
Showing posts with label Ink Circles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ink Circles. Show all posts

Monday, December 04, 2023

Blueprint for the rainbow city

 Another finish

Blueprint for the rainbow city

Ink Circles 

32 ct white

DMC 336

Threadworx 1154

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Weekly progress April 2-9

 Welcome to April!  This past week was busy and included freezing rain that took out my power for around a day.  Also Easter and a birthday dinner for my 2 year old cousin. This week looks a little quieter as I replace the contents of my fridge.

I am at the bottom of Serenity prayer 

And I worked on Rainbow city

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Weekly progress March 1-21

 So I missed posting progress so far this month and decided to do a month to date instead.

Blueprint for the rainbow city

Serenity prayer

Plum pudding

I restarted Blackstone fantasy garden on different fabric

Mother’s bliss

Wednesday, March 01, 2023

Reflections of Ireland

 Managed a finish!

Reflections of Ireland

Ink Circles

Threadworx 10585

Monday, February 20, 2023

Weekly progress February 13-19

 Another week has sped by and February is already half over.  I did some stitching on Serenity prayer but just the border so I didn’t take a progress picture.

I also decided to start a new project: Rosemarkie by Long Dog Samplers

I am using ice blue lugana and 1024 threadworx


I also have some progress on Reflections of Ireland by Ink Circles

Monday, February 13, 2023

Weekly progress February 5 - February 11

 I made some progress on a few projects:

Serenity prayer - My Big Toe Designs

Reflections of Ireland - Ink Circles

Mother’s bliss - Mirabilia

Plum pudding - Glendon Place

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Reflections of Ireland

 In June I went on a trip and decided I wanted a new project to work on.  

I picked Reflections of Ireland by Ink Circles on 32 count white with Threadworx 10585

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Henna mandala

 After having to order some additional thread, I finished the stitching on Henna mandala on March 5

Henna mandala

Ink Circles

32 county Country mocha

Red clay Gloriana (2)

Friday, January 07, 2022

Boxing Day 2021 Start: Blueprint

 Boxing Day has turned into a new SAL start over the last few years; in fact Henna mandala was the SAL start for 2020.

For 2021 we decided to start Ink Circles' Blueprint for the rainbow city

I started and worked on it Boxing Day but haven't had much time yet.  

Wednesday, January 05, 2022

Catching up with Henna

 One skein of Gloriana Red clay down - hopefully I don't need more than the second to see a finish on Henna mandala

Tuesday, November 02, 2021

Summer mandala

 In March I finished Summer mandala from Ink Circles’ Four seasonal mandalas.  I am now half done the set; Winter is also finished. No timeline on when the next season will start.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Other January progress - so far

 I have been spending some time working on two other projects so far this month.  

I dug deep into the bin and pulled out Four season mandalas by Ink Circles and dusted off the started Summer...  the part that was done is the section that has colour filled in.  I am working at finishing up the outline - about half done now.

Also got out Plum Pudding.  An unofficial goal for this year is to finish this.... it's still early days so fingers crossed

Friday, January 15, 2021

New start - Henna mandala

 On Boxing Day a couple of friends and I were scheduled to start Ink Circles' Henna mandala....

My thread (the very pretty red clay - Gloriana) was still in the mail so I didn't actually get to start it until last week.  

I chose Country mocha for the fabric; it is a bit tricky to get a picture of so I sure this will be one of those that looks different in every post.

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Christmas break progress

 Christmas was very, very quiet.  None of the usual family get togethers happened this year following the recommendations of the Health Unit to not gather.  This meant that I had much stitching time.

Friday, December 18, 2020

Top of the basket: Castle walls

As the end of 2020 approaches an update on projects that actually saw the top of the project basket this year.

Getting close to finishing the first page; not good progress for a year

Castle walls by Ink Circles

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Top of the basket: Blackstone Fantasy Garden

 As the end of 2020 approaches an update on projects that actually saw the top of the project basket this year.

Blackstone Fantasy Garden by Ink Circles on 32 count white opalescent with Carrie's Threads


Wednesday, May 27, 2020

State of the stitching - the catch up edition

I decided to post an update picture of the projects I have been working on recently.  

Blackstone fantasy garden 

Plum pudding

Autumn reflections

Serenity prayer

Templar prophecy

Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Everythig new

Welcome to a new year, a new decade, a new stitching project and a new year SAL

This morning I took some update pictures of my recent progress on the projects I have been working on recently

Serenity Prayer (My Big Toe Designs)

Autumn reflections (Heritage Stitchcraft - John Clayton)

On Boxing Day I started a new project - Castle Walls by Ink Circles

This morning I start this year's SAL - Let it snow by Barbara Ana Designs

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Sometimes too much is a bad thing

I have decided that I have too many projects on the go; there are so many choices that I can't decide which ones to work on.  So I made a short list of ones I will work on until I finally see some finished:

 Serenity Prayer version 2 - My Big Toes Designs

Autumn reflections - John Clayton/Heritage Stitchcraft

Tour des Marques - The Silver Lining

Plum pudding - Glendon Place

Blackstone fantasy garden - Ink Circles

Sunday, March 03, 2019

February recap

I had planned to do some update blog posts during the month but those didn't happen.  Instead I give you the February Stitching In One Shot post

A finish!  

Dark Shards
Ink Circles
32 ct. Antique white

DMC threads

An ornament

Scissortail Designs
DMC threads

Progress on Plum Pudding

Serenity prayer - the words on the first page are almost done

And finally I did a little filling in of the border on Blackstone fantasy garden