Showing posts with label killer corn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label killer corn. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Mobile fluoride vans to target communities that voted to remove deadly chemical from public water supply


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Back in October, the Pinellas County, Fla., Commission voted 4 - 3 to stop adding artificial fluoride chemicals to the county's municipal water supply, which serves roughly 700,000 residents.

But now local health officials are suggesting that the county purchase a mobile fluoride van as an alternative, which would drive around town and administer fluoride and other conventional dental services directly to children.

Believe it or not, the St. Petersburg Times reports that the Pinellas County Commission will soon vote on whether or not to purchase this mobile fluoride van for $532,339 in taxpayer funds, which is more than twice the $205,000 a year the county has been spending to purchase fluoride chemicals for the water supply.



Agent Orange Ingredient to be Used in GMO Crops


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Dow and Monsanto are not killing enough people with Genetically Modified corn so now they add Agent Orange to it.

Dow AgroSciences has announced the development of genetically engineered corn, soybean, and cotton plants that are resistant to an herbicide containing 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D).

2,4-D is a major ingredient of Agent Orange, a chemical that has been linked to over 400,000 birth defects in Vietnam.

