Showing posts with label Yam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yam. Show all posts

Monday, May 15, 2017

摩摩查查蒸糕 Simple Bubur Cha Cha Cake

The first time when I come across this recipe from Amy Wong's 'Aromas of Kuihs' and I wondered how would it taste like as I have never seen or tasted bubur cha cha in such form other than the creamy dessert we used to have.  To satisfy my curiosity, I decided to also adapt and attempt this steamed kuih since I happened to prepare the same ingredients for Bubur Cha Cha dessert.

Once you already have the ingredients prepared, making it is as easy as a breeze.  In general, it taste relatively good.. a cooked and pudding version of the dessert. Something new and usual.

Simple Bubur Cha Cha Cake

Ingredients 材料

160g Sugar 砂糖
1/2 Tsp Salt 盐
850ml Water 清水

180g Rice Flour 粘米粉
40g Corn Flour 玉米粉
100g Tapioca Flour 木薯粉
350ml Coconut Milk 椰浆

100g Orange Flesh Sweet Potatoes 橙肉番薯 (diced 切丁)
100g Purple Flesh Sweet Potatoes 紫肉番薯 (diced 切丁)
80g Yam 芋头 (diced 切丁)
40g Colored Sago Pearls 颜色沙谷粒
Tapioca Jelly 木薯粉块 (Optional)

Method 做法

Boil sago pearls (C) separately in saucepan with sufficient water till cooked. Drain. Soak in cold water and set aside.

Cook (C) sweet potatoes and yam until softened. Set aside.

Combine (A) into a saucepan and boil till sugar dissolves. Remove from heat and set aside.

Combine (B) into a mixing bowl and stir to mix. Sieve the mixture.  Add (A) to combine and mix evenly. Divide mixture into three equal portions.

Cook one portion of the mixture under low heat until slightly thickened. Transfer mixture into an 8 inch steaming tray. Sprinkle 1/3 portion of the ingredients (C) over the mixture and steam at medium high heat for 15 mins.

Repeat the cooking and preparation for the next portion of the mixture as per the earlier layer. Sprinkle the second portion of (C) onto the layer and steam for 15 mins.

Pour the balance portion of the mixture into the steaming tray. Sprinkle the last portion of (C) on top and steam for 20-25 mins.

Allow to cool slightly before serving.

Do link back to Coco Sweet Tooth if you have used any information as published in this blog.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

椰汁喳喳 Bubur Cha Cha

This is one of the local dessert I would never get tired of, especially when its cooked with yam and sweet potatoes.  If you are also into this rich santan sweet dessert, this will be a good recipe to try on.

Bubur Cha Cha

Ingredients 材料

Tapioca Jelly Beans 木薯粉团 (A)
110g Tapioca Flour 木薯粉
70ml Boiling Water 滚水
3-4 Drops Red Food Coloring 食用红色色素
4-5 Drops Green Pandan Paste 食用绿色班兰精
600ml Boiling Water 滚水
2 Tsp Castor Sugar 细砂糖

300g Yam / Taro 芋头 (diced 切丁)
250g Yellow Sweet Potatoes 黄肉番薯 (diced 切丁)
250g Purple Sweet Potatoes 紫肉番薯 (diced 切丁)
8 pcs Pandan Leaves 班兰叶 (knotted 打结)
40g Sago Pearls 西米
1000ml Water 清水
130g Rock Sugar 冰糖
500ml Thick Coconut Milk 浓椰浆
1/2 Tsp Salt 盐

Method 做法

Pour 70ml boiling water (A) over tapioca flour and stir to combine. Knead to form smooth dough. Divide dough into two equal portions.

Mix one portion with red food coloring while the other portion with green pandan paste. Knead to achieve even colour.

Dust palms with tapioca flour to avoid dough from sticking onto hands when handling. Pinch some dough from each portion and roll into small round balls.  Set aside.

Heat up 600ml of water (A) in a saucepan and bring to boil. Add tapioca jelly beans and cook till it floats. Stir to prevent from sticking to one another. Discard the water and scoop out the cooked tapioca jelly beans. Transfer jelly beans into bowl with cold water to prevent sticking. Set aside.

Steam yam / taro under medium hight heat for 10 mins until cooked. Set aside.

Bring 1000ml water (B) with pandan leaves to boil. Add rock sugar and cook until sugar melts. Add sweet potatoes and bring to boil. Add sago pearls continue to simmer with close lid for 8-10min until soft. Discard pandan leaves. Add steamed yam.

Stir in salt and coconut milk and and mix thoroughly. Continue to boil for 10 mins before removing from heat to serve.

Do link back to Coco Sweet Tooth if you have used any information as published in this blog.

Friday, December 30, 2016

潮州芋泥 Teochew Yam Paste

Being a Teochew, I have little exposure towards our heritage. Sadly, my understanding of the language is only limited to listening comprehension but not of spoken and lacking also extends towards my exposure to Teochew food. 

Teochew yam paste only came into my awareness in my early twenties when I was working in Singapore. Since then I have been reminiscing about this yummy Teochew dessert but hardly found it anywhere.  Recently I came across this simple and yet yummy recipe from a local newspaper clippings and set about to make it on my own. As it turns out, the yam is so creamy and smooth just like what I remembered.

Teochew Yam Paste

Ingredients 材料
700g Yam 芋头
170g Sugar 砂糖
80ml Cooking Oil 食油
45ml Coconut Oil 椰油
200ml Thick Coconut Milk 浓椰浆
30 Gingko Nuts 银杏坚果

(B) Coconut Cream 椰浆液
125ml Thick Coconut Milk 浓椰浆
1/4 Tsp Salt 盐

Method 做法

Boil gingko nuts till softened. Set aside.

Combine (B) until salt dissolves. Set aside.

Peel yam and cut into cubes. Steam under high heat for 30-40 mins till softened.  Immediately transfer cooked yam into food processor. Add coconut milk (A) and blend till smooth.

Transfer yam paste, sugar, cooking and coconut oil into a saucepan. Stir and cook under medium heat until sugar dissolves and oil thoroughly absorbed into the yam and no longer sticking to the side of the pan.

Grease dividual bowls,  place several cooked gingko nuts into the bowl and top with the cooked yam paste.

Pour some coconut cream over the yam paste before serving.

Do link back to Coco Sweet Tooth if you have used any information as published in this blog

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

地瓜芋头软面包 Sweet Potato and Yam Combo Bread

Another soft and fragrant bread I am extremely happy with the outcome.

Sweet Potato and Yam
 Combo Bread

Ingredients 材料

Tang Zhong 汤种 (A)

35g Bread Flour 高筋面粉
175g Water 清水

170g Tangzhong 汤种
100g Yellow Sweet Potato 地瓜 (steam and mashed 蒸后搅成泥状)
100g Yam 芋头 (steam and mashed 蒸后搅成泥状)
540g Bread Flour 高筋面粉
3 Tbsp Cake Flour 蛋糕粉
12g Milk Powder 奶粉
1 Tbsp Instant Dried Yeast 速发干酵母
45g Castor Sugar 细糖
2 Eggs 鸡蛋
50g Unsalted Butter 无盐牛油 (melted and cooled 融化冷却)
160g Milk 牛奶
1 Tsp Salt 盐

Method 做法

Combine ingredients (A) into a heatproof saucepan and cook over medium heat while stirring continuously until the mixture thickens with no visible lumps. Once the mixture reaches 65C degrees the water roux is ready. I just cook and stir until it has thickened like baby porridge. 将材料A里的水和高筋面粉加入耐热锅/盆搅拌均匀成面糊,然后以中小火加热,边煮边搅拌一直煮到面糊开始变浓稠就息火继续搅拌至无粒粒或如婴儿粥般即可。

Transfer the tang zhong paste to a clean bowl and place a piece of cling wrap directly over the top of the mixture to prevent skin from forming on the surface. Allow the mixture to cool before using. Refrigerate the water roux once it has cooled. I kept the leftovers in the fridge for not more than 4 days.

Combine all ingredients (A) and (B) into the bowl of a stand mixer with dough hook and mix with lower speed until all ingredients are well combined. Increase the speed to medium and continue kneading for approx 15-18 mins, until the dough becomes smooth and pass the window pane test.
将所有材料 (A)和 (B) 倒入搅拌器的钢盆中以慢速度搅拌搓揉成为一个不粘手的面团. 继续以中速把面团搅拌(大约15-18分钟)成为撑得起薄膜的面团.

Transfer the dough to a slightly greased bowl, cover bowl with either cling wrap or cloth. Allow the dough to proof for an hour or until the dough doubled in size.
将揉好的面团滚圆, 收口朝下捏紧放入涂抹少许油的盆中, 罩上拧干的湿布或保鲜膜, 放置到温暖很密闭的空间进行第一次发酵约60分钟或至少两倍大.

Test the readiness of the dough with a finger lightly dusted with low gluten or cake flour. The dough is ready when it remain indented after the finger pokes into it. If not, continue to proof for another 5-10 mins before using the finger to poke and perform the test.
第一次发酵完成后, 用手指沾上低筋面粉, 然后直接戳入面团中心. 如果戳出的洞陵没有弹回的迹象, 便完成第一次发酵. 如果戳出的洞渐渐回缩, 则再继续发酵5-10分钟, 然后再用同样的方方式测试.

Punch down the dough. Remove the dough from the bowl and place it on a floured worktop. Divide the dough into 10 equal portions and mould it round. Let it rest for another 15 mins.
工作桌上洒上一些高筋面粉. 将发酵好的面团从盆子中移出. 面团表面也洒上一些高筋面粉, 然后将面团用手压下去将气体挤出来. 把面团平均分割成10等份, 然后滚成圆形, 盖上拧干的湿布或保鲜膜再让面团休息15分钟.

Sprinkle the worktop with bread flour, use a rolling pin to roll each dough into long rectangle shape with width to fit the baking pan. Start rolling out from the shorter end of the dough into a roulade. Repeat the process for the balance 9 ps of dough. 

Place the 5 cylindrical bread dough (seams down) into a greased close lid loaf pan 20cmx12cmx11.5cmD. Place another 5 pcs of dough onto the next layer.

Spray some water over the surface with a fine mist nozzle. Final proof the bread in a unheated oven for another 50-60 mins.
将烤模放入未开火的烤箱中, 面团表面喷些水然后盖上烤箱门, 再侍发酵50-60分钟至两倍大.

8-10 Mins prior to baking time, remove baking pan from oven and turn on the oven heat to 210C degrees.
发酵好前8-10分钟, 将烤盘从烤箱中取出, 烤箱打开预热刊至210C度.

Close the lid and bake in the middle lower level of a preheated oven at 210C degrees for 35-38 mins.

Remove bread from oven and turn it out onto cooling rack to cool.

Do link back to Coco Sweet Tooth if you have used any information as published in this blog. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

素芋缽 Vegetarian Yam Ring

After years of procrastination, I finally got to make my first yam ring. My method may seem adhoc and differ from others but most importantly it is the outcome that counts. Through this attempt, I managed to overcome the fear of trying.

经过多年的拖延,我终于亲自下手制做出第一个芋缽 。虽然,我所采用的方法较为随性而且与其他人的做法有所不同,但是对我来说的还是成果为先。从这次的尝试中我学会克服了不敢尝试新领域的恐惧。

Among the 3 portions of yam rings, I tried frying one portion with electrical air fryer while the other 2 portions using conventional deep frying method. Although the one using air fryer method is healthy and firm, still it couldn't beat the crisp texture of the deep fried ones.

Vegetarian Yam Ring

Ingredients 材料

(For Yam Ring 芋缽)
600g Yam 芋头
10 Tbsp Wheat Starch 小麦淀粉
10 Tbsp Boiling Water 滚水
1 Tsp Salt 盐
2 Tbsp Vegetable Shortening 素植物酥油
2 Tbsp Sugar 糖
1/2 Tsp Pepper 胡椒粉
1/2 Tsp Five Spice Powder 五香粉
Cooking Oil for Deep Frying 食油

(Fillings 内陷)
1 pc Carrot 红萝卜
5 pcs Water Chestnut 马蹄
3 stems Baby Sweet Corn 玉米心
8 pcs Chinese Mushrooms 香菇
1 pc Capsicum 辣椒 (any color 任何颜色即可)
80g Vegetarian Chicken Meat 素鸡肉

1/2 Tbsp Sesame Oil麻油
1 Tbsp Cooking Oil 食油
1 Tsp Sugar 糖
1 Tbsp Vegetarian Oyster Sauce 素蚝油
Some Pepper 胡椒粉少许
1 Tbsp Light Soy Sauce 酱清

Method 做法

Peel yam and cut into small cubes. Steam over high heat for 20 mins until soft. While the yam hot, immediately mash it into puree form.

In a mixing bowl, combine boiling water with wheat starch and stir well. Add in the rest of the yam ring ingredients and mix thoroughly to form a dough paste. Wrap and refrigerate the dough for minimum 2 hours or more.

Divide the yam paste into 3 portions. Wrap each portion around a heatproof metal bowl to form a bowl shape.
把面团分成3等份, 然后将各份的面团紧进地环绕着一个耐热或铁碗,以形成一个碗形。

Immersed the entire bowl into the a deep fryer filled with enough amount of heated cooking oil to evenly fry the entire yam bowl. Deep under medium low temperature to evenly cook the yam without the the surface turning overly browned. The yam ring will slowly detached from the metal bowl when its sufficiently cook.

Remove and set aside.

Dice all filling ingredients.  Boil carrot and sweet corn in boiling water for 8-10 mins to soften.

Heat up sesame and cooking oil in wok and stir fry the ingredients until aromatic. Stir in vegetarian oyster sauce, soy sauce, sugar and pepper to taste.

Thicken the mixture with cornstarch water.

Transfer fillings into the prepared yam bowls. 

Note 参考事项:

If you are keen to try out the air fryer version, here is what I did.
Preheat air fryer at 160C degrees. Spray a coat of cooking over the yam dough and transfer it into the air fryer and cook for 15-20 mins until cooked. Set aside.

Yam crust cooked with air fryer.

Do link back to Coco Sweet Tooth if you have used any information as published in this blog. 

Monday, January 11, 2016

虎皮芋头面包 Tiger Stripes Taro Buns

It's been a while since my last bread posting and I was wondering what bread to make until I suddenly remembered having some leftover steam yam cake batter from yesterday's nyonya kueh posting.

Thats the beauty of bread making, it allows me to incorporate lots of leftover ingredients ranging from overnight rice, certain cake and desserts batter and even juice extract of vegetables. Truly amazing isn't it?

Today I settled for this recipe from another bread recipe book Handmade Breads 手感烘焙台式經典麵包by陈国勝。If you could read chinese writings and into making sweet breads, this is one good book to invest in. The recipes are unique but easily mastered as the book comes with sufficient pictorial illustrations to guide you.


I have made some adaptations from the original recipe by introducing my leftover yam kueh batter but still yield equivalent good outcome.



Tiger Stripes Taro Buns

Ingredients 材料

(A) 面包团
150g Yam Kueh Batter 芋头蒸糕面糊
550g Bread Flour 面包粉
40g Castor Sugar 细砂糖
10g Salt 盐
10g Skimmed Milk Powder 脱脂奶粉
8g Instant Dry Yeast 速溶酵母
1 Egg Yolk 蛋黄
250g Milk 鲜奶
10-30g Water 清水

40g Unsalted Butter 无盐牛油

(C) Toppings 虎皮面糊
190g Warm Water 温水
15g Instant Dry Yeast 速溶酵母
23g Castor Sugar 细砂糖
150g Rice Flour 在来米粉
37g Bread Flour 面包粉
45g Olive Oil 橄榄油
6g Salt 盐

Prepare the stripe toppings (C) 30 minutes ahead or when the bread dough is half way through its proofing. Combine lukewarm water not exceeding 37C degrees and instant yeast into a mixing bowl. Stir till dissolved. Add sugar to combine.

Sift in rice and bread flour into the the yeast mixture and stir to incorporate. Then add in oil and salt. Mix till combined.

Set aside mixture to proof for 30 minutes before using.

(D) Fillings 馅料
300g Cheddar Cheese Cube 切达奶酪切块

(E) Decorations 表面装饰
Melted Cooking Chocolate 巧克力酱

Directions 做法

Combine all ingredients (A) into the bowl of a stand mixer with dough hook and mix with lower speed until all ingredients are well combined. 
将所有材料(A) 倒入搅拌器的钢盆中以慢速度搅拌搓揉成为一个不粘手的面团.

Add in butter (B) and slowly increase the speed to medium and continue kneading for approx 20-25 mins, until the dough becomes smooth and pass the window pane test.

Transfer the dough to a slightly greased bowl, cover bowl with either cling wrap or cloth. Allow the dough to proof for an hour or until the dough doubled in size.
将揉好的面团滚圆, 收口朝下捏紧放入涂抹少许油的盆中, 罩上拧干的湿布或保鲜膜, 放置到温暖很密闭的空间进行第一次发酵约60分钟或至少两倍大.

Test the readiness of the dough with a finger lightly dusted with low gluten or cake flour. The dough is ready when it remain indented after the finger pokes into it.
第一次发酵完成后, 用手指沾上低筋面粉, 然后直接戳入面团中心. 如果戳出的洞陵没有弹回的迹象, 便完成第一次发酵. 如果戳出的洞渐渐回缩, 则再继续发酵5-10分钟, 然后再用同样的心方式测试.

Punch down the dough. Divide the dough into 16 equal portions and mould it round. Let it rest for another 15 mins.
工作桌上洒上一些高筋面粉. 将发酵好的面团从盆子中移出.  面团表面也洒上一些高筋面粉, 然后将面团用手压下去将气体挤出来. 把面团平均分割成16等份, 然后滚成圆形, 盖上拧干的湿布或保鲜膜再让面团休息15分钟.

Flatten each dough into a flat disc and place a piece of cheese fillings in the middle of the dough. Gather the edges and pinch to seal. 


Spray some water over the surface with a fine mist nozzle. Final proof the bread in a unheated oven for another 50 mins.
将两个烤模放入未开火的烤箱中, 面团表面喷些水然后盖上烤箱门, 再侍发酵50分钟至两倍大.

8-10 Mins prior to baking time, remove baking pan from oven and turn on the oven heat to 190C degrees.
发酵好前8-10分钟, 将烤面团模从烤箱中取出, 烤箱打开预热刊至190C度.

Apply a coat of toppings over the surface of the dough. Draw criss cross lines with the melted chocolate over the topping.


Bake the buns in the middle lower level of a preheated oven at 190C degrees for 5 mins. Open the oven door and stray a few mist of water into the oven for 3-5 seconds then continue to bake for another 10 mins. 
放进已经预热至190C度的烤箱中下层先烤5分钟, 打开烤箱用蒸气喷3-5秒,继续烘烤10分钟。

Reduce the oven temperature to 180C degrees and rotate the baking tray to other direction. Bake for another 8 minutes then remove bread from oven.


Turn out onto cooling rack to cool.

Do link back to Coco Sweet Tooth if you have used any information as published in this blog.


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