Monday, January 23, 2017

January Misc

Some random January happenings.

While the boys were at school Lydia somehow found a pair of scissors.  She decided to use them to cut holes into her shirt.  There was a lot of sadness when she got in trouble.

Unfortunetly a few of her brothers (Alex and Henry) thought it looked like a neat idea.  In the following weeks they followed her lead.  Cue unhappy mom.

Alex is a sweetheart and decided to make a trail mix for everyone to share.  He did the whole thing on his own without any assistance.  I love having 9:00 church!

Henry got a shark blanket for Christmas.  He loves acting like he got eaten by a shark!

Lydia loves "doing the dishes."

Alex is very creative in the way he empties the dishwasher.

Lydia learned that she can get pretty much anything she wants if she puts her mind to it.  She managed to grab her blanket and pacifier that were hidden in the top drawer!

Lydia still loves dressing up.  And when she dressed up she has to wear it ALL.

We made cookies and put them on the counter to cool.  Everyone went upstairs to watch a movie.  When I realized that Lydia was missing I came downstairs to discover that she had reached up and helped herself to several cookies!  She will do anything for a treat!

Lydia is my favorite little hairdresser.

The cub scout pack meeting was about disabilities.  Henry and Alex loved using their mouths to paint!

Monday, January 9, 2017

Snow Day

Having mountains so near to us is wonderful.  It allows us to have fun in the winter weather and then go back to our "cold" weather in the high 40s and 50s.  It's also great having friends who invite you to their cabin!  We loved going up to spend time with the Worthen's while it was snowy up the mountains.  The kids had a great time sledding near the cabin.  The boys even had Lydia sled with them a few times.

William went with some of the older boys to sled down the big hill.  He had a blast!  

Lydia couldn't get enough of eating the ice and snow.

Henry loved it too!

Since it was a birthday party the kids got to hit the pinata too.  

We are so grateful to have fun friends that create opportunities for lasting memories!