes outside and rolls in the dust and frustrates the whole thing.

*sigh* Sasha would love to invite all of you to board the Friday Ark and jump into the Weekend Cat Blogging Pool of fun!

Luna over at CatSynth is hosting WCB # 104 this week. Great Job Luna !

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Friday, May 11, 2007

Seven Random Things

We've been tagged by Aloysius to present seven random things about us.

Here are the rules : Each player starts with seven random facts about themselves. Cats who are tagged need to write on their own blog about the seven things and the rules. You need to choose seven cats to tag and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment that they have been tagged and ask them to read your blog!

Here are seven random facts about us :

1. Stripe : I loooooove Roger Federer! I sit and look at my autographed picture of Roger Federer every now and then and say to myself, "Self, in a few more months you will play just like Roger Federer used to play before he got into this silly losing funk."


2. Sasha : I am a picky eater. I refuse to eat the same thing two days in a row. I will not eat dry food in the morning. I must, MUST, have my gravy in the morning and my dry at night. No, I will not have any gravy in the evenings. That's preposterous. This drives my mom crazy as she has been trying to get us all to eat dry food only, mornings and evenings. I guess she doesn't understand that I am a cat and I must have everything exactly the way I like it. Especially when it inconveniences every human in my life.


3. BJ : I'm the only kitten who got to stay with my cat-mom Sasha. All my other brothers went to other homes. I'm eight years old and still have not warmed up to humans as yet. I am very suspicious of and do not trust anything that walks on two legs as I truly believe that all humans work for the government and are out to get all of us cats. In fact I'm not so sure I want to be a part of this "meme"...who do you work for? Why do you want to know this information about us? Hmmm...I smell something fishy here...there is a conspiracy afoot! I will not divulge any more about myself as I don't trust your motives! Good bye.


4. Max : I like drinking water out of every container (toilet bowl water tastes the best actually) other than my designated drinking bowl. I also like to surprise mom by going outside and bringing her all kinds of goodies that I hunt and catch. I especially like catching small mice, and lizards late at night after Mom goes in to bed. I bring them inside to her alive. Once I get them inside though, I quickly lose interest in them, let them go and then usually will try to get some sleep. But Mom gets so excited when she sees the goodies, especially the mice! She jumps onto things and screams and runs around with the broom! I'm usually too tired to join in the fun though so I'll just lay there watching her...happy in the knowledge that I brought her so much joy!


5. KC : I was not abandoned. I just got thoroughly bored with my previous home and so decided to discard those humans about six years ago. I went in search of a new palace and new subjects who would serve me humbly and eagerly. I ran into BJ and his cat-mom Sasha and decided to check out their subjects and their palace. I liked it so much I decided to stay. No, it never did occur to me to ask the humans if they minded. Their opinion never counts anyway. I do not like to be petted...wait...I do not like to be touched and will growl at you if you insist on that "petting" nonsense. If I like you, and am confident that you will not touch me at all, I will voluntarily jump/climb into your lap and take a nap.


6. Sebastian : I'm the youngest of them all and have an enormous amount of energy and like to direct most of that energy in chasing...well...just about anything. It doesn't even have to move. I specialise in tails, however. Especially Max's tail. He doesn't like anybody (not even Mom) playing with his tail, so I chase it just to annoy the heck out of him! He's sooooo funny when he's annoyed. Hahahahahahahah!

7. We live with three of these stupid, stupid creatures called 'dawgs' who we all really, really despise.

We will try to tag seven other cat bloggers later as we must go get our cat naps now.

Friday, May 4, 2007

The Line Up

First there's Sasha, who hates having her picture taken.

Then there's BJ who, I swear, sits around concocting conspiracy theories all day :

KC (she's most definitely "the Boss"!):

Mr. Cool, Max:

Stripe. Yep. That's his permanent, " Get that damn camera outta ma face!" scowl:

And last, but most definitely not least, the baby of the family, Sebastian :