
Showing posts with the label Sacraments

Retroactive Kairos

 I had a question posed about the Eucharist as follows: Question: if the Catholic teaching is that the bread and wine literally become the body and blood of Christ - the transfiguration into true flesh and blood - then what happened with the bread and wine that he broke with his apostles BEFORE his death? Was it also true flesh and blood? Seems strange that it would be, since he hadn’t been sacrificed yet, but if it wasn’t, then it would mean that the quintessential last supper that set the standard in every other way regarding the Eucharist didn’t share the one most important aspect of it. Just curious, thanks! My response: Hmmm, I am not quite following your logic here. It would seem, and correct me if I am wrong, that you are saying it can't be a sacrifice if He has not yet been sacrificed? I am understanding you correctly? Because there is the side issue, which you seem to posit as the primary issue, of whether it is the body and blood of Christ. It would seem to me...