This one was terribly difficult to choose photos for, since I have way too many beautiful ones saved in my flickr favorites. These ones just seemed to suit each other nicely.
These photography prints by Cori Kindred are completely perfect in every way; they're exactly the kind of thing I yearn for during this time of year. The colors are gorgeous, and the subjects are soft and unique. I would love to have a wall covered in every single one of them.
It is no secret how much I adore cupcakes. This morning I awoke with an urge to visit a nearby cupcake shop, so we drove off to SusieCakes, an extremely cute bakery in Calabasas, California (I am currently vacationing in my previous home of Los Angeles). After thoroughly enjoying a beautiful frosting-filled red velvet cupcake, I was inspired to come back to our room and look through photographs of them by some of my favorite food photographers. I thought I would share some of my favorites for you to enjoy (now go eat a cupcake!)
These stunning images by Los Angeles photographer Jacqueline Veissid really cheered me up this evening. They exude such warm feelings and natural beauty- I cannot keep my eyes off of them. You can view recently updated photographs by Jacqueline over on her photo blog.