"Just a Shopaholic with a passion for nature, wildlife, books, sports, crafts, cooking, good food and gadgets. A Loyal Friend"
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Should I cry or not?

Life was more difficult right now. With my status as someone wife right now and everything.Our life is and are perfect. Both of us are still learning to accommodate each needs. But we don't have problem with that. But, I kept some secret from him for keeping us from fighting because it involving others, and others is considered as untouchable peoples.Whereby in any situation, I only able to be silent and watch and listen. And be as cool as patient I can be. When I can't take it anymore, I'll cry during my shower or when I am alone. And if I can't let go of it, I'll text my best buddy and talk about life with her. And as usual, she is one of my best listener  and adviser. I love you for that Gal, and I really appreciated you for being there for me almost at any time. Only God know how I am coping with this and I am only hoping for this to end soon. I can't continue living life this way. I'll die of this kinds stuff

Yours Truly =)

Sunday, June 28, 2009

On the Move

My research back at Kuala Krau, Pahang is due anytime. Once I am finish its mean that I will move back to KL permanently for a few months. This is cuz I will have to do the data analysis and writing for my thesis. Its a good thing at the same time cuz its mean that I am going to finish my study very2 soon and yet....... only God knows why!! I am still not sure whether my application to be transfered to KL permanently to my boss is accepted or not. But I do hope I will...

Another trouble is finding a new house. All this while I was staying at my brother's house. I wanted to get my own since I am here back in 2007 but he didn't allow me. But now I have better reason cuz he's married and he got to live his own life now. He doesn't need me to do the household chores for him anymore. but, I can't just let him on his own. I will still do my responsibility as his sister. I will do come back and check up on him and his wife. He is still my family after all. Finding a new house in KL area is not easy, finding a roomate is not easy as well. You might get what you want, a happy set of roomate and housemate or the Grumpy Old-Nanny. So, Debbie.. here is the option. Do you want to move in with me? hahahhahha...

Anyway, I'll talk more on this on the nexy post. I still have a lot in mind but still not sure about it. Till then...

Yours Truly =)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Raya Holidays

The Celebration of Hari Raya is 8 days away and I will be back to my hometown in 3 days. Do I get excited? Yes and No. Yes because I am going home, at last. Means I will get to rest from doing what I am doing right now. And I seriously need that. Rest and to be able to enjoy myself at home. Its been a long time time that I didn't really spend my time with my family. The last time that I went back,which is in July is just for 4 days and I didn't really get to enjoy it because I was very sick that time. My Sinus plus migraine took it all. I was bedridden for all the time. I have been staying away from my family for the past 17 years. My secondary education was spent living in a boarding school, So I will be only back to home when its the school holidays. And sometimes, I didn't even get to spent enough time at home cause I was involved with sports and school-tuition. As one of the most privilege school back in Sabah, we have to study smart to keep up with the result. Finishing my secondary school, I was in the matriculation and again away from home. My first degree also was spent away from home and I don't really get to go back home due to my field trips. So, away I was most of the time. When I started working and being workaholic, I too spent my time doing my work. Believe me I still have almost 2 months leave cause I hardly take any leave. Trust me cause that was the truth.

I would say NO cause every time I am planning for a holiday, it is the time when some of the figs that I need to collect and samples is fruiting and ripen. Just right on time when I am not around. It got me frustrated because there is nothing I can do about it. I just hope that there is still many left over when I came back after the Raya Holidays. Finger cross. Lets be positive on this one. Please please...

Talk to him today, he told me that he got an offer from one company. Which is based in KL. If he accept the offer, he will be in KL for few months for the training and will travel overseas after that. The money is good, good enough for him compared to the current job. But he is not very sure about the job prospect. So I told him not to rush on deciding because he is still waiting for another one, which he was interviewed last week. Informal one of course. This one, the job prospect is very clear. It is something that he knew all the way. But the money might not be as good as the other one. Whatever he decide, I will support it. As long as he is happy. That's enough for me. Seeing him happy. What more can I ask right. I know that we have been thru a lot lately. We were in a very rough time, and we didn't now what the best for the relationship. What the best for us? There's to many uncertainties, too many unanswered questions. So, we put it on hold and see what gonna happen. I wanted to concentrate on my study and he's on his career. Whatever the best for each of us. Just pray for us. if it is meant to be,then it will. If it is not, we will accept it and become good friend. What more can I ask, I am lucky enough to have what I have now. Life that the others would die for, and I thanks God for all the good things.

Logging off.. I need my beauty sleep. I haven't pack anything. I am leaving to KL tommorow before going back to Sabah. Till then....

Yours Truly =)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


What a woman do when she missed someone badly ???
What a woman be when she is so miserable and lonely ???
What a woman do when she wanted her life to be better but she is confused at the same time ???
What a woman be when she wanted to be happy but crying at the same time ???
What a woman do when she needed that someone to be there but nowhere to be found ???

Yours Truly =)

Thursday, August 14, 2008



Keep think positively.. and I am a little bit happier by day.. Keep the head straight no matter how difficult the situation are.. Sing to my own song in my special way.. and cried if I had too.. and dance to the music... and nag my friends about it (You know who you are- Thanks a lot, you guys are my star)... And don't forget to dream with your heart... LIVE, LOVE, LAUGH AND BE HAPPY!!!

*Song List for the Time being*
1. I am Yours -Jason Mraz
2. Sempurna - Andra and the backbone
3. Natasha Beddingfield - Soulmate
4. I'll Do Anything -Jason Mraz
5. A moment Like this - Leona Lewis
and list go on... to many to list down (to lazy actually)

Yours Truly =)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I need To Re-arrange My Life (Badly)

I was in the other world most of the time now.. I wasn't myself lately.. I can considered myself in the dark world for the past few weeks.. So now, I need to wake up and rearrange every single things in my life.. I need to wake up and back to my old self... I just hate me now.. So here come the list..

1. Clear up the house ( re-arrange stuff and throw away whatever is not necessary)
2. Update my Online Life frequently (So many net friends that I didn't even know which one is real and which one is not. So many on the net but not in real life.. Dayyem! That's suxx) - Or should I abandon the Net life... errmmm, that's something to think
3. Update my MSc data and writing (OMG!! I am behind the schedule again)
4. I kinda forgot already.. There was so many in my mind before I was typing this and now I forgot everythings.. I guess I will update this later


I missed my life in Kuching.. Even I don't have that many friends down there (here is not bad too), but I get to do lots of things. I can go clubbing or play pool with my friends. We do futsal every other night. Lepaking at the Waterfront. I know Kuching is boring but at least I had more life in Kuching than here. I missed it badly. And I wish I am back to Kuching and enjoy my life there and the joy of doing things that I do inKuching is purely from the heart. I missed the night out. I miss the futsal court. I miss going to the club. I miss eating the food. I miss the adrenaline of being in Kuching... Gosh ! I need my life back.... Even I can shop for books here cause the choice is wayyyyyyyyyyy much more better than in Kuching and I got better choice.. but still, I do missed the old me. The fun-loving-adventurous-crazy-cool-outgoing-chic! now I am just the bored-to-death-and-desperately-need-to finish-my-MSc-and-no-fun-life! HUH!!!

Yours Truly =)

Friday, June 6, 2008

Breaking the Silence

Sorry for the long silence... I have been busy and fighting with my own feeling and self.. I am coping with all the accident and disaster and I hope nothing else will come after this... so, till then... will update more often.. I promise..

Yours Truly =)

Monday, May 26, 2008

SO This is Another Challenging Part of My MSc or What??

Few days ago.. I was the most happiest girl in the world.. The bad weather has improved.. no rain but hot sunny day... So this is the right time to build the portable bat flight cage again.. so here I go, rebuild the cage with my assistant....

Here is the cage frame or backbone..
And then we bring on the flight cage cover, with help of the officer in my research site
And we have one complete portable bat flight cage ready to be use and occupy anytime soon by the lucky bats

And then today.. God or whoever or whatever decided to challenged me again by doing this... Its hurt me so deep and I felt like crying outloud and shout and yell and kick some stupid arse...

The collapsed portable bat flight cage
And the broken upper side of the cage- which is bending to the soil level
And then this broke my heart even more
And this makes my heart shattered into pieces that nothing can mend it for the time being
So tell me why I am not a broken hearted right now... First is the flood in December 2007.. And then the not enough,no fruit to be collected and samples... And then the long-wait of the portable cage,it takes months to be ready... Then the bad weather.... And now this!...

Yours Truly =)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Look Inside

I don't remember where I got this, but I want to share it with everyone.. once I found out who is the writer, credit will be given to you .. so now, just enjoy it and don't forget to Look Inside..

'If you ever wonder about the man in your life.....you may want to look inside. Look inside. To see a different side of human we called MAN.

Look inside. Realize that he can and does feel for you something different, something special. He wakes up in the morning, and you're the first thing on his mind. If he could call you right then and there, he would. When he sees you, his heart leaps. Not just the first time, not just when you're "alone", but every time. Every time he meets you, it's as if his whole world has been renewed. It doesn't matter if it's raining, or sunny, snowing, pleasant, or dreary. You make the rain tender, the sun warmer, the snow caressing, a dreary day funny, and a pleasant day perfect. Without you, his days would have no meaning. Of course, you say "But there could be another." He says "There isn't another. You are the only one..." He brings you flowers. Not so you'll like him more, or so you'll give him a kiss, but because he simply loves to make you happy. To see that smile on your face. Though you never knew it, it took him four months to get the courage to ask you out. Yes, he was nervous, scared. All guys are. While they try to seem tough and insensitive-deep down asking a girl out is the hardest thing in the world. And it's only that hard because of you. You just had to be so perfect, so beautiful that his fear of rejection became overwhelming. And the day you said "sure" was the best day of his life.

Look inside. Sometimes you find something that you weren't looking for. Though he won't admit it, he'd much rather cuddle with you in front of the TV for an evening than go out with the guys (well most of the time). When you hold his hand, when he holds yours, it's the best feeling in the world. And when he sees you hurt or crying, it's ripping his heart in two. Deep down, he's a romantic. He'd love to sing you songs, but he just doesn't have the voice. He'd love to take you on a moonlit walk down the beach, but he has to settle for a stroll in the park. He wishes he could bring you a dozen roses every day, but his wallet just won't let him. Making you happy is his main goal in life. Some would say that a guy like this is not a man. He is too sensitive, too weak. But I say, for all the reasons on this page, that these things are precisely what make him a man. And your existence alone has already completed his life. You are not aware of it, but he cherishes each and every moment with you as if it could be his last. Because, deep down, he is afraid that you may just decide to leave. And that is his biggest fear. And if you did leave, this man would cry. Each second with you completes him. Whether you're walking together somewhere, cuddling on a chair, skiing the slopes, sharing an ice cream cone. No matter what it is you are doing, it makes him completely happy just to be with you.

Look inside. It is often surprising. The little things are what he cherishes most. When he gets to brush your hair, when you accidentally (or perhaps on purpose) brush fingertips. When you call unexpectedly, just to say hi. He lives for these moments. He would, if given the chance, die for you. This may seem ridiculous, but he would gladly give anything and all for you.

Just look inside. And you may find something worth holding onto. Now, just look around...because this guy is out there. Right now, at this very second, he is thinking of you. You may or may not know who he is. It may be your boyfriend, your best "guy friend", or it could be someone you've never met. All the same, someday all he'll want to do is make you happy.

Look inside. I've loved and been loved. I've hurt and been hurt. This is life. But believe me, true love still exists. All you have to do is look for it. I know I do... each and everyday ...'

To the man that I have found in my life... I just wanna say, I Love You... always have and always will.. you just don't have any idea how much I needed you in my life...

Yours Truly =)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

A Sabahan who is admitting that she is a Sabahan, reluctantly... hehehe..

I am a Sabahan Girl born in Sabah and grew up and stays in Sabah until I am 18 years old. And then I moved to Sarawak, particularly in Kuching to continue my first degree in UNIMAS and working in Kuching with Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), Malaysia Program afterwards. I seldom go back home during my stays in Sarawak due to the school semester activities and my work burden when I was working. Its very hard to go back to my hometown when all I can think of is my research on going progress. And now I migrated to Peninsula Malaysia to do my second degree and perhaps will be transfered to WCS Peninsula office after finishing my study. And because of this, I always confused my new friends or the old ones. The fact that I canNOT speak Sabahan slang unless I have someone that can trigger my Sabahan slang and even if I can speak the language it is not right, the fact that my Sabahan slang is worst compared to my other siblings. and the fact that I canNOT speak my own native language fluently that I am a laughing stock to my cousins and relatives... Haiya... I am so sad... But I am what I am..

I always refer myself as a Sarawakian because the fact that I live in Sarawak for almost 9 years and I CAN speak Sarawak language better than my own, the fact that I can speak and understand few native languages in Sarawak and even far better than my own native language. I can tell you that I speak Penan language more fluent than my own Bajau language. It's a shame but I am not shy to admit this. And because I know the road in Sarawak particularly in Kuching, Serian, Miri and other parts of Sarawak better than my own hometown. Just tell me where you wanna go and then I can tell you directly where to go and how to avoid the jammed. But if you ask me the road route in Sabah, ie in KK, I am not sure whether I will give you the right direction. Its not that I am ashame to admits I am a Sabahan, its just that it come out from my mouth automatically and unintentionally. =) so don't blame me for that...

Every time someone new asked me, I would answer them I am from Sarawak.. and then the conversation go on and then some people will got confused as I tell them along. Well, I am a Sabahan but I stayed in Sarawak for the past 9 years and I know roads and language in Sarawak better then my own hometown, and now I moved to Peninsula to continue my study. And then you can see some confuse faces in front of me and they will start asking me a lot of question like I thought you are Sarawakian cause I can see the Sarawakian face in you.. Then I'll start again, and again and again.. But then, I can say that I am a Sarawakian too and why? Because my great grandfather is a Sarawakian and an Iban/Dayak and he's from Ulu Semanggang which is now known as Sri Aman. I know that his name is Bajik, which mean beautiful in Iban language. Hehhe.. true right? I know that he's one of the great soldier during his life and he went all the way to Sabah to hunt for wildlife and eventually he met my great grandmother and fell in love with her and they got married.. A very happy ending.So basically, I am a long-lost Sarawakian right? hehehe

Its so complicated to explain but then it is very easy.. its not a big issue right. What important is that we are Malaysian. But some people in Peninsula didn't know that Sabah and Sarawak are part of Malaysia. Don't get me start on this, I wont stop. Just read one of my dear friend post on this and you'll know what I mean. I don't know why some people didn't know about this, or maybe they just ignore it or maybe we use a different Geography book during our primary and secondary school or did we?. Or maybe some people just born s^#@*d and ...... Com'on man.. Sabah and Sarawak are part of Malaysia and without these two state, Malaysia is not Malaysia and many more... I should stop about it.

Moral of today story/post is Don't blame me if I can't tell you whether I am a Sabahan or Sarawakian. I am who I am... and one last fact why I always admit that I am a Sarawakian is because of the fact that my Mr. BF is a Sarawakian so if we gonna get married, I am officially can get my Sarawak PR right.. hehehhe.. so I need to practice from now... *Grin*

Yours Truly =)

Friday, May 9, 2008

I am Down There!!!

This is the snake that might take my life away yesterday, or the guy with me. This snake is one of the poisonous snake in Malaysia but it will only bite you if you touch it or disturb it. Luckily, the guy with me saw it when he was passing the snake and then he yell at me, tried to push me away as I am just a feet away from him and ask me to walk backward and use other route. I was blurry and didn't hear what he was trying to told me but I stop the minutes he yell at me, I knew that there was something next to him and it may be dangerous. Its was raining that time and usually this snake stays up to 3 meters and above on the tree but this one is on a waist height.. very dangerous height and in a ready to attack position. And a very good camouflage too

I can't put into words how depressed I am right now. I can't explained to anyone on how I felt. I am away from my family,my beloved Mr.BF and I am sooo waaayyy behind the schedule. How am I gonna cope with this. Please God,make the fruit trees fruiting again and take the rain away. I beg you. I never ask for anything but this. PLease please please.. make the trees fruiting again and take the rain away. I need lots more fruits odor samples and I need to do the bats bahaviour experiment. I need to do lots of works and my supervisor from German will come very-very soon,which is in July or August. So I am gonna work late,stay up most of the night. Do the lab work early in the morning,then to the jungle checking the fruits late evening and capturing the bats at night time. I need to be superwoman now.

Yours Truly =)

Monday, May 5, 2008

How Well Do You Know Your Man (From Nora)

In conjunction with my yesterday post, I am doing this survey or tagged. Got it from Nora in Friendster.. So I guess,this is Fun... so here it is..

1.How well do u know your man?

Very very well, I must say

2.His age:
He's 27, but he think he is much much more younger.. =)

3.His Middle Name:
His name is Winston Churchil Layang.. So Churchil is in the middle.. so that was it, right?

4.How long have you been together?
Almost 9 years.. the anniversary is on 12 September..

5.How long did you know each other before you started dating?
I think we started dating officially after knowing each other for 2 months... we didn't even realize that we like each other so much until our friends told us about it.. ever heard of "the spark" thingy.. yeah, we have that.. if one is not around,the other one wouldn't be as cheery as when the other one is around.. we are match made in heaven!.. hehehhe

6.What physical feature attracted you to him first?
His leg and butt... hehehehhe... ;P

7.Hair color:
Black and wavy and I envy the color while he's envying mine... I want a black hair!



9. Are you “in love”:

Yes!! I am. Always have and always will

10.Do your parents like him:
Yes! my siblings loves him too. Well, he just know how to fit in and my parents and siblings are very supportive..

11.Does it matter?
Not to me. But if it does matter to him,then it is. I will be by his side and support him..

12.Do you trust him?

13.Does he let you wear his shoes?
Can you imagine a size 6 feet wearing a size 8 and 1/2 shoe.. I am not working for McDonald. Hewo...

14.Do you have a shirt of his that you sleep with?
I use to but I don't know where I put them now.. But I have his perfume with me.. so whenever I felt like I really want him to be by my side and he's not, I'll just spill a little bit of it on my bolster (a.k.a bantal busuk) and there you go.. I have him with me..

15.Can you picture having kids with him?
Yes! We gonna be a very good parents. But I want all the kids to have his nose and his long eyelashes..

16.Are you happy to be with him?
Yes. Always have and alway will


17.Does he have any tattoos?

No. I can't have any so I won't allow him too

18.Does he have any scars that you know of?

19.Is he a party dude or stay at home kind of guy?
Both. He likes parties, if you're talking about clubbing and stuff. And he stays at home too. Doing his stuff

20.Is he Outgoing or Shy?:
He's more outgoing now

21.Would he hang out with YOUR friends?
He will... but not all my friends

22.Does he sing?..
Are you kidding me? He's not. I have been asking and begging for him to sing for me but he just don't but he likes making me sing for him. There's a time that I was singing for almost an hour and non-stop and I don't know how many song.. but he really does it.

23.Do you know how to turn him on?
What kind of question is this. Gosh! Hehehe.. Of course I know.. Kan Sayang!

24.How many times a day do you tell him you love him?
We tell each other in our own ways and we knows without the other half is saying the words.. We just know.. like I told you before, we are match made in Heaven

So whoever wanna be tagged, just do so!

Yours Truly =)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

I so Want to Go Back to Miri... =( NOW!!!!

Got few MMSes from Tyler Piglet's dad.. he's sending me the latest photos of the piglet... Its kinda weekly agendas.. Her dad never forgot to send me the latest photos of her or any photos of her in action.. I so miss her.. she is one of the most adorable baby girl I've ever met and hold in my arms... she just know how to behave and she is a very strong baby girl.. I can't wait for her to walk and run on her own.. I can't wait to bring her around and play with her... I wanna watch her growing up but I am too far away from her.. so this is the only way that they can update me on her progress.. So Baby Tyler, wait for me to come back to Miri this July.. I don't care I will just go to your dad's new house and kidnap you from them... We can go shopping and eat ice cream and chocolate and cakes and whatever you want.. but you got to promise me that you won't tell your mommy and dadi that we eat all those 'yummy-fatty-full of cholesterol-food' okay... Okay, I am satisfied!!

And I got few MMSes from my Mr.BF too.. well he just like to make me go gugugaga over the stuff toys photos he sent me.. and this is not the only photos he sent me okay.. there is a lot more... Ya,I am a freaking 27 years old girl that loves stuff toys so much... what is wrong with that?? NOTHING okay.. I so want the blue toy so much.. the one with big green eyes... its so cute.. I feel like the blue big green eyes toy is calling my name.. over and over again.. OMG! the hallucination starts again... I am gonna make him and make sure that he will bring me to this shop and I will shop till his eyes drop... HAHAHAHHA... seriously, I want it badly.. Can somebody buy it for me as my belated B-Day gift... =)... (hint hint people in Miri.. LOL)... please... I am making a cute face here... see see, i am grinning here.. I don't want the RM799 Grey or Creamy Hippo with the love pillow cushion on his hands.. I just want the big eyes stuff toys.. and I hope that it won't cost much cause I am eyeing for the expensive, rare and authentic Blythe Dolls as my collection too..

But the biggest and sinnest reason why I wanna go back to Miri badly is because of my Mr. BF.. I miss my Mr.BF badly..I miss him so much right now.. I just wanna fly back to Miri right now and hold him in my arms... I miss his presence.... I miss his smell.... I miss his arms around me... I miss almost everything about him.. =( nothing wrong with missing and wanting him badly right? I am not perfect without him.. I am not the whole me... (shit! i don't wanna be a jiwang girl here but I just can't help myself- is it the time of the month??? {-.-} )

Yours Truly =)

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Labour Day!!!

Happy Labour Day!!!

I didn't remember that today is the labour day. I always forgot cause even I am a worker myself, I never celebrate this day. Its not that I don't want to. Its the fact that I wasn't be able to celebrate it for the past few years. Why? Cause I am in the field working and doing the research. Yes, I know its A ONE DAY celebration but come to the fact that, is it a must or just the regular holiday. I don't have to wait to that particular day to celebrate it, I am a worker and everyday is a worker day! Full stop.

So how did I spent my day,specifically today. I wake up very early today and headed to the Center Office. Waiting for the workers to come and headed to the paddock. Yes, I stay at the conservation center, specifically for Seladang or Gaur. I haven't had an experience doing work with the Seladang so today is the day. The Day that I will help out and do their daily work. I love to do this and experience it so that I can understand the situation better and I can give something in return. The fact that it needs a hard work and willingness, so today I am willing to become them. So we cleaning the paddock, clear out all the branches, the left-over, the 'feces' and dump it to the dumping areas. Then we carry all the food to the truck, branches of tree, banana and pellet and send it to each paddock, its one tan of food. and only 5 people doing it including me. Arrange the leaves and small branches nicely and tied it with the rope and hang it on the fence and move to the next paddock. It was energy consuming type of works. I am all tired and itchy. but thats not important, what important is that I know how hard they work and what have they done to improve anything.

So, appreciate what you have and don't complain to much. Other people work so hard to earn for living. And they didn't complain much!!

Yours Truly =)

Saturday, April 26, 2008

The 3rd Teachers For Tigers Workshop (T4T)

I was busy the whole week for the 3rd Teachers For Tigers Workshop (T4T) in Jenderak Selatan.. This is the third workshop after the first workshop in Jenderak Selatan somewhere in November last year, followed by the 2nd T4T in Merapoh last month.. But it was even busier because I was doing the training and my MSc lab work at the same time.. So during my lunch rest time, while my other friends are resting or sleeping or playing my PSP, I would do my lab work and try to finish extracting all the samples and while they are resting in the evening before dinner and night session, I would drive down to my research site and get my daily fruits supply and rush back and set up the lab machine.. then rush to take bath and ready for the night session.. I don't know where I got all the energy.. I seriously don't know.. but I guess, in my heart it is so important that I give all the information that I have in my head and I have to give out the best for the participants.. I know that when it comes to conservation works, I would give my 250% and even more efforts... it one of the part where I can become myself.. the true me... But without the helps from my bestest friend,Debbie and the facilitators, Azima and I couldn't make all this happens and successful.. I thank you all.. we owe you big time.. well, there's a reason behind everything.. it was a mess at first but we managed to solve it and thanks so much to Debbie for coming with me to help me and Azima with the workshop..

I don't have to explain more as I guess the photos will explain everything.. I have disappointments during the workshop.. I will tell you about this in my next post.. and its up to where I don't even want to give the talk anymore.. but remembering the WCS reputation and my reputation too, I did it... even with less spirit left in my heart... well,will tell you more about it later..

Day 1 (21st April 2008)

The Name Game - Ice breaker sessionCurtain Fall Game - Ice breaker sessionCurtain Fall Game - Ice breaker sessionCat and Mouse Game- Ice breaker sessionPre-evaluation session

Day 2 (22nd April 2008)

Tiger ranges session - all the facis and trainer is at this group and I don't know whyTiger ranges sessionHunting technique ; red light green light gameGiving explanation on the Mini Drama SlotFood Web Session - each participant has their own rules or animal images- and the ropes is the link to each other - Notice the link has been broken - the dying animals or tree is sitting on the floor now
Resources Round Up Session - participants is fighting for 4 important resources to stay alive

Day 3 (23rd April 2008)

We start the day with the 'Belalang Belacak' Game
Chasing each other during the gameEach group has to come out with their own themeTiger In Culture sessionI know that we argue over something but I don't rememberThe rabbit and the Tiger - Tiger myth session
The two cute bee- tiger myth session

Day 4 (24th April 2008)

Chinese Whisper Game- this is what happen to the one who have to start passing the messages
And the Winner goes to.... hehehe.. this is the most intimate pose for the Chinese Whisper Game.. Everyone go gu gu gu ga ga ga at them..=)Penat sangat ker en faci.. org dok dgr ceramah, awak tido kat blakang ni. kan dah kena tembak
The Stepping In Game-Suprisingly this time this group make it to the max...
Giving explanation on the Tiger- Global Perspective
Tiger Timeline Session - facis arranging the tiger timeline stories
Giving talk on the 'Stakeholder Analysis'The participant trying to apply the stakeholder analysis to their assigned projects

Day 5 - Final Day (25th April 2008)

The Snake Game
Giving the explaination on the Citizen's Debates Q & A possibilities
'Wan Yusof' - the Md. Faizul's uncle, and Faizul is the one who is attacked and eaten by the Tiger- During the Citizen's Debates Roleplay
T4T contract swearing We, The Trainers and Facilitators.. Debbie wasn't in the photos cause she is the one whose taking this

Yours Truly =)

ps. I am still uploading the photos.. please bear with me as the internet connection is very slow.. ( i am getting angrier here as I can't upload anything.. one photo a day,errmm.. not bad considering that I have paid for the services for the next 5 months =( )

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