At the very end of October we got our family photos taken. It's been years since we've had professional family photos done (Henry was just a baby!) so it was time. Our photographer was a former ward member and she was lots of fun. The weather was perfect and we were able to get them all taken before we were kicked out of the park (it was closing time!) I just love how they all turned out and can't wait to get them hanging on my walls!
We got some individual shots...
Some of just the boys...
Mom and the kids...
Mom and the boys...
And some shots with just the girls...
I really, really love these of Rich and Lydia.
A few of just Rich and I.
And because we live in Las Vegas we need a desert picture... with the mountains behind us.
(She sent me this one because it was funny!)
And then we attempted a jumping pose... it wasn't great but I love the one right after!