Viser opslag med etiketten tutorial. Vis alle opslag
Viser opslag med etiketten tutorial. Vis alle opslag

søndag den 6. november 2011

Perle Agern - DIY

 Agern hatte, Limpistol og en bunke perler. Lidt nem efterårs-pynt eller bord dekoration. De smukke egernhatte ligger over det hele i parkerne og skovene. Det er skønt at give dem nyt liv med en frisk perle :)
De grønne og blå perler er fra søstrene grene. Og de små brune træperler fra panduro hobby.
Psst.. Husk min giveaway - du kan vinde bogen "Magiske Måneder" deltag HER.
Acorn hats, a glue gun and a bunch of pearls. A little easy fall decoration. The beautiful acorn hats are all over the place, this time of the year - and it's great to give them a new chance to shine with a pretty pearl.

torsdag den 31. marts 2011

Hækleopskrift - Påskeæg - my creative space

Her er en lille ting til mine danske læsere - en hækleopskrift på påskeæg. Den ligger også som PDF du kan downloade ude i venstre side. Ellers er der dette A4 billede som enten kan gennem ned på computeren - eller printes.

 x Margit

fredag den 25. februar 2011

Carl's Flying House (UP Movie)

I found this great paper model  and I just want to share it with you all. I'm a big fan of The Pixar movies and UP is one of my favorites. I found Carl's printable flying house, and I started cutting and gluing. The colors are great and I give all the credit to  - Just search for Carl's Flying House.
The only problem is - that there is no tutorial - but I think its possible. So good luck if you try the same - I did print it as A3 (I personally think A4 is to small for this).
I will post a few pictures of the proses tomorrow.
Have a great Friday - beautiful and creative people - Thank you for following my little Blog and for writing all the great comments - Love it.

mandag den 14. februar 2011

Happy Valentines Day - Print Out

Happy Valentines Day creative people!
I made a little something to print out. You can print it and use it as a card, with kind words on the back side - or make a little sign out of it - like I did. I wish you all a wonderful day. Be together with the ones you love - it's not about buying a lot of stuff - It's about sweet words, homemade dinner or cake and creative cards with sweet words.

Free Valentine Card - just for you

torsdag den 10. februar 2011

Fold A Paper Heart -Tutorial

This is a step by step - how to fold a paper heart to you all. Hope you will try it - and make a lot.

søndag den 6. juni 2010

Straw Butterfly (Post nr. 50!)

Wauuu.. Time fliesby, my post nr. 50! - it's great.
This is a little nice thing - its super simple and fun. I have made a little free "step by step" to everyone passing by - so I hope all of you will make a lot of beautiful butterflies.

onsdag den 24. februar 2010

Perfect Measured Star

En flettt stjerne - af målebånd - du finder en fin vejledning HER hvis du ikke allerede ved hvordan den skal flettes.
I had to sacrifice my spare tape measure - while planning my next project