Monday, February 11, 2008

Hanging out at the hospital

We were excited to be able to show Aunt Emily and Grandpa Wesley back in Alaska the new baby. Derick's laptop has a camera in it so we logged onto to messenger and talked! Ashley pretty much just slept there, but that is what newborns do. We thought that they would like seeing the real thing better than a picture. I was glad we could do this for them.

Here is Great Grandma (Randy's mom), Grandma (Derick's mom), me and Ashley. I am so glad to be able to have pictures with all the generations.

Amy made a bunch of cute bows for Ashley. This one is HUGE! We thought it was funny and kept thinking she looked like she needed an umbrella and to be in a cocktail drink or something. I have had fun trying different bows on her lately, but she doesn't like me changing her clothes so I haven't played dress up yet. Sad

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