Featured Post - Allergy Elimination Journey

Allergy Answered Prayer

Today is a big day in our household. After 2 1/2 years of struggling with allegies our baby boy is Allergy FREE! This is our journey to hea...

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Monthly Milestones

Wow, did this month fly by or what! Here are some things she did in her 20th month!
  1. She can climb down the steps the right way. In fact, she can do it without holding on. Funny Story: I was picking her up at Cindy's and we were talking and all of a sudden I went to look for Annabelle and she was going down her stairs WITHOUT holding on. Cindy and I stood there in shock! I wasn't sure if I should grab her or let her go. I let her go and she made it all the way down by herself.
  2. She is finally at the height to reach door handles and light switches. So we see a lot of doors open and close and lights going on and off!
  3. She continues to talk up a storm. For the most part we can understand, but every now and then she just goes off talking we have no idea what she says. Josh said one morning when she woke up she just started talking away and he thinks she was trying to tell him about her dream. Hopefully, soon we'll be able to understand all the jibber jabber.
  4. He favorite book this month is one Granny got her called, I Love Animals. There are over 100 animals in it. She loves pointing and says, "What's this?"
  5. She continues to love Pooh and Nemo. She likes to say, "Pink, pink, pink" and touch her forehead. She hasn't quite got the "th" sound down yet.
  6. Her attention span has grown. She can now sit through an entire book!
  7. We use a little bit of 1-2-3 Magic with our discipline and she can now count from 1 to 3. She is so funny because if I count 1 and she obeys then I don't continue to count, so she'll walk over to me and say, "two!"
  8. Daddy's new thing with her is to give her horsey back rides.
  9. Mommy's new thing with her is we have been going to Burger King every Tuesday night for dinner, since Daddy has school. Sweet Story: there is an older man who has been there every night we go. The first night I took her I said, "Annabelle go find a seat." She went right over to the older man's booth and climbed in! We sat at the booth next to him and she kept talking to him. Now we see him every week and she goes over and talks to him (not literally, but jibber jabber). I am so thankful for how sweet she is, I wonder if the man looks forward to seeing her now?

Sunday, September 28, 2008

First Friday Football Game

On Friday night we went to Evergreen's football game. It was Annabelle's first Friday night football game. She loved the band, the cheerleaders, popcorn, and walking up and down the bleachers. Enjoy our video!

Tigers Trip 08

Every year to kick off the new school year Josh takes the teens to a Detroit Tigers baseball game. He presents his plan for the youth group for the upcoming year before we go and we get new Youth Group T-shirts. Josh actually made a design contest for the T-shirts this year and then the Teens voted on the one they liked the best! Hallie, a ninth grader won this years contest.

Our teens got a lot of comments on their T-shirts, all very positive comments! I always appreciate hearing that because I think it motivates the teens to not be ashamed of Christ and their commitment to Him!
Front of the shirt

Back of the Shirt

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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Pajama Party

The ladies of our church started a new ministry for women called Sister Circle Ministies and to kick it off they threw a Pajama Party/Spa night. We got massages, manicures, gave ourselves pedicures, did a make and take and could even take a spiritual gift inventory test! It was a huge success. My favorite part was the massage! She worked on my neck and it felt so good!!

Surprise Slide

Since I posted the post where Annabelle was crying because she didn't have a slide some of you have been asking if we are getting her a slide. Well, we did GET her a slide, but we are saving it as her big gift for Christmas. Josh picked it out all by himself. I like it because we can put in in out bonus room in the winter time and she'll get a ton of use out of it. Also, it is gender neutral and sports minded. Here are some pic taken off of the website of the slide company.

Jumper and Jeep

The other day on Josh's day off he went to take Annabelle to indoor playzone and it was closed for some reason, she cried and kept saying, "Play, Play" so instead he did the next best thing to comfort a girl...he took her shopping. :-) He picked out this adorable jumber for her.

Little did she know when I came home I'd have a suprise for her too. My co-teacher, Lori, gave us this cute little John Deer Jeep that her son has outgrown. Annabelle calls it her "car" and she absolutely LOVES riding it. You can turn the ingition and the blinkers and they makes noises. It also has a few other buttons that make sounds.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Finding Nemo

So as we shared in our Monthly Milestone post, Annabelle has been obsessed with the movie Finding Nemo. She wants to watch it all the time. We start taking her to Wal-mart so she could see real fish instead of just watching the movie. Josh and I started talking about getting her a fish and soon we were talking about getting her Nemo, a clown fish. He did a bit of research, went to the pet store, talked with the lady all about, and then yesterday we went to actually purchase our very own Nemo!

As the song in the montage says, "there ain't nothin' like the real thing"! Annabelle is so excited to have her own Nemo. Hopefully, we'll spend more time with the real thing than watching the movie now!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Flabbergasted by Flowers

I was pleasantly surprised by my parents at school yesterday with a dozen and a half long stem red roses! They sent a nice note wishing me a great school year! Thanks so much for your thoughtfulness. The kids love the flowers as well!

(Click pics to enlarge them)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Sobbing for a Slide

I got a kick out of this. Annabelle has started getting into the whole slide thing this month. We thought she was asking to go outside, because she says "side." But what she was saying this time was "slide." The first time we told her she didn't have one she really broke down. Believe it or not this is a much less traumatic reaction!
Posted by: Josh

At the end, I think she is actually going to get her shoes because I said we'd buy her a slide - Danielle