"Just a Shopaholic with a passion for nature, wildlife, books, sports, crafts, cooking, good food and gadgets. A Loyal Friend"

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Flight Cage.. a.k.a portable cage

Finally after waiting for almost 4 four months.. to be exact... my portable bat flight cage is delivered to me.. after all the nonsense excuses by the supplier... I am seriously being very patience.. I need the cage badly but nothing I can do but to call and ask the supplier when is the cage ready...'sigh'.. that is the local businessman lah... budus!!!

So today I have to build it.. ALONE.. yes ALONE.. at least it need 3-4 person to do it but I have no one with me.. I have to check all the connector.. all the part and start building it according to the drawingplan/design plan .. but that bloody supplier make my life even harder by not labeling some of the part and even worse,the label on the part is different with the one on paper... its so suxx that I keep cursing him.. you deserved that Mr.Supplier.. again,you really deserve that... So, I build it into 2 part as there is no way I can lift the half cage and put on the other part... And being someone creative (ehem ehem...LOL) I manage to build it and relabel everything... You so suxx Mr.Supplier.. its very tiring and energy-consume activity.. and seriously I can feel the pain on my back.. Where are you my Mr.BF?? I want you to massage me lah...

The other half of the portable flight cage

And after done doing all the labeling, I have to open it again and need to set it up somewhere else..somewhere very quiet where less human presence and away from civilization... I already have the place.. the old house where all my equipment flooded last time... So I really have to watch the river this time and have to act fast.. I wouldn't want this thousand metal cage gone with the flood just like the old cage... And this letter is for the Mr.Supplier.. I know you will not read my blog....

'Dear Mr.Supplier, I know that this is new to you. I know that you never build a portable flight cage before and so do I. But it is not that difficult to build. I know cause I am the designer. I design this what you called metal crap. I design this thousand buck metal crap. So, you better do it fast enough next time. Don't give me lame reason like its the CNY, no one working.. its this holiday and this holiday.. I don't care about the holidays. What I care more is getting my cage ready on time. I can't wait cause this is important to me. I don't care how much it will cost me as long as you can deliver it on time, as promised. But,what have you done with your promises? 1 month become 4 months.. So, should I pay you? Nah.. I am a person who is keeping her promise. So, I will pay you that money but you have to wait for another 4 months... Hahahahha'

4 Shopaholic Alert!!:

♥ Carol ♥ said...

wohooo...kacak ur new template tok...so refreshing and sedap mata memandang :).. wah terer ko pasang sangkar ya.. one man show gik ya ..SALUTE..girl power la ko tok hehe....

Yenny said...

hahaha.. thanks for the compliment.. I might stick with this template.. hehhe.. so loiikkeee me kan the template...

Yalor.. what to do kan... One Girl power lah... hehhe

ChiL said...

cage??can put dugong n monkey inside ka?:P..i urut sedap only

Yenny said...

ch1l : can.. can.. can..

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