Thursday, February 16, 2012


Of all the boys, James loves to play outside the very most.  He is always asking to go "to the park that is next to our house" or just outside in general.  Since we live in a new house and the neighborhood is still being built around us we happen to have an empty lot right next door.  Most of the time this is great!  I can send the boys outside and they'll dig in the dirt and have a grand ol' time.  However, on the few occasions that it has rained it floods that lot.  No matter how many times I have reminded the boys to not play in the mud it is just too tempting.  I suppose they can't help themselves.  And really, I wouldn't mind except that this darn Oklahoma red dirt stains like nothing else!

The other week I must have neglected them for too long because when I came outside to check on them James was standing in the middle of the field because he was stuck!  His shoes were so deep in the mud that he couldn't move!  I suppose the rest of the pictures speak for themselves (although it was so much worse in real life!)

Yikes!  And did they learn their lesson?  No.  Of course not.  Just a few days later they were out romping in the mud again.