Showing posts with label risau. Show all posts
Showing posts with label risau. Show all posts

Monday, August 10, 2009

H1N1, W.aR.Na

Saya memang risau dgn peningkatan jumlah kematian mangsa2 yang disebabkan oleh virus H1N1.Mula pakai topeng...walaupon sebab yang jelas risau takut kena serang asthma sebab kena buat kerja2 DO semula.Sangat tertekan,sebab dulu buat keje nilah saya asyik MC dan semput!Serius bab wabak H1N1 juga merisaukan saya...cuma masih ditahap rasa rimas nak pakai topeng mcm doktor ni 24jam. Masih lagi rasa persekitaran UIA ni selamat...walaupon ada kedengaran khabar2 angin yang ada staf dan student kena virus tersebut.Alangkah seronok dpt cuti leh lepak kat umah.Yang paling penting jauhilah jangkitan penyakit ini...dan bendunglah penularannya.Terbayang anak2 kecil dinurseri,x kiralah anak org ke anak sendiri.Baru2 ni Najmi dan Naufal ada batuk dan selsema...Mama sangat risu ok...hari2 paksa derang telan madu...periksa dahi diaorg takut panas ke apakan.Alhamdullillah...setakat ni MADU memang sangat2 menolong saya,kalau mkn ubat...Najmi sampai muntah2...tapi madu ni dia nak mkn...bila dia suka...adik apalagi...sepoloh juta kali suka...sampai hari2 pon mau minum air madu!
X pe....MADUkan makanan sunnah,x rugi kalau mereka gemar + kami memang ejen menjual Madu Khaula...sapa nak boleh kontek saya ok...;)

Sambil2 tu,ni td terbaca kat Yahoo tentang The 4 Universally Flattering Clothing Colors.Rasa amat sesuai untuk dikongsi bersama...sekadar menyebarkan info yang rasanya ada ketika diperlukan,sama2 kita share ok!

Flattering Color: Indian Teal

Colors on opposite sides of the color wheel enhance each other, which is why strawberries look so good packaged in green containers, Eiseman says. It's not surprising that this teal-Pantone 19-4227 TC, the color-wheel opposite of pink-plays up a healthy flush in the skin. Plus, it's more versatile than a bright, summery turquoise, so you can wear it well into the fall with black, brown, and other neutrals.

Flattering Color: True Red

Designer Bill Blass once said, "When in doubt, wear red." And he was right. Not only does red stop traffic but it may also make you a winner. In a study conducted at the University of Durham, in England, researchers found that athletes in combative sporting competitions who wore red were more apt to win than contestants wearing other colors. Pantone 19-1664 TC flatters everyone because it "resides in the center of the color spectrum, in between a cool cherry red and a warm, orangey tomato red," says New York City makeup artist Sonia Kashuk.

Color: Mellow Rose

Sorry, Pretty in Pink fans, but Molly Ringwald did not look all that great in her bubble-gum pink prom dress. She should have opted for a more sophisticated shade, somewhere between a light pink and a peach, which looks more like a neutral than a pastel. The subtle color (Pantone 15-1515 TC) highlights the natural flush of one's face, says Kashuk, giving anyone who wears it a glow. No wonder Kashuk recommends a similar shade of lipstick to all her clients.

Flattering Color: Eggplant

"Some colors work for all skin tones and hair colors, because they fall into the middle of the color spectrum, meaning they're not too warm or too cool," says Leatrice Eiseman, author of The Color Answer Book (Capital Books, $20, and director of the Pantone Color Institute, the international authority on color. Case in point: eggplant (Pantone 19-2311 TC). Eiseman calls the tone "the perfect purple" because it is extremely versatile, almost like a black, a dark brown, or a navy.