"Just a Shopaholic with a passion for nature, wildlife, books, sports, crafts, cooking, good food and gadgets. A Loyal Friend"
Showing posts with label miri. Show all posts
Showing posts with label miri. Show all posts

Sunday, May 4, 2008

I so Want to Go Back to Miri... =( NOW!!!!

Got few MMSes from Tyler Piglet's dad.. he's sending me the latest photos of the piglet... Its kinda weekly agendas.. Her dad never forgot to send me the latest photos of her or any photos of her in action.. I so miss her.. she is one of the most adorable baby girl I've ever met and hold in my arms... she just know how to behave and she is a very strong baby girl.. I can't wait for her to walk and run on her own.. I can't wait to bring her around and play with her... I wanna watch her growing up but I am too far away from her.. so this is the only way that they can update me on her progress.. So Baby Tyler, wait for me to come back to Miri this July.. I don't care I will just go to your dad's new house and kidnap you from them... We can go shopping and eat ice cream and chocolate and cakes and whatever you want.. but you got to promise me that you won't tell your mommy and dadi that we eat all those 'yummy-fatty-full of cholesterol-food' okay... Okay, I am satisfied!!

And I got few MMSes from my Mr.BF too.. well he just like to make me go gugugaga over the stuff toys photos he sent me.. and this is not the only photos he sent me okay.. there is a lot more... Ya,I am a freaking 27 years old girl that loves stuff toys so much... what is wrong with that?? NOTHING okay.. I so want the blue toy so much.. the one with big green eyes... its so cute.. I feel like the blue big green eyes toy is calling my name.. over and over again.. OMG! the hallucination starts again... I am gonna make him and make sure that he will bring me to this shop and I will shop till his eyes drop... HAHAHAHHA... seriously, I want it badly.. Can somebody buy it for me as my belated B-Day gift... =)... (hint hint people in Miri.. LOL)... please... I am making a cute face here... see see, i am grinning here.. I don't want the RM799 Grey or Creamy Hippo with the love pillow cushion on his hands.. I just want the big eyes stuff toys.. and I hope that it won't cost much cause I am eyeing for the expensive, rare and authentic Blythe Dolls as my collection too..

But the biggest and sinnest reason why I wanna go back to Miri badly is because of my Mr. BF.. I miss my Mr.BF badly..I miss him so much right now.. I just wanna fly back to Miri right now and hold him in my arms... I miss his presence.... I miss his smell.... I miss his arms around me... I miss almost everything about him.. =( nothing wrong with missing and wanting him badly right? I am not perfect without him.. I am not the whole me... (shit! i don't wanna be a jiwang girl here but I just can't help myself- is it the time of the month??? {-.-} )

Yours Truly =)

Monday, March 3, 2008

Miri Trip Update

Here are Tyler photos as promised. Enjoy!

Camelia Tyler Ringgai Lalo - exactly 1 month
The doggie bear is watching Tyler. To keep her safe
Where is Tyler?
And Presenting... The most gorgeous aunt in the world... hahhaha..

Day 2 : Nothing much happen. We went to Kelab Rekreasi Petroliam to have breakfast. So we ordered Mee Kolok and Laksa Sarawak. So half of the mission is accomplished. I had my Mee Kolok.. Yummy.. And we went to the shopping complexes. Since nothing much happening in Miri that time. And we suppose to go to the beach but we forgot. And we didn't watch any movie, as my Mr. BF doesn't want to go. And Finally, we went to Siemese Secrets for dinner. Another mission accomplished. I had my Beef Lasagna and my Mr. BF had the Spaghetti Pollo e Fhungi. I wish I am in Miri more often. Not only that I get to see my Mr. BF but I can hang out with wonderful people like Nora and Carol.

Siemese Secret Iced Coffee.. My fav drink.. always have
Siemese Secret Beef Lasagna
Siemese Secret Spaghetti Pollo e Fhungi
Mr BF with his food...

Day 3 : Today is my last day in Miri. So we went to the Famous Pak Wan Cafe to had our Mee Kolok Special. And it was so fantastic. So now, Mr BF have prove it that it is really that delicious. Now I had more reason to come back to Miri more often. And after that, we went to hunt for my Sony PSP. And my Mr.BF bought it for me. Thanks Mr BF. My Sony PSP is the lavender purple Slim & Lite version. I wanted a blue one but they don't have the stock. So Purple it is. So I am kinda busy right now,playing with my PSP. So, will update the blog later.. Adios

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Miri Trip

Well, as some of you know that I am currently in Miri. Enjoying myself with my Mr. BF. Its been a long time you know. I have been busy with my MSc and work that I don't have time to go back to Miri and be with him. I don't know how we survived this long distance relationship but I guess, we've known each other so much and for so long that we can make it happen. The key point is yourself. If you believe in whatever you believe then it will be. Okay, back to the Miri update.

Day 1 in Miri : Went to visit Camelia Tyler Ringgai Lalo. Spent time with her. She so adorable and cute in her own way. So strong and quiet. So chubby and small. Her palm is just like 1/6 my own palm. Her feet is like 1/10 of my own feet. She doesn't cry much but keep on sleeping. AT times she will open one of her eyes and continue sleeping. As if she is checking whether we are still around or not. We were so loud, laughing and talking and make jokes but she doesn't seem to be bothered. She looks like a 'sleeping beauty princess', waiting for her prince to come and save her. OMG! I so want a kids like her. So know how to behave herself. And then we went to met up with Nora and Carol at the Sea Horse. We actually planned for Siemese Secrets. But the restaurant was full. I was imagining that I would have the beef lasagna as my dinner. But frustrated was I am. Let's just hope that tonight I can go there and have my beef lasagna. We talk and talk and talk and make jokes non-stop that I think that people around us start staring at our table. But we just don't care as everyone is enjoying the company. Its a rare moment as I seldom spent time with them. Hope that I can spend more time with them next time.

I will update more on the Miri trip. I have Tyler photos but I haven't download it to my Lappy-toppy and I left the camera in Mr. BF car so I guess, I will have to postponed the photos upload. So til then...

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

What I Wanna Do When I am In Miri This Saturday!

Attention Mr. BF.. Please Take Note!!! ;P

1. Eat and eat Laksa Sarawak and Mee Kolok at the best ever shop you always mention to me
2. Dinner at Siamese Secret - I am so long for the beef lasagna
3. Eat again... jagung bakar at the Esplanade?? Is This how they spell it? ahh who cares!
4. Watch Movie - you have been promising me but we always failed to do it due to... hehehhe
5. Meet up with Nora and Carol
6. Visit the newborn Tyler and get her photos

More coming up.. I am still thinking of What to DO!!
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