
Showing posts with label Lil Lolita. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lil Lolita. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Tickled Pink Stamps is Sponsoring ABC Challenges

This week Tickled Pink Stamps is proudly sponsoring ABC Challenges where this week "V for Vanish" - there needs to be something hidden on your creation. 

I decided to hide away my sentiment and used Lil Hauts Ghost Willow on the front. The card is a gate fold card but when you open it up the "curtains" open up the the circle and the missing sentiment appears. I know this type of card has a specific name but can't think of it for the life of me!

 Here you can see the sentiment appearing as the card opens and the "curtains" are drawn.
And here you can see the sentiment is revealed now the card is fully open. And there's a spot to write a message below. It was so much fun to create something a little different and my son is having a heap of fun opening and closing it - nice to see him admiring my work for a change - LOL.
Copics Used - Skin (E02, E000, R22, R11) plus E44, E43, E42, E41, E40, B06, B05, B02, B00, B000, B0000 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Tickled Pink Stamps is Sponsoring Creative Inspirations

This week Tickled Pink Stamps is proudly sponsoring Creative Inspirations with a challenge of Anything Goes. I decided to combine this challenge with some fabulous chipboard products from Australian company Scrapmatts - especially as I'm proudly guest designing for them for the month of August. The golden cog frame and other cog chippies worked so well together with Lil Victorian Steampunk Lad Luca

Scrapmatts Products - 
Gears 03 in natural and black (cut down to suit)
Assorted Words 02 inked with black and glittered with Gel Pen

Copics Used - Skin {E11, E00, E000, R11} plus W7, W5, W3, W1, W00, C1, C0, C00, BG99, BG96, BG93, Y28, Y26, Y23, E40, E39, E37, E35, E33, E31, E29

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Tickled Pink Stamps is Sponsoring Winter Wonderland Challenges

This week Tickled Pink Stamps is proudly sponsoring Winter Wonderland Challenges where of course the theme is Christmas - but this time the twist is to use your a sentiment as your focal point. I used the handsome  Lil Christmas Lad Luca and paired him with a Unity Stamp called "Christmas List".

I hope I've inspired you to play along too - there are Tickled Pink digis to be won!

Copics used -Skintones {E11, E00, E000} plus R39, R27, R24, BG99, BG96, BG93, G24, E44, E43, E42, E41, C2, C0, Y19

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Tickled Pink Stamps is Sponsoring Fab'n'Funky Challenges

This week Tickled Pink Stamps is sponsoring Fab'n'Funky Challenges and they are asking you to use "Stars and Stripes". Here in Australia "stars and stripes" and July 4th don't have the same meaning as it does for my American friends so I went off in a different direction. With it being the end of semester one of our school year here our kids have been getting their reports - and this is where my inspiration came from for this card. I've used Lil Little Lad Frankie in his cute uniform and embossed some stripes into the background as well as using striped DP before adding some layered stars for my #1 pupil.

We hope you get a chance to play too - you have a chance to win some Tickled Pink images for yourself.

Copics used - Skintones (E11, E00, E000) plus R39, R27, R24, R20, V25, V17, B18, B05, B00, E29, E27, E25, E23, E21, W7, W5, W3, W1

Monday, June 18, 2012

Tickled Pink Stamps is Sponsoring Cupcake Craft

This week Tickled Pink Stamps is proudly sponsoring Cupcake Craft Challenges and I think most of the Pink Ladies have had to find where they had hidden their eyelets in their crafting space because using them in your project is the challenge - LOL. 

I had the idea to add a tag onto a card - and use a large eyelet to hang a tassle from. I chose the adorable Lil Fashionette 20s Evie to use and tried to go for more vintage colours. I mixed and matched some DPs and added some blue touches for fun.

Copics used - Skintones (R20, R11, E21, E11, E000) plus R24, E87, E84, E81, E43, E42, E40, B93, B91, B06, B000, Y19, Y0000, T0

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Tickled Pink Stamps is Sponsoring Send a Smile For The Kids

This week Tickled Pink Stamps is proudly sponsoring the Send a Smile For The Kids challenge where they are asking you to create some "Birthday Fun For Kids". I used the gorgeous Lil Little Lolita Kellita for my card - she is certainly one of my faves! The corners are lasercut chipboard from Make it Crafty and I've used my AMAZING gel pens from Scrapmatts to coat them - these pens give such a FABULOUS layer of colour and shine with just one coat!

I wanted to mention a little more about the Send a Smile for the Kids group as they are more that just a challenge blog - they craft with a real purpose. They are a charitable blog created for the purpose of collecting donated handmade cards to be distributed to children while they are inpatient at Children’s Hospitals. Currently they are donating them to the several different Children’s Hospitals. On any given day, there are many children inpatient in these hospitals so they would love to receive as many cards as you can send to cheer them and their families. The kids may also use your cards as Thank You Notes to the nurses and doctors and to give to parents or relatives on special days like birthdays or Mothers or Fathers Day. Any cards appropriate for children are welcome including any holiday (not religious specific please) and happy anyday cards.For more information, please click on Guidelines for Donated Cards Tab.

Copics used - Skintones ( R20, R11, E21, E11, E000) plus R59, R24, YR23, YR04, E35, E31, E08, B41, B34, B05, B000, B0000, C3, C2, C00

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Tickled Pink Stamps is Sponsoring Divas by Design

This week Tickled Pink Stamps is also sponsoring Diva's by Design Challenges where the challenge is one close to our heart - "Tickled Pink - use LOTS of Pink".  

For my card I decided to use Lil Little Lolita Willow. I decided to give this funky little gal pink hair instead of pink clothes - and this week's fabulous sketch from Sketch Saturday suited her perfectly as it was just a little quirky with all of it's fabulous angles.

We hope you head on over to play for a chance to win some Tickled Pink digis.

Copics used - Skintones (R20, R11, E11, E00, E000) plus E43, E42, E40, W00, R83, R81, RV10, RV000, YG17, YG05, YG01, YG0000

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Tickled Pink Stamps is Sponsoring The Corrosive Challenge

Even with Kellie's decision re Tickled Pink Stamps the Pink Ladies will still be popping in to inspire you with our takes on the challenges we will be sponsoring over the coming months. We have a fabulously dedicated team of gals who LOVE to work with TPS and are happily staying on to play.

This week Tickled Pink Stamps is proudly sponsoring The Corrosive Challenge where the theme is "Flowers and Doilies and Bling - Oh My!" (use at least 2 of the 3) . I used Lil Greek Goddess Aphrodite Willow on my card and found a fabulous doily DP to use, then popped that onto a square doily - I think I covered THAT embellishments LOL. Of course flowers are one of my favourite things to add so they had to be there too. A few blue rhinestones and some glitter on the hearts and I used all 3 of the challenge items!

We hope you head on over there and join in all the fun and you'll have a chance to win some Tickled Pink digis.

Copics used - Skintones (R20, R11, E11, E00, E000) plus B05, B02, B00, B000, B0000, R29, R24, Y19, Y13, E43, E42, E40, E08

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Tickled Pink Stamps is Sponsoring Paper Sundaes Challenges

This week Tickled Pink Stamps is sponsoring Paper Sundaes Challenges and they have their Sundae Bar open with lots of yummy topping to use on your cards. You need to use at least 2 of following "toppings" - kraft, die cut, lace, charms. As always we have some gorgeous inspiration for you from our very own DT to inspire you to play along for a Tickled Pink prize - you can check them out on our BLOG.

I've used Lil Lad Eric from Tickled Pink Stamps and popped him on an urban background I designed using elements from Make It Crafty. The sundae bar toppings I used from the list are kraft, die cuts and a charm.

Copics used - Skintones (E11, E00, E000) plus E44, E43, E42, E40, E18, E15, E13, 100, C6, C2, C00, B97, B93, B21, B05, B000, B0000, Y08, R39, R27, R14

Friday, March 16, 2012

Tickled Pink Stamps is Sponsoring Forever Night Challenges

This week Tickled Pink Stamps is proud to be sponsoring  Forever Night Challenges with their theme of BLING. Since they tend to be a challenge that enjoys the "darker" side of crafting they asked our DT to bring that into our inspiration creations can check out what the rest of our DT have done on our BLOG.

For my card I chose to use Lil Haunts Vampire Lilith. The bat frame and sentiment were from the Silhouette Store and were cut using my Cameo. Some bling added to the frame brings a bit of sparkle to liven the whole thing up. 

Copics used - Skintones (R20, R11, E11, E00, E000) plus  100, T8, T6, T4, T2, T0, YG17, YG05, YG01, E19, E08, YR18, YR14, V17, V15, V12, V09, Y08

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Tickled Pink Stamp Around the World Release Day Blog Hop

YAY - it's release day for the Around the World Lil Lolitas from Tickled Pink Stamps. We thought because the theme is "Around the World" that a hop was in order - and also because we haven't had one for a while. Each girl is giving away one digital image to one lucky commenter and one lucky girl that comes back to the Tickled Pink Stamps BLOG  and lets us know they have left a comment on each blog is in the draw to win all 4 amazing images!

You have until the 13th to take the world hop and have a chance to WIN. All winners will be announced on the 15th so be sure to come back then to see if you're one of the lucky winners...Can't wait? They are in store NOW and you can get yours with 15% OFF for 24 hours.

It all starts on AMY's Blog - but if you're already hopping you should have arrived here from BRON'S blog. You'll find the full hop list on the Tickled Pink Stamps BLOG

For my card I chose to use LIL AUSSIE LOLITA KELLITA being an Aussie myself. Australia is an amazing place to visit so I gave my card a travel and adventure theme. I used my "Dream" bead as the sentiment because the Aboriginal Dreamtime is an important part of our culture. I remember my parents reading us some of the folk lore tales when we were children.

Now it's time to hop along to JANE'S blog where the excitement continues.

Chipboard and flowering gum digi from Make it Crafty, DP is from MME.

Copics used - Skintones (R20, R11, E11, E00, E000) plus C4, C2, C1, C00, R37, R32, R000, E49, E44, E43, E42, E41, E40, E18, E08, YG17, YG01, B05, Y19, Y11, Y08, Y0000, YR27, YR07, YR04, YR02, G85, G46, G43, G40

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Tickled Pink Stamps Preview Day 4 - Lil Dutch Lolita Lylah

Today is Day 4 of previews for the latest release from Tickled Pink Stamps. Since today is the last preview the release will be available tomorrow and we will be celebrating with a BLOG HOP.

DONT FORGET...... Leave a comment on each post on the Tickled Pink Stamps BLOG for your chance to WIN this image via digital download ONLY.

Today we are bringing you LIL DUTCH LOLITA LYLAH. I created the Dutch Windmill card using a pattern from the Silhouette Shop - just turning it into a card instead of a flat shape before cutting it out with my Cameo. A few added bits and pieces and the scene was all set for our little Dutch gal.

Copics used - Skintones (R20, R11, E11, E00, E000) plus B26, B23, B21, B0000, C3, C2, C00, YG17, Y19, Y11, R27, E57, E47, E37, E35, E33, E31

Friday, March 9, 2012

Tickled Pink Stamps Preview Day 3 - Lil Spanish Lolita Willow

It's Day 3 of our "Around the World" previews from Tickled Pink Stamps and we hope you're loving them as much as we do.They are illustrated by our very own Christina Dee, the Lolita and Lad designer. We have 4 new images we will be previewing and then the release will be on the 11th of March 2012 with a BLOG HOP

DONT FORGET to leave a comment on each post on the Tickled Pink Stamps BLOG for your chance to WIN this image via digital download ONLY.

Today we are bringing you LIL SPANISH LOLITA WILLOW. Once again I've used my Cameo to cut out the sentiment and my daughter helped me a little with the Spanish - LOL. I love Willow's gorgeous dress and can almost hear the click, click clicking of her heels and castanets.

Copics used - Skintones (R20, R11, E11, E00, E000) plus V15, R89, R39, R37, R35, R32, R30, E42, E18, E17, E15, E13, 100, G28, G24, G21

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Tickled Pink Stamps Preview Day 2 - Lil French Lolita Lilith

Today is Day 2 of previews for the latest release from Tickled Pink Stamps - be sure to stop by the blog HERE to check out yesterday's previewed image. This release is taking you around the world and I just think you are all going to LOVE them, I know I do. They are illustrated by our very own Christina Dee, the Lolita and Lad designer. We have 4 new images we will be previewing and then the release will be on the 11th of March 2012 with a BLOG HOP

DONT FORGET...... Leave a comment on each post on the Tickled Pink Stamps BLOG for your chance to WIN this image via digital download ONLY.

Today we are bringing you LIL FRENCH LOLITA LILITH. I created the background DP by layering the Eiffel Tower digi from Make it Crafty and blurring some of the layers. The sentiment was cut out using my Cameo.

Copics used - Skintones (R20, R11, E11, E00, E000) plus T4, T2, T0, W00, R39, R35, E35, E18, E08, B23, B21, B18, B05, B000

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tickled Pink Stamps is sponsoring Passion for Promarkers

This week Tickled  Pink Stamps is sponsoring Passion for Promarkers Challenges where they are asking you to use "Black and White". I used one of the images from the Lil Little range - one of my favourite ranges though that may just change after the next release (what a tease - LOL). This is Lil Little Lad Luca and I did manage to sneak just a little bit of colour in - ssshhhhhhhh.

I usually use the cool greys when I do B&W but challenged myself by using the warm greys this time - they suited my DP better AND I do like to challenge myself to try new things - makes life interesting.

Copics used - 100, W7, W5, W3, W2, W1, W00, RV000, B02, B00, B0000

Monday, February 20, 2012

Some More Fun With Tickled Pink and My Cameo

You may have already seen these over at the Tickled Pink Stamps blog but I thought I'd share them here too...

I was recently VERY lucky to get myself a Silhouette Cameo cutting machine - this is one AWESOME piece of machinery let me tell you! While checking out online tutorials I found THIS one from Under a Cherry Tree on how to use pictures on your computer to print and then cut out gift tags - all done on the Cameo software. 

In Jin's tutorial there are some elements you need the upgraded software for but I made these using the coloured images I'd done for Kellie for the store and the software that came with the machine. The outer mask is a little too wide but I'm happy with my first attempt.

Here they are fresh off the Cameo - printed and then cut out ready to mat and decorate!

All done - once I spent the time making the pattern up it took mere minutes to print, cut and finish them off.

PLEASE be aware that I asked Kellie for permission to re-produce these coloured images even though I had coloured them up myself. Many stamp companies don't allow mechanical re-productions of anything but the lineart - so check the Angel Policy or contact the stamp company if you have ANY questions about doing this! You could also use family photos or clip art in the same way!

Re digital stamp lineart and the print and cut feature- using some of the methods I used here I worked out I could print and cut some of my digis ready for colouring - I need more practice though as I don't think the effort is worth it. My scissors aren't obsolete just yet - LOL

Friday, February 17, 2012

Tickled Pink Stamps is Sponsoring Do You Stack Up Challenges

This week Tickled  Pink Stamps is sponsoring Do You Stack Up Challenges where they are asking you to use "Layers". I chose the gorgeous new Lil Futuristic Lolita Willow to use and cut the funky maze out using my Cameo and then layered it onto an embossed background.

We hope you'll go over and play along for a chance to win a Tickled Pink Stamps prize.

Copics used - Skintones (R20, R11, E11, E00, E000) plus E35, E33, E31, E13, E08, 100, C2, C0, C00, R39, R35, R32, B06, B02, B00, B0000, YR14, Y19, Y11, Y08, Y00

Friday, February 10, 2012

Tickled Pink Stamps Preview Day 4 - Lil Futuristic Lolita Christina

Can you believe it's the last day of previews from Tickled Pink Stamps - we hope you've enjoyed this "look into the future" as much as we have enjoyed bringing it to you. This digi release will be INSTORE tomorrow.

Today we are introducing you to the gorgeous Lil Futuristic Lolita Christina. I'm loving this look on her and can't wait to see what the rest of the DT have come up with using her - check their work out on our BLOG and leave a comment for a chance to win her for yourself.

I used a My Time Made Easy cut file from Lauren Meader - but I enlarged it to maximize an A4 sheet. Once again I took the opportunity to play on  my new Cameo - LOVE this machine!

This is the view from inside - it's little box to pop something sweet into but I resisted the temptation to fill it now because I know it wouldn't be full for too long, I have nooo will power - LOL. I'll fill it up when I plan to give it away!

I haven't glued this together in the way it was designed - but that's the fun part of creating something yourself.
Copics used - Skintones (R20, R11, E11, E00, E000) plus E49, E47, E37, E35, E33, E31, YG17, YG05, YG01, YG0000, 100, C6, C4, C2, RV66, RV63, RV55, RV10

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Tickled Pink Stamps Preview Day 3 - Lil Futuristic Lad Stefan

Today is Day 3 of previews for Tickled Pink Stamps February release. I hope you stopped by our BLOG yesterday to check out Day 2's preview of the gorgeous Lil Futuristic Lolita Willow. 

Today we have one for the boys - Lil Futuristic Lad Stefan. I took the opportunity to play with my new Silhouette Cameo. I used one of the Silhouette cut files and turned it into a shaped card. Some textures and chipboard gears and it was all set up for Stefan to step aboard.

Don't forget to check out what the rest of the TPS DT have done with this handsome lad on our BLOG and comment there for a chance to win. Release day is February 11th.

Copics used - Skintones (R20, R11, E11, E00, E000) plus 100, C7, C6, C5, C3, C1, C0, E29, E18, E17, E15, E13, E11, B26, B23, B21, B05, B000, YR14, Y15, Y11, Y0000

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tickled Pink Stamps Preview Day 1 - Lil Futuristic Lolita Lilith

Welcome to the start of the previews for this month's release from Tickled Pink Stamps. There are FOUR fabulous new digi images coming your way - and they are ooooh so much FUN! Today we have Lil Futuristic Lolita Lilith to introduce you too. Over the next 3 days you'll meet the rest of the gang and then they will be available for purchase on 11th February.

Don't forget to pop on over to the Tickled Pink Stamps BLOG to check out what the rest of the DT have created with Lilith - and comment there for a chance to win her for yourself.

Copics used - Skintones (R20, R11, E11, E00, E000) plus 100, C7, C5, C4, C3, C2, C1, C0, C00, RV06, RV04, RV02, RV000, B06, B05, B00, B000, B0000