Featured Post - Allergy Elimination Journey

Allergy Answered Prayer

Today is a big day in our household. After 2 1/2 years of struggling with allegies our baby boy is Allergy FREE! This is our journey to hea...

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Surprise Slide

Since I posted the post where Annabelle was crying because she didn't have a slide some of you have been asking if we are getting her a slide. Well, we did GET her a slide, but we are saving it as her big gift for Christmas. Josh picked it out all by himself. I like it because we can put in in out bonus room in the winter time and she'll get a ton of use out of it. Also, it is gender neutral and sports minded. Here are some pic taken off of the website of the slide company.


Anonymous said...

AWWWWWWWWWW. YAY for annie !!!! she will be psyched out of her mind!!!

Unknown said...

I am so excited for her! I have to start Christmas shopping soon. Very soon : ).

KK said...

Wow...soo cool!

The Ashworth family said...

How fun! Way to go on having her big Christmas gift already bought. We already bought Trey's birthday gift - a wagon - and David can hardly wait to put it together!

Anonymous said...

The slide is great Josh, good job, it is all in one, we had the slide then a basketball loop all separate this is better idea, I like the steps to climbs. Can not wait to see her use it.

Anonymous said...

sorry I forget to signthe last blog
Love Mom


yay! she got her slide....can't wait to see her face when she sees it for the first time :)

Anonymous said...

I did not know you had a blog until I saw the link of on Becky's blog.
The slide is awesome! You have way more self control then we do. Joe and I always go shopping two days before Christmas because we can not stand not giving them their gifts! We are like little kids at Christmas:-)
I hope all is well:-)