Thank you
Carrie for reminding me that even on bad days my life is
truly blessed. Elder Henry B. Eyring has said,
... You could ask yourself, "How did God belss me today?" if you do that long enough and with faith, you will find yourself remembering blessings. And sometimes, you will have gifts brought to you in which you failed to notice during the day, but which you will then know were a touch of God's hand in your life.
President Hinckley has also said,
My plea is that we stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight. I am suggesting that as we go through life, we "accentuate the positive."
And so with that I devote this post to a little ray of sunshine in my life--the wonderfully wacky William.
I have been so impressed with William lately. He has been so pleasant and helpful the past few days. Just the other day I was sitting at the kitchen table when I see him grab a napkin. I didn't think much of it but a few minutes later he tells me "it's really dirty." And sure enough there were dust bunnies all over the napkin. Next thing I know he is getting the broom and dust pan and sweeping up under the oven--continually reminding me that it was "really dirty." (Note to self: ocassionally sweep under oven.)
In addition to doing these "extra chores" he's also getting really good at cleaning up after himself, putting his jammies away, putting his shoes on by himself (on the right feet), picking out his clothes every morning, sorting laundry with me, and helping me cook. I love that when he makes a mess he doesn't try to hide it but comes and tells me "mom, I made a big mess."
William is great at playing by himself. I love to hear him singing to himself or laughing while reading a silly Dr. Suess book. Anyone would enjoy listening to the dialouge he has with his toys. Lately he's been playing with his castle. Yesterday the conversation was "Are you having a hard day?" "Yes, I'm having a hard day." This morning as I searched the internet I heard shouts of "I love you, guy!" "I love you, King!" as William sent them flying down into the dungeon.
And I cannot say enough how it warms my heart to see how much my boys love each other! It makes me smile when I see William holding James' hand or when I hear my sweet James laughing because William is playing, what he calls "swim game" (jumping around saying "swim swim"). Or William's sweet voice saying "I love James" and "James really loves me."
Other wonderful ways of William: covering his eyes with the backs of his hands when he's being shy, always remembering to say
please and
thank you, saying
sorry even when it's not necessary, telling me today that "those cookies might be good," singing along with
any song even if he's never heard it before, telling me "I'm too
busy mom" or "mom, I
need your
arm"... and about a gazillion other things.
I am so, so blessed to be able to stay home with my boys so that I don't miss out on these truly wonderful moments!