"Just a Shopaholic with a passion for nature, wildlife, books, sports, crafts, cooking, good food and gadgets. A Loyal Friend"
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

Friday, April 4, 2008


What is Love? Can anyone tell me about it? How to define Love? Why should we Love? What we Love? Would we be love?

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Flight Cage.. a.k.a portable cage

Finally after waiting for almost 4 four months.. to be exact... my portable bat flight cage is delivered to me.. after all the nonsense excuses by the supplier... I am seriously being very patience.. I need the cage badly but nothing I can do but to call and ask the supplier when is the cage ready...'sigh'.. that is the local businessman lah... budus!!!

So today I have to build it.. ALONE.. yes ALONE.. at least it need 3-4 person to do it but I have no one with me.. I have to check all the connector.. all the part and start building it according to the drawingplan/design plan .. but that bloody supplier make my life even harder by not labeling some of the part and even worse,the label on the part is different with the one on paper... its so suxx that I keep cursing him.. you deserved that Mr.Supplier.. again,you really deserve that... So, I build it into 2 part as there is no way I can lift the half cage and put on the other part... And being someone creative (ehem ehem...LOL) I manage to build it and relabel everything... You so suxx Mr.Supplier.. its very tiring and energy-consume activity.. and seriously I can feel the pain on my back.. Where are you my Mr.BF?? I want you to massage me lah...

The other half of the portable flight cage

And after done doing all the labeling, I have to open it again and need to set it up somewhere else..somewhere very quiet where less human presence and away from civilization... I already have the place.. the old house where all my equipment flooded last time... So I really have to watch the river this time and have to act fast.. I wouldn't want this thousand metal cage gone with the flood just like the old cage... And this letter is for the Mr.Supplier.. I know you will not read my blog....

'Dear Mr.Supplier, I know that this is new to you. I know that you never build a portable flight cage before and so do I. But it is not that difficult to build. I know cause I am the designer. I design this what you called metal crap. I design this thousand buck metal crap. So, you better do it fast enough next time. Don't give me lame reason like its the CNY, no one working.. its this holiday and this holiday.. I don't care about the holidays. What I care more is getting my cage ready on time. I can't wait cause this is important to me. I don't care how much it will cost me as long as you can deliver it on time, as promised. But,what have you done with your promises? 1 month become 4 months.. So, should I pay you? Nah.. I am a person who is keeping her promise. So, I will pay you that money but you have to wait for another 4 months... Hahahahha'

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Paintball Anyone???

Yesterday was extra fun.. super extra fun.. and why is that? because I was playing Paintball... hehehe... It was fantastic.. blood rushing game but I got to enjoy myself... That is important... the whole body is in pain but I don't mind that.. Okay,let me tell you a little bit about the Paintball Game.. Paintball, like many other games, revolves more around teamwork than it does equipment or even the skill of individual players. A well-organized team working together can defeat a team whose players are in disarray, even if individual members of the confused team have better skills and gear. Communication is key to a winning team, and often presence of mind and teamwork help to win a game....

Paintball is a game that is very similar to Airsoft in which participants eliminate opponents from play by hitting them with liquid-filled, breakable, gelatin paintballs shot from a carbon dioxide or compressed-gas-powered known as paintball marker. A game of paintball usually involves two opposing teams seeking to eliminate all of the other team's players or to complete some other objective, such as retrieving a flag, eliminating a specific player, or other paintball variations. Depending on the style of paintball played, a paintball game can last from seconds to days, although typical woodsball games are five to thirty minutes long.

Like many sports, safe participation in paintball requires observance of proper safety procedure. When safety rules are followed, paintball is extremely safe, with an injury rate of only 0.2 injuries per 1,000 exposures. The most important rule in paintball is that all players must wear a protective google system or mask at all times when they are playing or near other people who are playing. While paintballs will not cause permanent injury to most areas of the body, the eyes, and to a lesser extent the ears, are vulnerable to serious injury if hit by a paintball. Paintball masks are specifically designed for the sport, and the goggles are capable of withstanding a direct hit from a paintball traveling at well over 300 feet fer second (90m/s), the safety limit adopted by paintball marker manufacturers.

These are the basic variations of the game;
  • Capture The Flag- A team must take the flag from the designated flag station, often either at the opponents' flag station at the opposite side of the field, or in the center of the field. The flag must then be 'hung' at one's own flag station or the enemy flag station, respectively.
  • Elimination - A team or individual player must eliminate all of the opposing team.
  • "King of the Hill" - two or more teams attempt to capture and hold one or more bases. The game is won by the team that holds the base(s) for the longest net amount of time.
  • "Vitals" - A Paintball contest variation where only hits to the chest, back or head count as eliminations. Hits to the legs, arms or shoulders do not count. VitalsGear team game and tournament shirts are worn to determine if human vital organs have been hit.
  • "Mutants" - A type of team elimination where there are two teams- mutants and humans. When a human player is out, they switch sides and become a mutant. The mutant team tries to eliminate all human players. Eliminated Mutants only sit out for a certain amount of time, usually ten minutes. The game ends when all human players are out.
  • "President"- one player on each team is the president and each team must keep there president unharmed but also take out the other teams president.

Paintball equipment varies depending on the type of paintball game being played and the skill level of those playing. Every player, however, requires three basic pieces of equipment:

  • Mask :Absolutely necessary for players' protection.
  • Complete paintball marker : Markers usually also require some sort of loader/hopper and propellant to work (CO2 or compressed air).
  • Paintballs : To eliminate other players

Thats a little bit about Paintball... You have to experience it personally to know how its feel.. its a pure joy.. So, I am calling my friends to join me to play next time.... hehehe

This is the paintball marker..

This is the detail lookThis are the paintballs or the bulletsThe Team Getting ready for the battleAnd this is what I got.. the black purple blueish reddish bruise on my right hand

Monday, March 17, 2008

Not Available for a Week

I won't be able to post on anything for a week starting today. Its not that I didn't want to post anything or update you guys with anything but I am involve with a Teachers for Tigers workshop organised by WCS and hosted by PERHILITAN starting tomorrow till next week. The area that I am going to doesn't have an internet connection and not even a phone line. I have to drive to the nearest town, which is a few kilometers away from the center. What I mean by a few kilometers is like more than 50kms.. hehehhe.. LOL..

I wont have much time to rest or to go to the nearest town as I am one of the Trainer a.k.a speaker for the workshop. The last workshop that I attended was in Jenderak Selatan, Pahang. I was one of their Facilitator. And now upgraded to Trainer. I am so nervous thinking of talking in front of the participants. I know I can handle them but still I am nervous. If I can handle them when I was just a faci, why not now. There's no big different anyway. I have been talking to many people, different races and different ranking. I even go to a meeting with the PERHILITAN Director. And this is just his staff. The G11, G17 an maybe some G27 staff. Most of them are on the ground staff which I like cause I can share many things and experiences with them. So I can speak easily with them.. and more confident as well.. If I can speak in front of scientist communities and expertise, why not this people. I know I can do this. And I know I am good and I am a natural. I know I can attract people attention just by standing in front of them.. I believe in myself.. I know that I am strong and capable of doing any things especially this and saving the wildlife...

Till then, I need to get my sleep now as the clock showing me that it is 4 am now and I have to wake up early this morning as I will drive down to the center around 9am plus... So I guess, I will see you guys next week with some of the photos or maybe video from the workshop. Wish me luck my friend. Love you guys but I love my Mr.BF more... hehehhehe...

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Tag From RamblingOfThePhat

18 Are you a morning person?
No.. I wake up around 9am and above.. except when I am in the field doing my wildlife survey. Got to wake up at 4.30 am.. hehehhehe

19 Is it easier for you to fall asleep or to be woken?
Both I think. Or maybe to fall asleep. I hate to be woken up... *sigh*

20 Think of one person, stick with it. You don’t have to say their name. Would you pick them up alone 100 plus miles away if it was your birthday?
Of course I will.But only for this particular person ;P

21 Give two reasons why you get distracted in work.
Distraction ? Nah.. I am a workaholic.. I don't get distracted easily once I am into my work. I am in my own cave during that time. *big grin*

22 Do you think it’s funny when people get hurt?
No.. especially if that's not their fault. But if they were looking for it,then why not..

23 Would you rather go to Tokyo or Paris?
Tokyo. I want their kimono badly. And I love shushi.. Yummy

24 Do you have a guitar in your house?
None. Nada. Zero. I don't play guitar..

25 Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
Yes. I want to be with my Mr.BF.. I miss him already.. =(

26 How often do you get onto friendster?
Every 2 days. Errmm.. depends on my mood..

27 How long can you go without your mobile phone?
Like long enough.. up to 3 weeks when I am doing my field survey. Why? I have to. No network.. Hahahahha.. LOL... I can't choose to have it there lah..

28 Where’s your mobile phone?
on the window panel.. the network is suxx here. I have to place it on the window to get a line..*sigh*

Don't ask me why the questions start with number 18. When I got it originally from RamblingOfThe Phat like that.

I'm tagging these 5 people:

1) Chil a.k.a Mr.BF
2) Cynthia C.
3) Leona L.
4) Nora H.
5) Carol L.

Hehe I've never tagged people before. =)

Friday, March 14, 2008

Late Again..

I woke up a bit late today. Like around 11am plus... I was staying up last night... talking to my Mr.BF till around 3am and continue doing my lab work... I am trying hard to finish my MSc here...I am coping hard with it as its been raining for the past days... and the fruits are not ripen yet.. OMG! I am so in trouble... =( just hope that i will manage to finish this on time... I know I am way behind the schedule but I can't blame anyone.. I can't blame the nature disasters.. I can't blame the fruit for not fruiting on time... I know the risks but I am willing to take it.. so is this my own fault??

Saturday, October 27, 2007

What Life Is?? Can Anybody Tell me...

I don't know what happen to my life lately.. 1 minute I was happy and the others I was down... And the problem is, I don't even know what my problems was.. I guess it has something to do with my last Raya vacation... or perhaps I have been holding it long enough in my heart and mind.. I don't know what wrong with me... I like to be alone even I miss talking to somebody.. I want to walk alone but at the same time I wish there would be someone holdings my hand.. Can somebody figure it out for me... I have so much to say but I can put it into words... I wish I was happier about life.. I wish I have my beloved ones here with me.. I wish that all my wishes come true... It may sound childish, but the truth is I needed all of you badly...
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