Showing posts with label water. Show all posts
Showing posts with label water. Show all posts

Sunday 29 November 2009

Across The Pond

A view from the bridge across Pitville Park lake. Winter has really arrived now.

Thursday 24 September 2009

Rivers Of Rubbish

The magnificent (not) river that is the River Chelt is hardly the widest deepest torrent of water in the world so you'd think the Council could manage to keep it clean. Apparently not. In the past I've shown you a trolley and a bike dumped in the water, today its a bed and a trailer. How delightful.

Saturday 11 July 2009

Water Tree

A tree reaching for the lake in Pitville Park.

Thursday 4 June 2009

At The Foot Of Neptune

This photo was my other choice for theme day. I don't normally drag the theme out but I really liked how this shot turned out. Its a close up of Neptune's Fountain at the end of The Prom. I've posted on the fountain a couple of times before, click here for a full view and Neptune's history.

Monday 1 June 2009

Theme Day - Feet

Another first of the month and another Theme Day across the CDPB community. This months theme is Feet (in case you hadn't guessed!) Don't ask me who these feet belong to, as I took this photo on the sly! I was taking a photo of the feet of the Holst statue, in Imperial Gardens, when a woman sat on the edge of the fountain and dipped her feet in the water. Perfect, I thought, so I surreptitiously snapped a shot! I'm really pleased with the result, all the elements came together - the light, the water droplets and, of course, the feet! Not very original, but that's me.

Put your best foot forward and check out the other bloggers taking part this month by clicking here to view the thumbnails.

Sunday 24 May 2009


Today a photo taken by Phoebe's mum, P. Hope she doesn't mind me using it! This is a view of the lake in Beckford Nature Reserve. I haven't been there but it looks a lovely spot for a walk.

Sorry for the lack of visits from myself to your blogs. Its the long Bank Holiday Weekend and we are spending it catching up with visiting friends and family. Shame I have to work today but that's the way of the world! Enjoy your weekend.

Monday 29 December 2008

Mind Play

Cheltenham DP is back after a little break for the festivities. I hope you all had a great Christmas, I did, and I hope Santa brought you everything that you wanted. Its a bit of a struggle getting back into the routine of life after all the fun of Christmas. I'm back at work tomorrow and then we get a day off for New Year. All this partying is taking its toll!

I thought I'd test you all with today's photo, to help get your Christmas addled brains back into gear. Who can spot what is going on in this shot?

Thursday 18 December 2008

Pampered Pooch

Sometimes being stuck in traffic pays off. It gives you a great photo opportunity! I was stuck behind this van on the one-way system around town on Monday and it got me thinking. What on earth is a dog Hydro Bath?! What is Turbo Drying?! Why do fleas need a rinse?! Why does it need to be a 'heated mobile dog grooming parlour'?! Do they have a radiator in there?! All these questions remain unanswered, unless I get a dog and give Dial-A-Dog-Wash a call! Has anyone out there used one of these mobile dog washers? For their dog, obviously.

Thursday 11 December 2008

Seeing Double

One of the swans on Pitville Lake. As you can see from another park photo, Christmas and life have got in the way of new photographs.

Although I love the festive season I'll be glad when things get back to normal. One good thing - I've nearly finished my Christmas shopping. Only a few things left to get, to then give to Santa, for him to put into Phoebe's stocking! I have still got Christmas cards to write and post, but I'll do that at the weekend. Best thing about Christmas? The works party! And that's tonight! Ours is at a hotel close by, so I can walk home and no need for a taxi - more money for drink! The downside is going to work tomorrow with a hangover, but we'll all be in the same boat. I guess Friday will be a-go-slow day!

Sunday 7 December 2008

Big Baubles

These giant baubles were at the new Cabot Circus shopping centre in Bristol. I went there a couple of weeks ago, to be honest I won't be bothering to go again - no shops that stood out for me, only the usual high street stores. Anyway, these baubles were about six feet tall and they were stacked up in a pyramid that must have been about eighteen feet high! Imagine the size of the Christmas tree you'd need to hang them on?! It was a pretty impressive Christmas feature, although I'm not sure what those jets of water were all about!

The photo was taken on my camera phone, so its a bit rough looking.

Saturday 6 December 2008

Two Moorhens

Another photo from Pitville Park. These two are just a couple of the many moorhens that can be found around the lake. The habitat there is ideal for them - water, long grass and reeds, and plenty of insects, snails and seeds for them to eat. According to the RSPB (The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) website there are an estimated 270,000 breeding pairs in the UK. These breeding pairs are resident birds and they seldom travel far, so once you've got a pair they stick around!

Thursday 27 November 2008

Swan Song

I'm not that brave as to get that close to a swan, they can be quite feisty, I used the zoom! On Tuesday I went for a walk round Pitville Park. It was a bright, crisp afternoon and my camera was working overtime. There was so much to take in - joggers, cyclists, dog walkers, kids playing, a music video being filmed (more on that another day!) and plenty of wildlife. Back in July I told you about the swans on the lake and how the female of the breeding pair had been killed by a fishing hook, and that the male had been left to raise the nine cygnets. Well I can report that dad is doing a great job. The cygnets are as big as their father now and they have almost all of their adult feathers. An extra bonus for the swan population of Pitville Lake is that this is the male of another breeding pair. The lake now has twelve swans and counting!

Monday 3 November 2008

Marley In London

Last week Phoebe and I went to London for a couple of days. I took loads of photos and I thought I'd share a few with you to start the week.

You wait for one bus and then three turn up at once! I like this one of St Paul's Cathedral with the red buses in front.

Jellyfish at the London Aquarium. They aren't really this colour, they are lit in their tanks with constantly changing colours. Very effective.

One of the fountains in Trafalgar Square.

Old and new. The Gherkin building from the Tower Of London.

The Ravens at the Tower Of London. If you want to know more about the birds at the Tower then go here.

Big Ben and the Palace Of Westminster at sunset.

The view at night from our hotel room (it was only a Travel Lodge!) St Paul's Cathedral and Canary Wharf.

Hope you enjoyed as much as we did!

Sunday 26 October 2008

River, Not A Stream

This is the River Chelt. I know it looks like a babbling brook but it's the nearest we get to a proper river in Cheltenham. The stream (sorry, river) meets the River Severn at Wainloads Hill before joining the Bristol Estuary, and then the Atlantic Ocean. The Severn starts in Wales and flows for 220 miles. Its funny to think that our little River Chelt helps create the UK's longest river. Does your town or city have a river flowing through it?

Saturday 18 October 2008

Rubbish River

This is Cheltenhams latest bike parking facility. Well, it made me laugh! I saw this bicycle dumped in the River Chelt the other week. I presume it was dumped, I suppose someone could have lost control while out for a ride, ended up in the water and then got swept away by the current! Well, as the River Chelt is like a stream I doubt that very much. I don't know why people do things like this. I also don't know why the Council don't clean up this area more often. I suppose they've got better things to do with our taxes.

Anyway, on a jollier note, the result of the birthday quiz! The winner is...(drum roll)...Denton! He got all the answers right apart from one, which he got right later. Well done Denton, a Cheltenham postcard is on its way to you!

Here are Denton's answers -
(1) the name of the fountain - Neptune's Fountain on the Promenade
(2) the story that goes with this photo - Sweet Injustice, security asked that you to stop taking photos
(3) the name of the building - Town Hall which it sits on Cheltenham's One-way system
(4) the type of Coat of Arms - The Cowardly Lion ... belongs to one of Britain's former Kings
(5) the significance of these birds - Cheltenham's spa water was discovered in 1716 because local people noticed pigeons pecking at the salty deposits
(6) the name of the building the eagle sits at the bottom of - Eagle Tower
(7) what Cheltenham is famous for - the Gold Cup
(8) what this building is being turned into - The Dobells pub ... a proper pub
(9) my first 'blank' - first attempt at the City Daily Photo Blog theme day
(10) my first 'blank' - first photo posted
(11) the name of the building - The Municipal Offices stand on the Promenade
(12) the name of the flower - sunflowers representing children at the Deerhurst Flower Festival

The answer to photo 8 is actually that the Dobells pub is being turned into a Costa Coffee (which Denton got later.)

Thanks to everyone who took part and left me such kind blogiversary comments. Enjoy your weekend!

Tuesday 23 September 2008

Off Your Trolley

I normally show you the nicer side of Cheltenham but, like all towns and cities, we have the usual problems - crime, vandalism, littering, anti-social behaviour. Following Knoxville Girl's lead the other day, I headed into a part of town I never walk through. It's not a particularly unpleasant part of town, in fact redevelopment of the area has just finished. The area used to be St James' train station and then a car park, it is now luxury apartments and a Waitrose supermarket. It's also where the River Chelt flows through. The riverside area (well, the stream side area!) was revamped with a walkway, seating, artwork and a waterfall. And here it is in all its glory, along with a shopping trolley for an added urban feel!

Saturday 13 September 2008


This is a continuation from yesterdays post. I really like all the pastel shades reflected in the water.

If you have some time today I'd like to direct you to D.C Confidential's Washington daily photo. Her series of post on the opening of the Pentagon 9/11 Memorial are well worth looking at.

Friday 12 September 2008

Sky Watch Friday

Its that time again - Sky Watch Friday. This is a view across the River Avon, with the Malvern Hills in the distance.

To join in with Sky Watch Friday, and to see the other sky watchers weekly offerings, head over to the Sky Watch Friday Blog.

Wednesday 3 September 2008

Sinking Feeling

Imagine inviting your friends for an afternoon on your boat. You've packed a lunch. You've promised views of the countryside along the river. You all pile onto the jetty to show off your pride and joy. Then this.
More water in the boat than in the river is never a good start to a boat trip!

Monday 25 August 2008

Salubritas et Eruditio

This is the Coat of Arms and Insignia of Cheltenham. This one is above the main entrance to the Municipal Offices but there are others around town.

So what does it all mean? Well, starting at the top and working down, the pigeon at the very top is sitting on a blue stripped sphere and this represents the discovery of the fountain of spa water by a pigeon that made Cheltenham famous. This is sitting on top of a wreath of Oak leaves. The two open books, either side of the silver cross, on the blue band represent education, particularly Pates Grammar School and Cheltenham College. The silver cross shows religion. The two pigeons represent the flock that gathered at the spa water spring. The Oak tree at the bottom is there to represent the tree lined Promenade and streets that Cheltenham is also known for. And finally the towns motto - Salubritas et Eruditio means "Health and Education".

And so ends today's lesson! Does your town or city have a motto?
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