My Wonderful Visitors


For free BLOGGING SEMINARS AND TUTORIALS, click the tabs below. I am sorry, but I am not available for personal blogging questions as I am writing full-time and my work takes precedence.


Showing posts with label vintage bottles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vintage bottles. Show all posts

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Gingersnap Creations

As so many of you know from the title of my new ebook, mixed media art is my passion--I love creating as do many of you!

Well, imagine my surprise today when I found out that I became a Ginger Gem on Gingersnap Creations--I was sooo excited!

This cigar box created with images from Dezinaworld, as well as many other embellishments is the piece that I entered into the challenge~Imagine my delight when I found out that it is a winning piece--I was so happy!

But, there is a new challenge there and I am submitting this vintage bottle that is a mixed media piece in white because the challenge is to create art in white and/or soft yellow. If you'd like to enter, just go to Gingersnap Creations HERE.

Both of these pieces are in my Etsy store~Thank you to everyone at Gingersnap Creations!!


Monday, June 6, 2011

Dreaming in Vintage

Hi Everyone~

I have a love of all things romantic and I thought I'd
share some pics of vintage pieces that are in my studio.

To this photo, I added a background digitally
and created a new tag logo for my Etsy shop.

The fabulous French writing background is from
Shabby Cottage Studio for whom I design.

Here is one of my antique bottles...

And a collection of them...

Most of these are over 100 years old...
and are available in my Etsy shop.

And here is a tag I just completed for Jenny Matlock. ("H" is for Happy Surprise for a Friend.) If you notice, there is a vintage typewriter on it (part of a beautiful graphic sheet from Dezinaworld.) As I design for this company also, I couldn't wait to use that new graphic sheet in one of my pieces. A typewriter is part of Jenny's blog header--so, I thought it would be a sweet surprise!

I hope you're all having a dreamy day!


Linking this to Time Travel Thursday!
Linking this to Alphabet Thursday!