Showing posts with label preschool. Show all posts
Showing posts with label preschool. Show all posts

Monday, March 16, 2020

March preschool

We had a few weeks of preschool in March... and they ended up being our very last!

We took a little field trip over to Trader Joe's.  The kids were so well behaved!

They loved walking into the big freezer, learning about the box crusher, and the smelly cheese!  They loved the snack of apple juice and school house cookies we got there.

We all came home with goody bags too! We made a thank you note for our Trader Joe's friends, read Green Eggs and Ham (since it was Dr. Seuss's birthday the day before) and played outside.

We talked about the letter X.  We read some of Aesop's fables about foxes.  We made x's with our bodies.

We painted x's and worked on drawing them.  We even made x's with our snacks!

Then we read Not A Box and made our very own not-a-box.

The next week at Jake's house they read Where the Wild Things Are... they got to gnash their teeth and cause a rumpus! They practiced using scissors to make crowns like Max's.

The Coronavirus began to hit that week... so they talked about the virus and made some soap.

And that ended our preschool adventure!  We didn't know that these would be the last few weeks and it's sad that we didn't get to end how we wanted to.  All these kids will be in kindergarten next year!  Crazy to think about that.

Friday, February 28, 2020

January/February Preschool

Another few fantastic months of preschool!

The kids made goals for the new year.

Painted with q-tips and made quilts.

Learned about stars and constellations.

Did some fun valentine activities.

Crafts and experiments are always the best!

They were able to go on a field trip to Great Harvest Bread!  So much fun!  They read a story, decorated a cookie, and brought home a loaf of bread.

Lydia loves her preschool and is so silly!

Friday, December 20, 2019

November/December Preschool

Another few months of preschool fun!  One day they had a little birthday party for Charlotte.

We did lots of fun Thanksgiving stuff at our house.  They played a game of "roll a turkey."

We also made a ginormous list of all the things we are grateful for!

We made little Mayflower boats and predicted if they would sink or float.

And we had a snack feast!

We made bracelets that told the story of the first Thanksgiving.

They read "If you Give a Moose a Muffin" and made muffins!

One day they made noodle necklaces.

We have such a fun group of kids and moms this year!

Thursday, October 31, 2019

September/October Preschool

Our preschool group is so much fun!  The past few months they've done a lot of great things.

They made a cloud in a jar.

Dug in the dirt for objects that started with D.

Played dominos and connect 4.

Lydia loved the drum she made!

We graphed goldfish.

They went on a fieldtrip to the aquarium at Bass Pro Shop.

They practiced writing their letters.

And did some baking!

We talked about what made a happy home and made a stained glass house to remind us to make home a happy place.

We did some letter "h" activities to get our wiggles out (hopping, hand on our heads and hips...)

We all brought hats and read "Caps for Sale" (I changed it to hats because we were learning letter h)

We read "If I built a House" and built our own houses.

Another field trip--this time to the pumpkin patch!  This is always Lydia's favorite trip!

They did some fun pumpkin activities! And even made a pumpkin volcano!!