"Just a Shopaholic with a passion for nature, wildlife, books, sports, crafts, cooking, good food and gadgets. A Loyal Friend"
Showing posts with label sayang. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sayang. Show all posts

Monday, May 5, 2008

How Well Do You Know Your Man (From Nora)

In conjunction with my yesterday post, I am doing this survey or tagged. Got it from Nora in Friendster.. So I guess,this is Fun... so here it is..

1.How well do u know your man?

Very very well, I must say

2.His age:
He's 27, but he think he is much much more younger.. =)

3.His Middle Name:
His name is Winston Churchil Layang.. So Churchil is in the middle.. so that was it, right?

4.How long have you been together?
Almost 9 years.. the anniversary is on 12 September..

5.How long did you know each other before you started dating?
I think we started dating officially after knowing each other for 2 months... we didn't even realize that we like each other so much until our friends told us about it.. ever heard of "the spark" thingy.. yeah, we have that.. if one is not around,the other one wouldn't be as cheery as when the other one is around.. we are match made in heaven!.. hehehhe

6.What physical feature attracted you to him first?
His leg and butt... hehehehhe... ;P

7.Hair color:
Black and wavy and I envy the color while he's envying mine... I want a black hair!



9. Are you “in love”:

Yes!! I am. Always have and always will

10.Do your parents like him:
Yes! my siblings loves him too. Well, he just know how to fit in and my parents and siblings are very supportive..

11.Does it matter?
Not to me. But if it does matter to him,then it is. I will be by his side and support him..

12.Do you trust him?

13.Does he let you wear his shoes?
Can you imagine a size 6 feet wearing a size 8 and 1/2 shoe.. I am not working for McDonald. Hewo...

14.Do you have a shirt of his that you sleep with?
I use to but I don't know where I put them now.. But I have his perfume with me.. so whenever I felt like I really want him to be by my side and he's not, I'll just spill a little bit of it on my bolster (a.k.a bantal busuk) and there you go.. I have him with me..

15.Can you picture having kids with him?
Yes! We gonna be a very good parents. But I want all the kids to have his nose and his long eyelashes..

16.Are you happy to be with him?
Yes. Always have and alway will


17.Does he have any tattoos?

No. I can't have any so I won't allow him too

18.Does he have any scars that you know of?

19.Is he a party dude or stay at home kind of guy?
Both. He likes parties, if you're talking about clubbing and stuff. And he stays at home too. Doing his stuff

20.Is he Outgoing or Shy?:
He's more outgoing now

21.Would he hang out with YOUR friends?
He will... but not all my friends

22.Does he sing?..
Are you kidding me? He's not. I have been asking and begging for him to sing for me but he just don't but he likes making me sing for him. There's a time that I was singing for almost an hour and non-stop and I don't know how many song.. but he really does it.

23.Do you know how to turn him on?
What kind of question is this. Gosh! Hehehe.. Of course I know.. Kan Sayang!

24.How many times a day do you tell him you love him?
We tell each other in our own ways and we knows without the other half is saying the words.. We just know.. like I told you before, we are match made in Heaven

So whoever wanna be tagged, just do so!

Yours Truly =)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

I so Want to Go Back to Miri... =( NOW!!!!

Got few MMSes from Tyler Piglet's dad.. he's sending me the latest photos of the piglet... Its kinda weekly agendas.. Her dad never forgot to send me the latest photos of her or any photos of her in action.. I so miss her.. she is one of the most adorable baby girl I've ever met and hold in my arms... she just know how to behave and she is a very strong baby girl.. I can't wait for her to walk and run on her own.. I can't wait to bring her around and play with her... I wanna watch her growing up but I am too far away from her.. so this is the only way that they can update me on her progress.. So Baby Tyler, wait for me to come back to Miri this July.. I don't care I will just go to your dad's new house and kidnap you from them... We can go shopping and eat ice cream and chocolate and cakes and whatever you want.. but you got to promise me that you won't tell your mommy and dadi that we eat all those 'yummy-fatty-full of cholesterol-food' okay... Okay, I am satisfied!!

And I got few MMSes from my Mr.BF too.. well he just like to make me go gugugaga over the stuff toys photos he sent me.. and this is not the only photos he sent me okay.. there is a lot more... Ya,I am a freaking 27 years old girl that loves stuff toys so much... what is wrong with that?? NOTHING okay.. I so want the blue toy so much.. the one with big green eyes... its so cute.. I feel like the blue big green eyes toy is calling my name.. over and over again.. OMG! the hallucination starts again... I am gonna make him and make sure that he will bring me to this shop and I will shop till his eyes drop... HAHAHAHHA... seriously, I want it badly.. Can somebody buy it for me as my belated B-Day gift... =)... (hint hint people in Miri.. LOL)... please... I am making a cute face here... see see, i am grinning here.. I don't want the RM799 Grey or Creamy Hippo with the love pillow cushion on his hands.. I just want the big eyes stuff toys.. and I hope that it won't cost much cause I am eyeing for the expensive, rare and authentic Blythe Dolls as my collection too..

But the biggest and sinnest reason why I wanna go back to Miri badly is because of my Mr. BF.. I miss my Mr.BF badly..I miss him so much right now.. I just wanna fly back to Miri right now and hold him in my arms... I miss his presence.... I miss his smell.... I miss his arms around me... I miss almost everything about him.. =( nothing wrong with missing and wanting him badly right? I am not perfect without him.. I am not the whole me... (shit! i don't wanna be a jiwang girl here but I just can't help myself- is it the time of the month??? {-.-} )

Yours Truly =)

Saturday, February 2, 2008

The Mr. BF B-Day!!!!

Dear Mr. BF a.k.a Sayang Winston Churchil..
Happy 27th birthday..
Wish You All The Happiness and Love...
Wish You All The Success and Life..
May All Our Dreams Come True...
I Miss You and I Love You so Much..
Always Have and Always Will...
Ms. GF a.ka. Laling Yenny

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