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Viser opslag med etiketten Muffins and Cupcakes. Vis alle opslag

mandag den 30. maj 2011

Homemade Cupcakes!

Jeg har lavet cupcakes! ved Specialkøbmanden på østerbro. Det var fantastisk og tiden gik bare så hurtigt.
Det kan klart anbefales. Til slut kunne man også shoppe lidt ting og sager - mums.
I made cupcakes - I went to this great course here in Copenhagen. To learn how to be a great cupcake creator :) It was great and a lot of fun.

lørdag den 5. marts 2011

My first Crochet Cupcakes

It's all about the cupcakes - crochet food is great fun - and I can highly recommend it. I think that the pretty part is the color full sprinkle pearls on top - have a happy crochet weekend.

torsdag den 24. februar 2011

More Snow and Great Cupcakes

A big thank you to - she is my great inspiration and the reason I made the wonderful cupcakes today. My cakes are not as pretty - but they sure taste greeeat!

 More snow - as you can see -- But it is pretty, I admit it. I just hope that all the small spring flowers can handle it. But on a cold day like this - it helps with a great cupcake idea from a fellow Blogger. So grab a warm cup of tea - make a lot of cupcakes and think about the crazy weather in Denmark :)

Chocolate  cupcakes : Danish recipe Danish recipe - from 
White chocolate frosting : Danish recipe'

Pssst : danish giveway at

tirsdag den 1. juni 2010

New Muffins and a Sross Stitch update

There is always time to make a few muffins - and serve them on my new favorit serving plate :)

I did not have any yellow cotton for my stitch project - so I biked down to one of favorit secondhand stores in town. Here I found a whole pile of great stitch yarn. And in the pile there was a little note from the previous owner, saying:

"Note: Part the yarn, and it's sewn with 2 threads."
I just love that :)

onsdag den 12. maj 2010

Panda Cupcakes / Panda Muffins - Last Day Of Work

I made these muffins for my coworkers - It was my last official day. And I have been working on a Panda project - so I thought Panda muffins was a great choice :)
Two layers og muffins in my winter boot box.

It's Chololade muffins with powder sugar on top - I just made a simple pandaface 'stencil' model out of cardboard - and sprinckled the sugar on top - super easy and fun to do.

mandag den 22. februar 2010

Monday Muffins

This is some og the muffins I made - two kinds. Some with chokolade powder - big pieces of almond and dark chokolade. And others with different berries and white chokolade.

søndag den 31. januar 2010

Cold weather with snow and warm muffins

Because of all the snow in Denmark these days - we all need some sweet cakes and warm tea.