Showing posts with label Ross Andru. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ross Andru. Show all posts

Monday, September 16, 2024

Back Issue Box: Action Comics #510

People who frequent this site know that I look to themes in current comics to help me decide older comics to review. I never wanted this to be an index review site for Supergirl comics. I wanted it to be dynamic and related to current books.

So which current plot to take a look back at? I was torn between two and may end up doing both. One is Lex Luthor turning over a new leaf and trying to become a force for good. Joshua Williamson has been doing that over in Superman since he took over. The other was a look at Amazo given the android being both part of Absolute Power and My Adventures With Superman

Somehow I landed on the Lex plot. (But the Amazo story I have in mind is too fun so keep your eyes peeled.)

Action Comics #510 starts a three part story where Lex decides to stop trying to kill Superman. Instead he will become a good man. And the reason for this new lot in life? Well, it's hard to believe! It is the surprise ending so I don't want to spoil it here.

The cover by Ross Andru is certainly eye-catching but doesn't have much to do with the story on the inside. Superman letting Lex be killed would be an interesting plot ... but that isn't here.

On to the book.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Back Issue Box: Action Comics #366

The world is in the midst of a pandemic crisis with the COVID19 virus.

I continue to work in a busy emergency department but have been doing my best to socially distance myself as best as I can.

And as always, I try to think of interesting back issues to look at which either reflect current comic trends or even real life trends. With that in mind, I figured I could take a look at Action Comics #366, the end of the multi-part  Virus X storyline, which seemed somehow appropriate for the current times.

As this is a Supergirl site, the last chapter has the most Kara as well as standard bonkers Silver Age charm, so here we are.

To set the stage, Superman has contracted Virus X, a form of Kryptonian leprosy. Luthor got Clark to accidentally self-inoculate himself. It is unclear if the virus can be spread to humans (although we see Superman accidentally give it to a cat). So realizing he needs to get off Earth to save humanity from this plague, he rockets himself away. His plan is to cremate his dying body in the hottest sun in the universe.

This was a five part story by writer Leo Dorfman and artist Ross Andru, something relatively unheard of back in 1968. But Dorfman ramps up the drama during the story, having Superman avoiding loved ones, announcing his illness to the world, refusing to be sent into the Phantom Zone (for fear of infecting the criminals there), and looking back on his life.

Andru's pencils are solid throughout, especially on the 'melting face' afflicted Superman panels. And the whole arc comes with solid Neal Adams covers, including this one with Supergirl front and center.

On to the conclusion!