Showing posts with label bristol. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bristol. Show all posts

Saturday 26 September 2009


Another filler photo for the weekend. This one is from the trip I took to the Banksy Exhibition in August. I love his sense of humour. Late post today due to partying last night. And another party tonight! Unsurprisingly I have a hangover. Hope you are having a good weekend.

Tuesday 1 September 2009

Theme Day - Big

Another month has gone by and another one begins today. Here in CDPB world the first of the month is Theme Day and the theme for September is 'Big'. I really didn't have a clue what to post this month but luckily Banksy helped me out! This big (fake) spider in a gobstopper machine was one of the exhibits at the Bansky Exhibition in Bristol. As you probably remember we went there last month and waited in a big queue (another big!) to see the illusive artists work. Well worth the wait!

To see what others have come up with for this months Theme Day click here.

Sunday 23 August 2009

Monkeying Around

Just a quickie today. While stood in the queue waiting to see the Banksy exhibition in Bristol I had time ( a lot of time!) to look at the surrounding buildings. There was a row of Gothic looking buildings, some houses, some now offices, and they all had interesting animal cravings above the windows. My favourite one was this odd monkey one. Its all a bit sinister looking and reminds me of something but I can't quite remember what! Any thoughts?

Friday 21 August 2009

Banksy Statues

Today is the final day of my Bansky series and we are ending with some photos of his statues. If you want to see his art work and animatronics then scroll down to my past couple of days posts. The exhibit at Bristol Museum runs until the end of this month so if you are in the area, and don't mind queuing, then it is well worth a visit. Otherwise if it comes to a town near you make the effort to visit, you won't be disappointed.

"If you want someone to be ignored, then build a life-size bronze statue of them and stick it in the middle of town."

Thursday 20 August 2009

Banksy Artwork

Today's little offering from the Banksy exhibit at Bristol Museum shows just a small selection of his artwork and stencil drawings. I have loads of photos that I could have shown you but these are a few of my favourites. Hope you like them too. If you want to see some of the animatronics check yesterdays post and come back tomorrow to see some statues with a difference.

"When you go to an art gallery you are simply a tourist
looking at the trophy cabinet of a few millionaires."

Wednesday 19 August 2009

Banksy Animatronics

As I mentioned yesterday, we went to Bristol for my birthday to see something very cool - the Banksy Exhibition! The exhibit of over 100 pieces of the mystery artist's work is taking place at the Bristol Museum until the end of the month. The event is free and the museum, unsurprisingly, has seen record numbers of visitors. We joined the queue at 10 am and three and a half hours later we were finally through the door! But it was well worth the wait.

Little is known about the elusive artist known only as Banksy. It is believed he was born in 1974 in the Bristol area, where his notoriety began to grow due to his skillful graffiti and stencil work that started to appear around the city in the late 1980's. Since these early days he has gone on to become an internationally renowned artist, with his creations springing up in London, New York and New Orleans to name but a few locations.

His exhibit brings together his art work, sculptures, installations and animatronics, all of which are very cleverly conceived and thought provoking through their humorous nature. Today I'll show you some of his animatronics. Below are some of my favourites, though there were many more that I could have shared.

"We can’t do anything to change the world until capitalism crumbles. In the meantime we should all go shopping to console ourselves."

Sunday 7 December 2008

Big Baubles

These giant baubles were at the new Cabot Circus shopping centre in Bristol. I went there a couple of weeks ago, to be honest I won't be bothering to go again - no shops that stood out for me, only the usual high street stores. Anyway, these baubles were about six feet tall and they were stacked up in a pyramid that must have been about eighteen feet high! Imagine the size of the Christmas tree you'd need to hang them on?! It was a pretty impressive Christmas feature, although I'm not sure what those jets of water were all about!

The photo was taken on my camera phone, so its a bit rough looking.
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