Life has been beyond busy around these parts. Like many of you, we've attended our share of Christmas parties. We kicked it off with our ward Christmas party. It's the first year that the older boys willingly sat with Santa. Thank goodness that William did because we finally got to hear what he wanted for Christmas! (Although it has changed a few times since then.)
Alexander was the only one not exactly thrilled to be sitting with Santa... but he actually warmed up to him after a few seconds.
The primary children performed a few of the Christmas songs they've been learning on Sundays. James isn't in Primary yet (just a few more weeks!) but he jumped right up there with the rest of the kids... so different from William whom we have to beg to go up!
Alex thought he needed to be up and part of the action too...
William also had a class party at school. James and Alex always love to come too. Poor Alex was so tired from lack of naps... we'd been setting up the church building all day (more to come on that.)
Rich and I also attended a progressive dinner with the families from our ward that live in our town which was fun. And last night we wrapped up the partying with a company Christmas dinner! Phew!
For at least a week William insisted on wearing his Santa hat to school every day. "My friends will think I took it from Santa!" The first day he wore it he was wearing this red shirt.
He then told me that he needed some red pants so he could look like Santa. Wouldn't that be a sight!
The boys and I stayed busy making Christmas goodies, crafts, and gifts.
And the most exhausting... I had a small part changing a church gym...
Into something worth seeing...
Earlier this year I was called to be on the Stake Nativity Committee. We collected somewhere between 300-400 nativities to put on display at the stake center. It was a huge undertaking and many hours spent over several days setting up, taking down... not to mention the hours put in beforehand! It turned out wonderfully... but I'm sure glad it's over for this year!
The best part was taking the boys. They loved looking at all the different nativities... especially the ones from other countries.
The lady in charge of the children's room did a fantastic job. There were nativities to play with, crafts (which my boys
loved, and dress up boxes and a backdrop for the children to wear. I couldn't get William to wear anything... but the other two loved it.
James wanted to be a shepherd because he got to hold a stick
I've given up on the idea of Christmas cards this year... maybe you'll get one at the beginning of the year. Then again, maybe not. Now I have three days to get my grocery shopping done, finish wrapping presents, send one last package, do about a million loads of laundry, and spotlessly clean my house before Christmas (and our guests!) arrive. Can I get it all done?