
Showing posts with label Dragon Dreams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dragon Dreams. Show all posts

Thursday, July 10, 2014

A Family Wedding

This post is mostly non-stitchy although I am putting the framed pictures of Corn Mill and Fantasy Wedding Blessing (Dragon Dreams) in.

This past weekend was my cousin's wedding,I took care of her when she was a baby and she more like my neice.

I went home a few days before to help with last minute prep and running around.  Good thing that I did because there was lots to do.

I made the rehearsal bouquet with ribbon from the bridal shower I co-hosted in May.  Of course I realized when I was almost done the purple ones I should have used the sewing machine instead of doing them by hand. 

Rehearsal bouquet

Helped with the centre pieces

 The bride's brother took this for me while the professional took the real thing. Yes,I love the bride enough to actually have my picture taken ;)

The bride, my parents and I

The happy couple

Something old- our grandmother's locket with our grandparents wedding pictures

Fantasy Wedding Blessing framed

Corn Mill framed
Closed up of Corn Mill's frame

 Saturday was a beautiful day and both the bride and groom left on their honeymoon very happy.

Thursday, June 05, 2014


Long time, no blog.  Things have been busy.

Last month I co-hosted my cousin's bridal shower so there a million and one things to do for that.  Work was crazy with a last minute rush job, there's still a bit to do for clean up from that but not as rushed.
I had to go dress shopping for something to wear to cousin's upcoming wedding; I did find something but as most of you know I hate clothes shopping.

I also did some stitching.

I'm behind a TUSAL post - I couldn't think of an idea so I'm reusing the dragon wine glass.

And I have two smalls. April and May.  I put them together into a little pillow.

Red letters - Rosewood Manor
Internet Freebie
And I stitched Dragon Dreams' Fantasy Wedding Blessing.  It's finished and at the framer's but I forgot to take a picture so all I have is this horrible in progress picture I took with my phone.  I will have to do a proper happy dance post once it's all framed.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Evil blue folders

My boss told me the other day making a to do list is a form of procrastination and would not help in any way to get all the stuff done that I'm supposed to be working on.

I thought it was an awesome idea because I keep forgetting to do the little things that have no deadline.  Like blog.   It's been on before mentioned to do list for a couple of weeks. It's a good thing my performance evaluation doesn't include my blog or I would be in big trouble. 

Anyhow - between visiting the parents and doing shopping for bridal shower next month, not feeling well, and a billion other things I did do a little stitching.

Fantasy wedding blessing (Dragon Dreams)


Serenity prayer - I found courage :)
I am now going to go and get my bag ready for morning and see if I can't get my castle finished. 

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Runaway December

December completely ran away from me.  One minute I was putting up Christmas decorations in my office at work on the first, and trying to avoid boring parties and the next it was time to pack to go to the parents for Christmas.

I was busy helping Santa with his shopping and wrapping, and doing ornament finishing and making fobs.

Christmas cards went into the mail, Corn Mill was finished.  

I actually managed to get a lot done.  Just not any blog posts.  

I stitched 2 of the Dragon Dreams 12 Days of Christmas series so I am now half done.

I spent several days with the parents, although my train into town was delayed two hours. What to do at the train station waiting for the train?  Stitch on CdC of course!

My light is working again.  There was a new bulb waiting at the parents for me when I arrived.   Replacing the bulb was the second thing done when I got back - after making nice with Shadow.

I'm organized for Stitching row's start tonight, although it will tomorrow morning as I know I won't be able to stay awake.

This week brought sad news: my great-uncle passed away and a friend had bad health news about her husband who has a long battle ahead.  

I hope all had a happy and safe week last week with family and friends and that tonight is fun no matter what you chose to do to ring in the New Year.