Lydia has done so much in this past year! She and Henry became pet owners when they purchased a hamster (Nugget), she learned how to read (she loves it and is devouring chapter books), she is a math wiz, started "real" school, still hates Coronavirus, and is as sweet and funny as ever. She loves having girls over to play and is always trying to get a brother to play games or go outside with her. Happy 7th birthday, Lydia!
What is your favorite...
color? magentafood? Pizza
toy? legos
show? Raya and the Last Dragon
animal? cat
book? The Ickabog (by J.K. Rowling)
song? Where the North Wind Meets the Sea (All is Found from Frozen II)
primary song? I Will Be What I Believe
What do you like to do? play with my brothers
I am - 7
Who is your best friend? "I have a lot. Abby, Kenzie, Kaylee, Kate, Kora, Soriya, Jayden and Tristan, Rylie, both MaKayla's, Kendall, and Whitney."
What do you want to be when you grow up? an artist
Do you have a boyfriend? "I have a crush" (Grant)
What do you want to be when you grow up? an artist
Do you have a boyfriend? "I have a crush" (Grant)
I am afraid of - the dark
I like - my mom
I like to eat - chicken nuggets and ramen
I don't like - asparagus
I know - Jesus is real
I want to be - smart and good at typing
I like to watch - Milo Murphy's Law
My hero is- my mom
I cry when - I get hurt and my brothers are mean to me
Mom gets mad when - we don't do the stuff we are asked
Mom is happy when - we do the stuff that we're asked
I can't wait for - my 8th birthday and to show my friends my nails (she has fancy stick on nails)
Something Mom says to me - "eat all your food or you won't get your treat"
Something Dad says to me - "you're so cute"
My favorite place to go is - Cafe Rio!
My Mom makes me laugh - when she tells me a joke
My Dad makes me laugh- when he tells me a really, really funny joke
I know my mom loves me because - she loves everyone
I know my dad loves me because - he loves everyone