Monday, November 15, 2021


So much has happened in this past year!  Even though we are still living through a pandemic you were able to get your license, get a summer job (Kona Ice), serve as first assistant in the Priest's Quorum, a finish off a year of virtual school.  There have been many ups and downs but you have gotten through it!  You are a hard worker, a problem solver, and have the best smile!  We love you!

(This interview took place in January 2022)

What is your favorite...color? blue

food? steak

toy? splat gun

show? None. I don't watch shows

animal?  bear

book(s)? none

song?  none. I don't have a favorite

hymn? none. I don't know

What do you like to do? hang out with my friends

Who is your best friend?  Eli

What do you want to be when you grow up? rich

Do you have a girlfriend/crush? no

I am -  very cool
I am afraid of - nothing, I guess.  I don't know.
I like - days off school
I like to eat - steak
I don't like - Shadow Ridge Administration (the new principal has come in and caused a lot of tension with some students)
I know - a couple things

I want to be -  rich
I like to watch - movies--good ones
I like to go to - not school
My hero is-  I don't know
I cry when - I don't know
Mom gets mad when -  I don't do the dishes
Mom is happy when - I do the dishes
Dad gets mad when - I don't listen to mom
Dad is happy when - I do what mom says
I can't wait for - Spring Break
Something Mom says to me - "do the dishes now or you're not hanging out"
Something Dad says to me - "do your homework now or you're not hanging out"
My favorite place to go is - anywhere besides school
My Mom and Dad make me laugh by - I don't know
I know my mom loves me because -she's always on me and telling me what to do
I know my dad loves me because -the same but to a lesser degree