Showing posts with label etsy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label etsy. Show all posts


etsy finds of the week.

1. little pumpkinhead from littlebighead ($12), 2. Waldorf inspired Scandinavian Babushka Art Doll - Laila from Ravenhill ($21), and 3. Day Dreaming Beauty Lace Pottery Large Bowl ($125)

4. silver-lined cloud hand/dish/tea towel from chez sucre chez ($15), 5. antique keys tote from Common Decency ($18), and 6. Hand-embroidered greeting card from jodii ($15)

7. moss martini pouch from drikab ($25), 8. Smile glass with bottom of three colors from Smile Tumblers ($37), and 9. Tall Trees Shoes from enamor ($45)


etsy finds of the week.

1. Rain - Limited Edition Gocco Print from JuliaBe ($20), 2. Lacy Turtle from alli coate ($95), and 3. nest collage from Cosas Minimas ($35)

4. heart frame purse from emedemarta ($46.90), 5. Cuckoo clock. M8N4 necklace. Black acrylic. Laser cut. from Marmod8 ($30), and 6. Cashmere Legwarmers from The Adventures of Jessica Rose ($75)

7. yeti from ittichips ($29), 8. Ruffle Apron WOMEN in Yellow from MyModern ($28), and 9. gladys - original oil painting from this is all i know ($95)



And so, another laptop charger has bit the dust. I don't know whether to blame it on the manufacturer or our old house wiring, but here I am with a dead computer, impatiently awaiting the arrival of a new charger in the mail. Until then, I will be trying to update as much as I can from our upstairs computer (with a terribly old version of Photoshop). So please, bare with me.

Anyways, here are some random lovely items that I found myself swooning over during the weekend...

1. Etc. Desk Sign ($50), 2. 2009 Calendar Postcard ($12), 3. Decorative Shelf (£120.00), 4. Riddle TableCloth (£29.95), 5. Eskimo Coin Wallet ($44), 6. Versailles Alarm Clock (£12.75), 7. calendar 2009 ($25), and 8. Bird House Mobile (£45.00)


etsy finds of the week.

1. blank greeting card, featuring photograph, cuniculus (rabbit) from pamela klaffke photography ($3.50), 2. Growing II vintage cameo necklace from Pequenio Craft ($21), and 3. Overdue from Cracked Designs ($3.50)

4. Fox in a Cage Wooden Brooch from Pony Parade ($22), 5. cute bunny egg warmer / hand puppet, easter gift from Red Mush ($9.95), and 6. Don't Want No Small Feet Man - - gocco screen printed - - serigraph from fric_de_mentol ($6)

7. I love apples and oranges Reusable Grocery tote from Elsie Cake ($18), 8. Fabric Teacup brooch 6 from Lupin ($25), and 9. Apple Maryjane Flats - Teal from Stops and Starts ($22)


art collection : black & white.

1. "Born to be Wild" by Art & Ghosts (price unknown), 2. "Peacock" by Denise Simon ($25), 3. "Red Riding Hood by Elsa Mora ($7), 4. "Black meadow" by Johanna Anderes ($18), 5. "Young Man" by Lucas & Hayley (£15.00), 6. "Dinner Set" by Jeffrey Fulvimari ($600), 7. "Akin" by Binth ($85), 8. "Swift" by Julianna Swaney ($12), 9. "Too shy" No. 14 by Rosie Music ($20), and 10. "stand tall" by Olivia Jeffries ($39)


this is halloween.

Be prepared for a whole slew of Halloween posts for the month of October. It is my favorite holiday and I get quite excited over all the paper goods, treats, and decorations.

1. happy halloween cards - set of 5 ($16), 2. Halloween A7 Flat Letterpress Invitation, Box of 8 ($18.50), 3.
Fill-In Invitation, Skull & Bones
($16.95), 4. Cat Invitations - 8 Ct ($9.99), 5. Ghoul's Delight ($3), 6. All Hallows Eve, Original Acrylic painting ($95), 7. Happy Halloween - Postcard ($3.30), 8. Pin the Tail on the Scaredy Cat Game ($12.95), and 9. trick or treat greeting ($3)


etsy finds of the week.

1. Wolf Dream from Lizzy Stewart ($16), 2. Stranger to Affection from Untamed Menagerie ($18), and 3. Raccoon print 5x7 from Berkley Illustration ($8)

4. Scarf Bunny Journal from Argyle Whale ($10), 5. Acorn folded cards (set of 4) from Dozi Design ($10), and 6. The Tulip Skirt from Chakra Pennywhistle ($40)

7. Agaetis byrjun (part 1) from Shawn Stucky ($100), 8. Tiny Friend - Gocco Print from KidsHaus ($25), and 9. Striped Moleskin from Bees Knees Industries ($12)


things i'm loving : monday morning edition.

And so, I am back. No more vacations for awhile! Here are a few things that I have had my eyes on this week...

Above: 1. Fontaine Dress ($650), 2. Amy Smyth Fill-In Invitation, We Cook You Eat ($17), and 3. L'Enfant sugar bowl ($30)
Below: 4. Draper's Cabinets, Set of 3 ($3,495.00), 5. Favorite Color Card ($3), and 6. D&AD ASDA Lunchboxes (not for sale)


etsy finds of the week.

1. red bike bag by Kate Durkin ($62), 2. Lion - wallhanging by helis ($15), and 3. Wall Decal/Sticker - Chalkies-Apples by ShaNickers ($36)

4. The New Yorker by Yokoo ($99), 5. Molehill Mouse - Single by Flying Star Toys ($75), and 6. Wonky Moustache...original drawing on old book page by Restless Things ($145)

7. Corn Silk Jumper by Necessity is the Mother ($55), 8. Red long sleeve front pocket top by Rosie Music ($29), and 9. Little Boy Kissing the Little Girl - Aawwwww - Vinyl Wall Decals by Dali Decals ($20)


things i'm loving : tuesday morning edition.

Did you all have a great Labor Day weekend? Mine was lazy and filled with good food, which means it was quite nice. And now, a new week!

Above: 1. Stonewash Velvet Curtain (£25.00-£35.00), 2. Flying Bird Pouch - Dark Peach ($15), and 3. Canadian Animals ($60)
Below: 4. Frosted Glass Birdcage Vessel ($42), 5. Serrote Notebook ($9.50), and 6. Feather Mobile (3-column) ($40)


etsy finds of the week.

1. Droplets Original Art 4x5 from Clever Nettle ($25), 2. Framed Birch Brooch from Jessica Jane ($18), and 3. The White Swan 2. fairytale plush for grownups from La Pomme ($38.50)

4. Laundry line cup from 5pm Studio ($20), 5. Black flowers - medium green bowl from Studiotto ($40), and 6. Bicorn Buck -- letterpress silhouette from Pressure Letterpress ($10)

7. beth in crimson red from this is all i know ($18), 8. Twilight Blue from jkldesign ($23), and 9. Dropped to say Hi embroidered change purse from The Time is Now ($8)


kitchen sweets.

I have been spotting so many sweet kitchen items around lately that I just have to share. Cute kitchen accessories are a huge weakness of mine.

1. Olive Oil Decanters (AU $39.95), 2. Hummingbird Latte Cups (£12.00), 3. Victorian Timer ($24), 4. Big Breakfast tea towel ($16), 5. Aarre Latte Mug set of 2 ($29), 6. Wine Cups by Tom (£10.00), 7. pablo 'jam pot' ($30), and 8. Dots Storage Range (£11.00-£13.00)
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