William had his Eagle Board of Review back in January 2020. We planned to have his Court of Honor a few months later when our neighbor, Jace Bishop, had finished up his last few requirements. And then COVID hit the world and changed everything. It delayed Jace from finishing up and then there were strict regulations in place that would have limited our gathering (gatherings were limited to 50 people, we couldn't use the church building, and the heat was unbearable to hold it outside). When the governor allowed gatherings of 250 people (and the weather was cooling down) we jumped at the chance to finally honor these boys and their hard work.
We were crazy enough to do it on Lydia's birthday (but that was the day that the park and pavilion were available.) Lydia didn't mind though because we all sang her "Happy birthday" at the very beginning and she got to hang out with her friend, Kora.
The evening turned out so nice!
Jerry Weise (a local judge and Jace's most recent scout leader) did a great job conducting the meeting and presenting the boys with their Eagles.